forum Night owls come out! (closed and very gay)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 48 followers

Deleted user

Nothing specific about this rp we'll come up with something. This is mainly for people who are up all night like me.

@Anemone eco

Sorry for not responding, I fell down some stairs and needed to take a moment to recover. I like them both, but I think I like the first one better!

Deleted user

Jeez don’t go break bones on me now so the first one right? Template or no Template?

Deleted user

(Anything I'm missing? Also, do you want to be top or bottom?)

Deleted user

Name: Alexzander Woods
Nickname: Alec
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Looks: Alec is a redhead with freckles His eyes are greenish-blue. He has a small figure and he wears glasses because he's too afraid to put something in his eye. He wears oversized clothing a lot. Including sweatpants, but he only wears them on Thursdays and Fridays.
Personality: He's shy, but not when he's around people he knows, introvert, hates meeting new people, likes video games, and he's fairly smart.
(Sorry for taking so long I have online classes to do and stuff)

@Anemone eco

(sorry once again for the delay)
Name: Sashura Kosovsky
Nickname: Sasha
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Looks: Sasha has long, cinnamon brown hair that when down reaches down to his lower back, though sometimes he wears it up in a high ponytail. He has extremely pallid skin and has a few bruises on his arms and legs. He's very tall and thin, though he's also muscular. He usually wears jeans and short-sleeved shirts.
Personality: He likes to say that he's a funny person if you get to know him. He's generally relaxed around people he knows, though he can be pretty wild at times. He's a bit rough around the edges but is a totally softie on the inside. He likes to believe he's a genius though he still has yet to prove it.

Deleted user

stop apologizing it's okay also Sasha sounds awesome! Also how should we start this?

Deleted user

Would he be drunk technically So you would be the drunk one right?