Sasha laughed slightly at Alec's comment. He turned back and looked at Christ and Jeremiah, his eyebrows raising slightly. "Oh my," he said, a small smile tugging at his mouth. "Don't they seem like they're having fun, Alec?"
Jeremiah thought for a moment and then decided to kiss back, hoping he wouldn't regret it later. He carefully slipped his tongue into the other's mouth, his face reddening as he did so. He didn't want to be the one to break the kiss, but Christ was practically stealing his breath. He squeezed Christ's lower back slightly and let out a muffled noise. A simple "hmmph" was all that could be heard from Jeremiah at that point.
Alec's hid his face when Jeremiah made that noise. "Did he just…." he wined. "How far with this go?" Alec looked over at the two, almost like they were having fun with this.
Christ fraught his tongue back and pushed his into Jeremiah's mouth. He smirked and took a breath before connecting their lips once more. Christ moved his hand, intertwining their fingers, but still keeping him down on the ground. Christ kissed down his neck before coming back up to his lips. "Do you like my kisses?" He asked, though he didn't really give Jeremiah a chance to answer the question because he just kissed him over and over and over again. At some point he knew he had to stop.
Sasha shrugged. "Who knows?" he answered. "My guess is when Christ decides to stop." He continued staring on, quite entertained.
Jeremiah let out another muffled sound as Christ continued. Though it couldn't be seen, Jeremiah's toes were crunching within his shoes, almost as if trying to grasp at the ground. His hand squeezed Christ's lightly and his face was red. He was running out of breath but he didn't want to break the kiss, the thought of it embarrassed him.
Christ kissed his neck. He left a hickey there, marking that Jeremiah was his. "You're mine now~" he hummed before getting off. "Now do you believe I'll do anything to prove myself to you?" Christ winked.
"I never knew Christ could kiss like that…" It surprised him that he could say such embarrassing words and still be so calm. Honestly, he wanted to try kissing like that, but he was too embarrassed to ask. "Is it normal to do that?"
Jeremiah just let out feverish mumbles in response to Christ. He had no clue what to say. Got up from the ground, dusting himself off and then staring down at his feet. He let out a small sound in response to the other. "Mmhm…" he said.
Sasha raised his eyebrows at Alec's question. "U-uh… it depends on what you're doing?" he replied. He looked around, hoping that Alec wouldn't ask another question.
"I mean to kiss that that?" Alec pointed to the two. "Why is there a bruise on his neck just from kissing? Is that normal too?" Alec bit his lip, feeling his neck, subconsciously.
Christ laughed. "Of course it's normal. If you really like the person, you want to kiss them all day and all night long." he grinned. "You don't even have to ask."
"Is that true Sasha?" He turned. "I don't have to ask for a kiss?" Alec touched his lips.
Sasha placed his hand on his chin as he responded. "I mean, that's not necessarily false," he replied, "I guess you don't really have to ask, but if you're told no you should most certainly back off."
Jeremiah sat on the ground, rocking back and forth. He hugged his knees close to him and his eyes were wide open and trained on the very place he sat. It appeared as if he were finally regretting his decision. He mumbled inaudibly as he swung, almost like a typical scaredy-cat person in a cartoon.
Christ raised an eyebrow to Jeremiah. "Dude, are you good?" Christ touched his shoulder. He looked at Jeremiah up and down. He knew he made a mistake. Why else would Jeremiah be like that. Unless… "That wasn't your first kiss right? When I kissed you at the top of the hill?"
Alec nodded. "Then um…" Alec was pure embarrassed. He didn't want to ask, but he did at the same time. Alec wrapped his arms around Sasha's neck. He pushed their lips together. He pulled away and turned around. "Did I do that right?"
Jeremiah kept his eyes to the floor. His words came out as a mumble, if one didn't listen it'd be hard to tell that it was actually directed at someone. "N-no it w-asn't, I just… nevermind," he dismissed. He began playing with his fingers, tapping them together as he looked around.
Sasha's face reddened slightly, he found it to be doing that more and more. He touched a singular finger to his lips as if replaying the kiss in his mind. His mouth pulled into a smile and he spoke. "Yeah, you did it right," he confirmed, "… thank you…"
Alec nodded frantically. "Now, lay back on my lap. It's cold." He looked away and patted his legs. Alec was happy he got the guts to kiss me so suddenly. He was even proud of himself for doing so. Though he looked at Jeremiah and then back Christ. He wondered if the two were okay. He couldn't read Jeremiah's emotions. He kinda looked all over that place.
