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Sasha simply nodded in response to Alec's question, taking a seat next to Simon. "Umm, I guess you'll have to be. I don't people'd want me driving the Sasha Way Extreme™," he laughed. "So long as that's alright with you, of course."
Sasha simply nodded in response to Alec's question, taking a seat next to Simon. "Umm, I guess you'll have to be. I don't people'd want me driving the Sasha Way Extreme™," he laughed. "So long as that's alright with you, of course."
"Yeah, yeah, I-It's fine with me. It's fun seeing you drunk." Alec covered his mouth. "I'll stop talking now…" Alec pushed up glasses, fiddling with his fingers. "I didn't mean what I said it a bad way. I meant that is was cute-I mean um interesting-I mean um um." He pressed his head against the table, with his head full of steam.
Sasha smirked at Alec's comment. "It's alright, Alec," he laughed, "no need to reword it." He placed his hand atop the back of Alec's head. He rubbed it for a moment and then leaned down to meet Alec's ear. "Although, Alec. I'm quite sure you're the cute one here," he whispered, hot breaths escaping from his mouth.
A shiver ran through Alec's spine and his heart started to beat like crazy. Alec jumped and covered his ear. It felt nice, but weird at the same time. His ear felt hot as his face grew redder. "Th-Th-Th-Thank you…" He slowly removed his hands that were covering his ear and placed them in his lap.
Sasha chuckled some as he pulled back from Alec. He looked back up to the rest of the group with a bright, warm smile on his face. He spoke to them all in a friendly tone, a loud one a that. "So, how is everyone?" he chirped, looking around at all of the people sitting at the small, circular, wood table.
"Are they always like this?" Simon whispered.
"Yeah, pretty much. We're doing just fine, now that all of us are here how about we bring some alcohol to the table! Of course, some food as well for Alec, Simon, and Xavier because they are the designated drivers tonight." Scar spoke.
"And they aren't together?"
"Not in the slightest." Xavier answer.
"Ouch." Simon winced. He then looked at Alec.
Alec just nodded at Scar's words and then hid behind Sasha. "He's looking at me…"
Sasha raised a slight eyebrow as Alec hid behind him. He turned his head and whispered to Alec, still looking at the rest of the group. "Milochka, you can't keep hiding behind me when someone looks at you," he whispered, turning back to the group with a smile. He heard "alcohol" and got really excited. The smile on his face growing wider by merely thinking about it.
"But I only want you to look at me…" Alec covered his mouth. "I mean, I like when you look at me- I mean, I don't like other people looking at me that isn't you- I mean….I'll stop talking…" Alec sighed wishing he could say want he want to say when he wanted to say it. It was an ability that he has yet to master.
The alcohol came to the table with shot cups. "How about we play never have I ever to get things going. With shot glasses of course. "Alright, I'll start off." Scar smiled pouring whiskey into his shot glass. "Okay, never have I ever kissed someone?"
Sasha tried his hardest to try and pass by what Alec said, but the more he tried to push it from the mind, the more it made him blush. He decided to focus on the game the best he could. "Uhh. Kissed someone..?" he echoed, scratching his brain for even the faintest memory of a kiss. He couldn't think of one. "Uhh, nope."
The rest of them drank the shot glass. "Okay, my turn," Raven spoke up. "Never have I ever…had sex." he grinned.
Alec looked up and blushed at the question. "W-Why was that asked?" he looked up at Sasha clearly embarrassed. Of course, he hasn't even touch a person that way let alone have sex with someone. Besides, the only person he wanted to be with was sitting next to him.
Sasha hadn't even bothered to fill his shot glass yet, so he spun it on his finger not-so carefully. "Nah, I haven't," he said calmly. He actually wanted to laugh at the fact that Alec lost his cool so quickly, but decided against it. Instead, he just slipped Alec a smirk, something in his eyes unreadable. He locked eyes with Alec for just a moment, quickly remeeting the eyes of the others.
Though, three guys did drink the shot glass. “My turn, never have I ever had a crush on my best friend.” River smirked looking straight at Sasha.
Alec was received that he didn’t kiss or have sex with anyone. That gave him hope that he had a chance of being with Sasha. A small sigh of relief left his mouth, thankful that he didn’t have to play. Alec shifted his gaze to Sasha, hoping he would drink the shot glass.
Sasha looked down at his lap, carefully placing the shot glass down on the table. He picked up the bottle of whiskey and stuck his tongue out at River. He poured the glass slowly and then drank from it. "Happy now?" he asked, his face stretching into a smile that spelled out 'fuck you'.
A wide grin spread onto Alec's face as he kicked his legs back and forth. He bit his lip and tucked a strand on hair behind his ear. Then his smile faded. He realized it might have been another. After all, he wasn't his only best friend. There are a lot of people that he's close to. Alec played with his hands, wondering if it was him or someone else.
"Your turn Sasha~" Scar cooed.
Sasha thought for a moment and then spoke carefully. "Never have I ever broken a promise," he said.
