Sasha laughed a little. "You're asking the wrong person here. That was my first kiss, so I wouldn't quite call myself experienced," he explained. He rubbed Alec's hair lightly. "But it doesn't really matter. It'll be just fine," he assured him, "so long as you're you, milochka."
Alec pressed his lips against Sasha’s, hoping it was good enough. His eyes closed, but this time it felt comfortable. It felt right. A noise came from Alec mouth which caused him to pull away. “W-What was th-that? Wh-What kind of n-noise was that…?” Alec cover his mouth. And looked away from Sasha. “I-I’m sorry…I’m n-not very good a-at this….”
"No, no. That was just fine, Alec. No need to apologize," Sasha assured him. As Alec turned away from him, he sought the opportunity to kiss Alec on the cheek, leaning forward and giving him a light peck. "Uhh, so, um, I'm tired, so I think I'll go to sleep," he said. "G'night, lyubov."
Alec sat up. “W-Wait! I um…I….I….l” he stuttered with his words. Alec played with hands. “W-Will you…I want…..I-I-I-I want to be your boyfriend!” He yelled. Alec looked around. “I know I don’t know what to do or how to be b-but I can l-learn! I w-want to be w-with you. W-Will you please consider it?” Alec looked down the bed they were sitting on. “If you’ll let me be I-in your life as m-more than a f-friend then I-I would love that. So, please?”
"Alec…" he whispered, "there's nothing you need to learn." He looked up at Alec with tears falling from his eyes. "You already make me the happiest person in the world," he said, the tears practically showing in his voice. "What else could I ask for? After all, you're the person I love the most."
A smile spread onto the young boy’s lips. “Y-You really m-mean that?!” Alec jumped into Sasha’s arms. “I love you so much!” He giggled and looked at Sasha. “Y-You’re really going to be my boyfriend?” Alec eyes showed hope and happiness. Of course, that tho we he always look when he was with Sasha.
"I mean it, Alec," he said, squeezing Alec gently within his arms. He closed his eyes, swayed gently, and hummed quietly. After a small moment of silence, Sasha reopened his eyes and locked them with Alec's, his gaze slightly intimidating. "You're not going to leave me, right?" he asked.
Alec shook his head frantically. “N-Never! E-Even when we’re i-in college…” he said softly. “W-We should probably go to sleep…y-you said you were tired yeah?” Alec moved out of Sasha’s arms although it felt warm. “W-Where should I sleep?” He asked looking back to the sheets.
As soon as Alec left his arms, Sasha flopped sideways onto the bed. He entangled himself up in the warm embrace of the comforters and sheets, beginning his tired mumbles. "I don't care where you going to sleep," he muttered, "you can sleep on the floor, the couch, with me, whatever. But I'm goin' to sleep."
“W-Well, if it’s a-alright with you I w-would like to s-sleep w-with you. N-Not in that way I-I just mean um…w-well you know what I mean.” Alec moved back on the bed towards the pillows. “W-Will you let me?” Alec has never been that close to Sasha before. He would always sleep on the floor or the bed depending on the house. So he felt out of place asking. “Of course, i-if y-you don’t want to that’s fine.”
Sasha let out a tired groan and scooted over some, patting the open bed space behind him. "Go ahead," he mumbled to Alec, his eyes staying closed the whole time, too tired to try and open them.
Alec hesitantly got under the sheets. Once he was warm he smiled and leaned on Sasha’s back for more warmth. “This is warm…” Alec yawned before soon falling asleep. His body body sank into the mattress which made Sasha fall closer to him. “Night…”
Sasha smiled softly with the feeling of Alec against his back. Albeit, it was cold, but he didn't really care all too much. It was Alec. "G'night," he mumbled, falling into slumber almost immediately afterward.