Christ shook his head. "Tell me. It's not like I'm a total stranger to you right?" Christ pointed out. "I'll let you whisper it if you don't want to say it out loud."
Jeremiah shook his head quickly. "N-no it's alright," he said with a small smile plastering onto his face, "don't worry." He gave Christ a quick thumbs-up and stood, dusting off his pants. He enveloped him in a small hug and whispered in the other's ear. "So do you still wish to go through with your little plan?" he asked.
Sasha laughed a little at Alec's command, of course following what he was told though. He lay back down onto the smaller male's lap and closed his eyes once again, that fluffy, blissful feeling returning. "I could stay here forever," he whispered.
The whisper gave christ a shiver down his back. Christ took his hands and intertwined their fingers. "Of course I do." He whispered in his ear. Christ let go of his hand and laid back on the grass.
Alec beamed. "Then please do. I wouldn't mind. I like looking at you." He giggled. "So…are you two a thing now?" Alec tilted his hand subconsciously playing with Sasha's hair.
Sasha's smile stretched farther at Alec's words. The mere sentiment alone made him happy enough to float to the top of a mountain. He practically purred with delight at the feeling on the other's hands in his hair. His breathing became a little calmer, his chest rising and falling slowly.
Jeremiah froze slightly at the question, unsure of what to answer. He shot Christ a look that practically yelled 'you answer'. After all, Christ was the-man-with-the-plan.
Christ giggled. "Not yet, but I hope after our first date tomorrow he'll be mine." He winked. Christ got his message. Though he made it so they wouldn't suspect if they weren't together all the time.
Alec nodded then paused. "Wait is that how relationships work? You have to go on a date with them before you start dating?" He realized that he and Sasha did this in the wrong order. Alec looked down at Sasha. "If that's how it is then…" Alec played with Sasha's hair a little more frantically. "Sasha will you go out on a date with me?!" He yelled. Alec's face was full of determination. Though it wasn't the I'm-going-to-take-you-down-even-if-it-kills-me-because-I'm-a-hero-that-will-save-the-world look. It was the I'm-going-to-ask-this-question-feeling-determinated-even-though-I'm-embarrised-scared-and-hopeful-at-the-same-time look.
Jeremiah crossed his arms over his chest with a loud huff. "As if," he pouted. He was choosing to go along with Christ's plan, despite how badly he felt it was going to end. The only real reason he had gone with it was getting to rub it in Christ's face when it went wrong.
Sasha was slightly amused by Alec's reactions to everything. He found the way that the other acted to be quite… animated. His eyes locked onto Alec's determined ones, slight laughter playing within his own. "Yes!" he yelled back, almost as if he were slightly mimicking Alec. He chuckled slightly, the sound a low, breathy one. His shoulders bouncing with each release of sound.
"What why not~?" Christ whined tackling Jeremiah. "Please tell me that you'll say yes!" Christ kissed his cheek a bunch of times.
Alec cheered. "Yes!" He jumped into his arms with a laugh. "It's going to be so much fun! We're going t.o eat ice cream and cake or both. An ice cream cake. I wait!" Alec grinned. "Even though I'm scared of heights I'l l get on the amusement park rides. Just for you. That's what a date is right? I want our first date to be awesome!" Alec felt all jittery and excited. This is his first date after all.
Jeremiah groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. "Blegh. Fine," he complied, pushing Christ's face away from his. "Just. Stop. Kissing. Me." He wiped his cheek with his collar and let out a loud huff, crossing his arms.
Sasha beamed up with joy at the mention of amusement parks. "Really?! Yay!" He kissed Alec on the forehead gently. "It'll be fun, I promise! And we'll still get an ice cream cake."
"Alright, alright, I'll stop kissing you. Ruined all the fun." Christ smirked and continued to eat his snacks. "You know, you're very fun to be with, Greedy. I like that about you." In no time Christ was back to his old self.
Alec closed his eyes and pulled away from Sasha. "Sit back on my lap please!" He exclaimed. "Y-You don't h-have to if y-you d-don't want to. M-My stutter c-came b-back…" Ale whined wishing it would go away. He liked being confident. It was fun. Of course, he could never stay like that for long. After a while, all the things he said wouldn't start rushing back to him like a waterfall. They were all too embarrassing which made his anxiety spike.