Does this have any purpose? No
Am I only creating this because all of my other RPs died like a month ago and I'm bored as all hell? Yes
It's it 12:15 AM? Yes
Should I be in bed? Probably
Do I care? No
So yeah…
Does this have any purpose? No
Am I only creating this because all of my other RPs died like a month ago and I'm bored as all hell? Yes
It's it 12:15 AM? Yes
Should I be in bed? Probably
Do I care? No
So yeah…
Hello there fellow human
This is listed under Limited…
Is this an rp?
Cause I'm down for that.
Indeed it is!
One that I have no idea what it should be
Well, I for one enjoy romance, fantasy, adventure and slice-of-life.
I'm one of those writers who doesn't stick to a specific kind of style, I just kind of write whatever.
But you know, I'm kinda feeling in the mood for a slice-of-life RP considering I don't really have one
Okie pokie.
Now we need to think of where…
Summer camp?
Church camp?
The beach?
So many choices…..
Considering mine just got cancelled, how about a summer camp?
Fine by me!
You got a character template?
I'll have to find one of those
And while I am, got any specific storyline you wanna follow? Any ideas on how to start?
Um…storyline…maybe our two cabins are in a prank war but we don't really care about it. We're in a truce and everyone else is like "you're disrupting the tradition!" because we become friends and hang out together. (Possibly date?)
How to start…we could be sitting together in the back of the bus on the way to camp.
How does that sound?
Sounds great! I really like it!
Character template achieved!
Background (optional):
Extra (optional):
Sounds great! I really like it!
Btw, what kind of pairing is this going to be?
Name: Angel Fairbrooke
Age: 14
Sexuality: Pan
Appearance: 4'8, thin and pale with what looks to be glitter dotting her face and shoulders like freckles. Her hair is dyed rainbow (red at top, pink at bottom) and falls over her right eye, stopping just below her shoulder blades. Her left eye is a bright baby blue. She usually wears shorts and a tank top or thin hoodie.
Btw, what kind of pairing is this going to be?
Idk. I'm fine with whatever.
Welp, we're going GxB because it's 1 AM and I don't feel like thinking harder than I have to
Name: Jay Cornell
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: 5'5" with sapphire blue eyes and dark brown hair that can be mistaken as black at first glance. Lightly tanned and slightly muscular but not enough to really be noticable. Wears nothing but band t-shirts, his black jean jacket covered in pins, black jeans and a pair of extremely beat up Converse (he took them to Warped Tour once and got them signed when he realized he'd forgotten to bring a notebook. He calls them his lucky shoes)
He calls them his lucky shoes
Awwww, that's cute!
Glad you like it!
I'd prefer if you started, but if you don't want to I can think of something. (Can my person sit by the window tho?)
Nah, I got this! Just need to get my narrator voice and we'll be all set
The last place Jay wanted to be was on this crowded bus heading to a week long summer camp in the woods with his entire class. He stared at the seat in front of him, wishing he could stare out the window but being unable to since that seat was taken by the girl next to him.
Angel was stared out the window and watched the scenery roll by. She tried faking being sick to get out of the trip, but her parents saw right through her disguise. They said she needed to 'get out and make friends.' So here she was, stuck on a bus with people she never really talked to. The boy sitting beside her seemed cool. Jay was his name, right? He was pretty popular among the girls. Whether it was good or bad, she didn't know. She'd heard his name a lot around school, but not much else.
After sitting in silence for a while, she turned to the black haired-no…brunette boy and said "Hi." just above a whisper, though she didn't know if he could hear her considering how loud it was.
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