He was waiting at the hiking trail for the rest of his group with the counselor, crossing his fingers and praying to God that they wouldn't start talking to him. Come on, someone show up so I'm not alone…
He was waiting at the hiking trail for the rest of his group with the counselor, crossing his fingers and praying to God that they wouldn't start talking to him. Come on, someone show up so I'm not alone…
Angel quickly ran to the trail and saw Jay already waiting there.
"Hey!" she yelled, latching onto him in a hug. Once she befriends someone, she's very affectionate. She let go after a few seconds as everyone else was arriving.
He nearly fell backwards when she hugged him and he laughed. "Well hello again Angel." That's certainly an interesting way to greet someone.
She stayed close to him as they were walking through the woods. They were a little ways behind the rest of the group.
"These are Cypress trees. Their roots stick up instead of staying in the ground." Angel stated, trying to impress him with her knowledge.
"Really? Huh. You know a lot about nature, don't you?" She's really into this, it's so cute. He instantly flushed red at the thought, looking away from her. Don't think like that, you just met her!
"Mhm!" She beamed proudly at him. "And this," she said, picking a flower and holding it out to him, "is a daisy. A symbol of loyalty, love and innocence." She felt herself blush as she spoke.
He took the flower, looking it over for a second before sticking it behind Angel's ear with a smile. "Now it's perfect."
She let out a giggle and kissed him on the cheek when she was sure no one was looking. "Thank you." HOLY SHIT, I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT!
He wasn't sure he could flush any redder as he looked away. "It was nothing, really." He cleared his throat, trying to reorganize his thoughts. "We should go catch up with the rest of the group. Don't want to be the first ones to get a rumor spread around that someone caught us making out in the woods, do we?"
"Well, maybe it shouldn't be a rumor then." As soon as she finished speaking she started stumbling over her words. "I mean, we uh…yes, we should catch up. Let's go!" And she ran ahead to everyone else.
He froze up for a second before smiling and chasing after her. She really is adorable.
When they finished the hike, they headed to the pool. Angel got changed in the bathroom and sat her bag on one of the benches. She wore a light blue two piece with a translucent blue/purple fade skirt.
Jay went against swimming, feeling especially self-conscious. But he did take notice of Angel's swimsuit. "Um, y-you look good, Angel." He stuttered out, blushing red.
"Thanks." she answered, her face mimicking his in color. "C'mon!" she called as she waded into the water.
He took a step back, shaking his head. "Ah, no, I'm good." He pulled his jacket tighter around his shoulders, not making eye contact.
She stopped and turned around. "Why? Are you ok?" she asked as she walked back to him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just…not that strong of a swimmer and would prefer to stay out of the water." He chuckled softly. That was a lie. He loved swimming and was actually quite good at it. He just didn't want her and everyone else to see all the scars on his body from his past.
"Oh…I could teach you if you want." she suggested. "But if you really don't want to, I'll just sit with you." She then did just that. She didn't want him to be lonely.
"You don't have to do that, go swim. Don't let my cowardice keep you from having fun." He flashed a smile, his heart fluttering slightly.
Angel let out a short gasp and, with the authority of a thousand professors, loudly announced, "Now, you listen here, bucko. You are NOT a coward. Any one who says otherwise has obviously had a bit too much of the giggle water and should go fuck themselves." When she got REALLY serious, she tended to talk like a person from the 1900's. What did you expect? She hangs around her grandmother a lot.
He instantly flushed pink when he noticed all the attention was now on them, squirming in his seat slightly. "No, say it louder, I don't think all of China heard you." He chuckled.
She turned and saw everyone's gaze resting on them. The girl glared at them causing them to turn around, but not before one of the boys called out, "You're breaking the tradition! Coach, is that legal?"
"The last time I gave a damn about tradition, I could still see my sister every day." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Him and his older sister Lydia had gotten separated about 5 years prior. He missed her so much.
"Wait, what tradition? Why does it matter?" Angel fumed. What could possibly be so important that I can't tell Jay how much I appreciate him?
"No idea. Campgrounds like this always have some weird tradition or whatever that they do when they've got kids."
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