forum Night owls come out! (closed and very gay)
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@Anemone eco

Sasha closed the front door gently with a sigh. He turned and made his way up the stair quickly, swinging into his room through the doorway. He smiled when he saw Alec practically one with his pillow. "You enjoying my pillow?" Sasha teased, a reptilian smile on his face. He walked over to the closet of his room and began sifting through it.

Deleted user

Alec looked up. "S-S-Sasha! I swear I wasn't doing anything!" Alec stumbled off the bed and ended up falling on the floor. "ow…" His glasses fell off and his vision was blurred only being able to see blobs of color. "A-A little help please…" he groaned. "Everything is spinning." Alec has never felt so vulnerable. With his vision blurry and being tied up with the sheets, he couldn't help himself.

@Anemone eco

Sasha heard a thud and immediately turned around. "Oh my! Are you okay?" he exclaimed, kneeling down to disentangle Alec from the sheets. He began scolding Alec quietly. "You should be more careful, milochka. You worried me." He pulled Alec up from the ground, quickly leaning back down to grab Alec's glasses. He handed them to Alec gently, giving the younger male a kind beam. "Here you go," he said, his voice in a very low tone.

Deleted user

His face showed embarrassment, wishing Sasha never saw him. Alec took the glasses and put them on. "Now I can see you much better. A-Also, what do you say when you speak in that language?" Alec always wondered what he was saying. Of course, he hears it a lot. He never thought to look it up. Probably because he wouldn't know how to spell it. "Can I t-take a shower b-before we start the g-game?"

@Anemone eco

Sasha patted Alec on the head lightly with a light chuckle. "I won't tell you what I say," he began, "but I will tell you this, darling. It's Russian." He returned to the closet and pulled out one of his hoodies. "Here, you can wear this. It may be a bit too big for you, but I'm sure you won't care too much about that," he said, folding the hoodie and handing it to Alec. "The shower's all yours by the way… just don't use all of the hot water."

Deleted user

Alec nodded and headed into the bathroom. Sliding down the door, Alec covered his mouth. Why does he make me feel like this? He stood up, walking to the shower. Alec stripped his clothes and stepped in the hot shower. Loving the water hitting his face. If felt nice to be in the shower. Of course, he had already forgotten that Sasha was right outside the door. Alec started to sing different songs as he washed up. Singing in the shower was his free place. One where he could relax and think about the day that occurred. Once he got out the shower he pulled on his boxers and a shirt, then the hoodie. He placed on his glasses and came out. "Y-Your turn."

@Anemone eco

As Alec passed, a smile crept onto Sasha's face for the nth time that day. He grabbed Alec's shoulder and whispered into his ear. "You have a lovely voice," he whispered before walking into the bathroom. He stepped onto the bare tiles of the bathroom, pushing the white gently behind him to a close. He sighed deeply, the tension in his body released for a moment.
He stripped his clothes and turned on the shower, waiting a few seconds for the water to heat up. Once he got in the shower, all he could think of was Alec. He tried his damnedest to get the thought of Alec being there with him out of his head, but he found it increasingly difficult. And as much as he didn't like it, the quicker he was out the shower, the better, so he washed up quickly.
He walked out of the bathroom, a slightly irritated yet still red look on his face. He had a small towel that he was using to pat his hair dry. He had walked out without a shirt on and he merely pointed to it. "Could you hand that to me?" he asked, his voice flat and monotone.

Deleted user

Alec's face went red. H-He heard me? I must have forgotten he was there! Alec shook his head and he dried his hair. He fell down to the ground and sat there his whole body feeling hot. His stomach had butterflies from his embarrassment. Alec's face was hidden in his hands. "This is so embarrassing!"
When Sasha came out of the bathroom he just stared. He watched a drop of water heading down from his shoulder, lower….and lower…Alec swallowed and continued to fallow the drop of water as it went even lower. Alec shook his head and looked back up, fixing his glasses. He reached for his shirt, not taking his eyes off Sasha. "S-S-S-Sasha, h-how come you didn't t-t-take the shirt with y-y-you?" Alec asked throwing the shirt at Sasha.

@Anemone eco

Sasha rolled his eyes, catching the shirt. "Oh, please. I'm human. I forget things." He pulled the shirt over his head carefully, pulling his wet hair out of the shirt and over his shoulders. His once irritated face pulled back into his usual smile, dusted with pink.
He walked over to his bed and flopped on it, the memory foam swallowing the shape of him. "So, you going to start the game or me?"

Deleted user

Alec didn't like the tone of his voice. It made him feel scared for a moment. Like he had done something wrong. "Y-Y-You can start." Alec sat up against the bed, hugged his knees." Alec refused to look at Sasha, feeling as though his tone would change again because of his gaze.