Alec woke up and had Sasha’s face facing his. He freaked out and fell off the bed bringing the sheets with him. “Owe…” he groaned. “A-A little help…” his whole body started to ache as he was on the ground. “That hurt…”
Sasha woke up at the sudden loss of sheets, a wave of cold hitting his exposed skin. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, irritation evident. Once his vision unblurred a little, he realized that Alec wasn't there. He crawled over to the other side of the bed and looked over, immediately finding Alec on the ground. "Well, well, looks like we've got a mummy on our hands," he jeered playfully.
He stepped down from the bed and untangled Alec from the sheets, lifting him to a standing position. "You alright, Alec?"
Alec saw stars and as he was stood up. “W-Where are my glasses? Everything is blurry and there are white spots everywhere.” Alec spited his eyes. He held Sasha’s shoulders. Alec hair was messy and his back had been hurting from the fall.
"My, my. You really are something, Alec," he sighed, lifted Alec up carefully and placing him back onto the bed. Sasha leaned over and picked up Alec's glasses, examining them for a quick second to make sure that they weren't broken. He placed them in Alec's hand and kissed the other male gently on the forehead. He sat down on the bed next to Alec, the memory foam sinking with his weight. "So, whaddya wanna do today?"
Alec touched his forehead where Sasha kissed him. His face grew red as he placed on his glasses. “Well, we could ask the guys. I-If you want. If y-you don’t want to we can always find something ourself…” he yawned. Alec leaned his head on Sasha’s shoulder.
(Sorry for ghosting last night! I kinda passed out)
Sasha smiled. "Sure, hanging out with the guys sounds nice," he said, suddenly shooting a finger up as if he had a lightbulb moment. "You know, we've met each other's friends, but our friends haven't met each other. Wouldn't it be lovely if they did?" Once again, his tone was that of Mom Sasha™, the same tone he had when Alec had talked to Jeremiah for the first time.
(Honestly dame though XD I was watching TV and then I fell asleep on my laptop and woke up at 10 lol)
“Okay…I’ll call my friend. I only really have two other friends. One is Jeremiah and the other is Christ. But his name is pronounced Chris-t. So don’t call him Christ like Jesus. He hates that.” Alec fiddled with his hands. “S-So about l-last night. A-Are we t-together? L-Like a c-couple?”
Sasha looked down at his feet for a moment, looking back up to Alec quickly. "Well, yeah… at least I'd like to believe so," he said, braiding his hair loosely. "Umm, while you call, I'll go get ready." With that, Sasha got up, grabbed some clothes from his closet and walked into the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind him. It was a good thing that he had gone into the bathroom when he did, because he was feeling immensely sick. He turned on the noisy fan in the bathroom and proceeded to hurl in the toilet, the effects of last night finally catching up to him.
Alec waited till he was in the bathroom to started jumping up and down and cheering silently. Alec remembered he had to call Christ so he did. He was on the phone for a while before he gave him the location and the time they’re meeting. Alec knocked on the door. “A-Are you alright i-in there? I t-told you not t-to get so d-drunk!”
"Oh, be quiet!" Sasha yelled over the fan, "I'm fine." He got up from the toilet after some time, flushing it and proceeding to brush his teeth immediately afterward. He looked at himself in the mirror, it was obvious that he was hungover, there was pretty much no hiding it. Well, aside from the fact that he could wear sunglasses, but he didn't really care that much.
He walked out of the bathroom and quickly walked over to the bed, taking a seat.
Alec jumped from his tone and fell silent. When Sasha walked out of the bathroom, Alec moved out of his way. “W-Why did y-you yell l-like that?” He said softly. Alec day down on the ground hugging his knees. “D-Did I s-say something w-wong?”
"I… I'm sorry," he apologized, "my head just hurts a little. I didn't mean to yell at you." He hopped off the bed to the floor, hugged Alec and gave him a soft squeeze. "You did nothing wrong." He kissed Alec on the forehead gently. "I'll text Jeremiah," he said, standing up and walking over to a nightstand where his phone was.