It was a pretty tame one, but he wasn't one to really intrude too much on the affairs of other people. He resumed spinning the glass around, hoping he wouldn't have to drink from it too much while he was there. Be it admitting to something embarrassing or doing something embarrassing while drunk, he generally wanted to avoid it.
Alec remembered how many promises they made and how Sasha never broke any on them. Alec hesitated before leaning on Sasha. His food was basic and nothing special. As he ate he still couldn't help but wonder. Who is this friend they're talking about? Why is Alec the last person to know?
"Jeez, I think we've done everything wrong in this world. Anyway, it's my turn. Never have I ever…called my best friend cute." Scared smirked again, knowing he would get Sasha for this one.
Sasha stopped spinning his glass once again to fill it. He threw it back quickly, quietly groaning in disgust afterward. He wasn't really much of a whiskey guy. He smiled the same smile that he did not too long ago, but this time, something in it added on 'I have no regrets'.
He looked over at Alec's plate. The look in his eyes changed from 'no regrets' to 'I'm hungry' in a matter of seconds. It wasn't even that the food was particularly appealing, it was that it was food. He tried his best to resist his urge to ask for some, turning his head to try and remove the image completely from mind.
Alec giggled and took a fry from the plate. "Open." He held the fry towards his mouth. "I know you're hungry. Your eye tell me everything you know." Alec ignored when they pointed out how Sasha called him cute. It was a common occurande. At this point he was used to it.
"Alright, my turn, never have ever set a picture of my best friend as a background or wallpaper." River jerked his head towards Sasha. "Drink up."
Alec felt so relieved that he was the -designated driver. All of his secrets would be out in the open if he was the one drinking tonight.
Sasha quickly snatched the fry from between Alec's fingers with his teeth. He took a quick moment to chew and swallow before speaking. "Yeah, yeah, I get it," he said, filling his shot glass once again, "you guys going to stop bullying me anytime soon?" He smiled as he drank another shot of the alcohol, the liquor smooth against his tongue.
Sasha sat back in his seat again, now leaning against Alec a little. He began humming the song that played on the radio quietly, silently cursing himself for getting it stuck in his head.
"I thought you said you didn't know the song…" Alec tried to hold Sasha up, but his muscle strength was little to none. "S-Sasha sit up…" Alec groaned as he tried to push him off. His glasses were falling down and his face began to turn red. "G-G-Guys…s-stop teasing him…"
"Not in the slightest, my turn, never have a ever…slept at my best friends house." River grinned.
Sasha sat back up to refill his shot glass, only to throw it back again. He hadn't even noticed the push against his side. By then, he was almost in a daze. Sasha had always been a light drinker so it was no surprise that he was already buzzed. He sat back in his seat and his gaze cut over to Alec.
He turned himself to Alec and leaned into the other boy's face, leaving only inches between them. Something in his eyes seemed wild but out of the usual. "You know, Alec? You're really cute," he whispered, the words practically oozing from his mouth. His face was pulled into a thin grin, dripping with passion nearly indescribable. By then, Sasha had practically lost all sense of boundaries as he placed his hands on Alec's thighs and leaned into his ear. "I just want to devour you, mi-lo-chka," he said, his hot, alcohol-scented breath rushing onto the antihelix of Alec's ear.
A shiver went down his spine when Sasha's touched his thigh. Then another one went his ear was whispered in. His body felt hot the more he was touched. Even though he didn't mind being touch by him, he didn't like being touched like this with anyone including Sasha. Alec held Sasha's shoulders. "S-S-Sasha! If this is a j-joke you can stop it now." He moved Sasha's hand from his thigh. Alec managed to push Sasha's back in his seat. He took a deep breath trying not to hyperventilate. "Sasha, don't drink any more tonight okay?"
Sasha swayed side-to-side, his eyes closed. His lips were pulled into a slight frown as he whined, slurring his words a little. "I'm hurt, my love was taken as a mere joke!" he cried, putting the back his hand against his forehead dramatically. "Whatever shall I do?" It was quite hard to tell if Sasha was being serious or not seeing the comical nature of his movements. That, and the fact that he was already quite out of touch with reality.
He sat back in his chair, humming a different tune than before and braiding his hair loosely. He looked around the establishment, taking in everyone's faces carefully, almost as if weary of something.
"S-Sasha, j-just don't touch m-me like that. W-We're just friends. Y-You know I-I don't l-like being touched like that by a-anyone." Alec intertwined his own fingers together and squeezed them tight. "W-Why don't we go home okay?" Alec looked up to Sasha and found him looking around with a slight glare. Alec lightly poked Sasha, hoping he would listen to him. "S-Sasha…h-hello…"
Sasha's gaze found it's way back down to Alec. "Whatever you want is fine with me," he said, standing up. He pushed his chair back from the table and walked around Alec's. He made his way toward the front door, tossing the keys to his car to Alec. From looking at his walking alone, It'd be hard to tell that Sasha was drunk. "Dasvidaniya," he said before walking out the door, not even bothering to wait for Alec.
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