@Anemone eco

Sasha noticed Alec's refusal to look at him and furrowed his brows a little, that one word still echoing in his mind. Scary. He sat up in his bed, his eyes still locked on Alec. "Okay," he said "Truth or dare?" He placed an elbow against his thigh and propped up his head in his hand as he waited for his response.

Deleted user

"D-Dare…" Alec refused to pick truth knowing something would come out. Dare was his best choice. At least, he hoped it was. He moved his hands around on the rug, nervous from what he was going to tell him to do.

@Anemone eco

He placed a finger on his chin in thought. "Nothing too extreme…" he mumbled to himself, suddenly having a eureka moment. "Ah! Call a random number and flirt with whoever picks up." He smiled knowing that Alec's attempts to flirt would likely be quite awkward.

Deleted user

Alec opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but instead, he stayed quiet. Alec gave his phone to Sasha to choose a phone number. "Y-You pick the number…"

@Anemone eco

Sasha took Alec's phone with a smile. He dialed the number of a friend of his who he knew always picked up his phone. He handed it back to Alec, grinning widely. "Here you go."

Deleted user

Alec put the phone to his ear. When the phone picked up he swallowed the lump in his throat."H-Hello, my name is Alec. I'm Sasha's friend." His hand moved from his knees to his hair and he started to play with it. "I-I was wondering if I could borrow some of your time." He put the phone on speaker so Sasha could hear the conversation.

@Anemone eco

"Oh! It's quite a pleasure to meet you, Alec," the man said, his voice thick with a British accent. "my name's Jeremiah. Of course, you can borrow some of my time!" he chirped, followed by a mumble. "Like I have anything better to do anyway."

Sasha chuckled quietly at Alec's awkwardness. He found it quite adorable. His gaze kept traveling back and for between Alec and the rest of the room. Listening carefully to the conversation.

Deleted user

Alec was surprised by his accent and smiled softly. "S-So, I was w-wondering if maybe, i-if you would be u-up to it of course, would you m-mind helping me w-with something? I-It's a project th-that the teachers d-didn't explain. N-No one else c-could help me. S-So I was wondering i-if we could meet up a-anytime that your free. I-If it's okay with you. I-I'm sorry about m-my stutter I c-can't really c-control it."

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah began fawning over Alec a little. "Aww, you're cute!" he chirped. "Of course I'll help you~. Any particular things you don't understand?"

Sasha scowled slightly when Jeremiah called Alec cute. Almost as if he were jealous. His mouth was downturned slightly, though he still didn't say anything.

Deleted user

A pink blush dusted over Alec's cheeks. "I-I'm really n-not that c-cute. Y-Yeah, she said th-that we n-need to do an equation th-that we d-didn't learn yet. C-Can you teach i-it to me? I m-must have been o-out sick on that d-day…" Of course, he had never gotten sick a day in his life, neither was there a project. "Th-Thank y-you for b-being patient with m-me."

@Anemone eco

Sasha choked back a laugh when Alec said something about getting sick. He knew that it was a blatant lie, but he wasn't going to say anything. He didn't want to ruin The Mood. As Alec denied being cute, Sasha mouthed three words to him. 'Yeah, you are.'

Jeremiah's voice was a bit quieter now. "Equation? I don't know. Maths isn't quite my best subject…" he said. "I'm afraid I might not be able to help you there."

Deleted user

"O-Oh, then d-don't w-worry about it th-thank you. O-One more thing. C-Can I h-have your n-number and t-text you i-in the future?" Alec's face went red and waved his hand in front of Sasha. "I-It's alright i-if you s-say n-no.." Alec braided his own hair feeling nervous. He needed him to say yes so this dare would be over.

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah responded brightly: "Of course you can," he answered, "just save this number and you can text me whenever you'd like, love." His answer was short and simple, much like Jeremiah in real life. "Anythin' else you need?" He asked.

Deleted user

"Ah! Thank y-you!" he giggled with a grin. Alec enjoyed talking to Jeremiah it was soothing. It felt just as if Sasha would talk to him. "I-I enjoyed t-talking with you. I-I'm not r-really good w-with talking t-to new p-people…" Alec meant what he said. Alec stopped braiding his hair. He felt comfortable even though it was a dare.

@Anemone eco

"Aww, I enjoyed talking to you too!" Jeremiah cheered. "I look forward to talking to you in the future. Bye, love!" After that, Jeremiah hung up the phone, leaving the room in silence for a bit.

After a few seconds, Sasha spoke. "Wasn't that lovely?" he asked, almost in a tone that his mother would give. Like one that those mothers give after dragging their kid on a play date just to get to know the other mom.