forum Night owls come out! (closed and very gay)
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Deleted user

Alec glared and jumped on the bed. "You're so mean!" he hit his shoulder multiple times. "You k-know I don't l-like flirting!" Alec pushed Sasha down on the bed, hovering over him. "I c-can't believe y-you m-made me do that. I said nothing too extreme…" Alec realized their position and got off him. "You're b-being really mean today…" Alec hugged his knees, looking away from Sasha.

@Anemone eco

The word bounced around in his head. 'Mean'. It just stayed there, echoing over and over again, almost as if his mind were and abandoned cave waiting for a call. Though little had the both known that the vibrations were going to be the very thing that tore it down. He sat up in his bed, facing away from Alec. He stayed silent. Not because he didn't wish to speak, but because he couldn't. His throat had tightened like the grip of a Boa Constrictor and it was getting increasingly hard to breathe. Tears clawed their way down his reddened face, a smile tugging itself onto his lips. He rasped out two words, still staring dead at the empty, white wall in front of him. "I'm sorry."

Deleted user

Alec looked up and touched Sasha's shoulder. "Sasha…?" he whispered. "W-Why are you l-looking to the wall? Y-You can l-look at me. Did I m-make you angry? I-I can fix it. H-Hey l-look at me." Alec touched Sasha's cheek, lightly pulling his face to look at him. "Sasha, I-I'm not mad a-at you I just w-want to know why you l-looked so a-angry when you c-came out the b-bathroom and then you m-made me f-flirt and it made me t-think you were s-still a-angry at me. I p-promise you I'm not mad." He tucked a strand of hair behind Sasha's ear. "Okay? S-So will you t-tell me w-why you looked i-irritated when y-you came o-out of the bathroom?"

@Anemone eco

Tears started falling faster at the sight of Alec's face. No matter how much he tried to mentally will himself to stop crying, he just couldn't. He let out a barely audible whimper, then attempted to scratch out words from his tight, hot throat. "I'm not angry. I have no reason to be," he responded. "If anyone does, it's you." He sighed. looking down, his long lashes shining with tears acting as an awning to his eyes. "I was never irritated with you. I've been irritated with myself. Something within me's changed and I can't say that I like it," he admitted.

Deleted user

"W-Well, can you try and describe it t-to me?" Alec asked wiping away the tears as they came. "I'm r-right here. You can tell me anything." Alec looked in his eyes for once. Admiring how beautiful they were. "Eyes like yours shouldn't be c-crying they're t-too beautiful for that."

@Anemone eco

Sasha's eyelids lifted up some, two pale blue orbs rolled up meeting Alec's from under the protection of eyelashes. His face reddened a little more as he thought. Not only of Alec's words to him, but of his changes too. "Umm, I'm not sure I want to speak of those changes. They're kinda… embarrassing."

Deleted user

"Well, tell me anyway if you do I'll tell you my most embarrassing secret. You have to tell me first though." Alec smiled and removed his hand from his cheek. "It can't be the end of the world you tell me right?" Alec pecked his cheek to sooth him.

@Anemone eco

"Uhhh," Sasha pondered, "or how about we both keep or secrets and save ourselves the embarrassment?" he proposed. He wanted to avoid telling Alec of those changes at all costs. He didn't want things to become awkward between them and he knew that spilling those secrets was probably going to cause that.

Deleted user

Alec groaned. "Y-You're going to have to tell me at some point though. O-Okay, truth or dare?" Alec flopped back on the bed and rested on his back. Alec laid his legs across Sasha's. He looked up to the ceiling as he waited for his answer trying to think of a good question or dare for both options.

@Anemone eco

"Uhh," Sasha thought for a moment, he felt like either way, something was going to go wrong, but he decided to go with dare. It made him feel safer. "Dare," he responded, flopping back onto the bed as well. He pulled out his phone and began playing pointless mobile apps. He didn't know why he had them, he didn't really like them, but he just never deleted them.

Deleted user

Alec pouted and took his phone. "I want some a-attention." Alec though for a moment and soon though of a good dare. "To tell the person that you love most and tell them that you're going to kiss them. Can't be a family member." Alec smirked. "I'm also taking this till the end of the game."

@Anemone eco

Sasha smiled lightly as Alec took his phone as a demand for attention. "Okayyy," he said, quickly raising an eyebrow, "so do I just have to tell that I'm going to kiss them, or do I have to go kiss them too?" He inquired.

Deleted user

"That's better. You have to kiss them after you told them." Alec kept his smirk with a slight laugh. "Of course you would have to kiss them tomorrow because whoever you want to call isn't here." Alec gave Sasha his phone back so he could make the call.

Deleted user

(no worries! I might take a nap while you're gone anyway!)

@Anemone eco

Sasha took his phone back with a nervous look on his face. He unlocked it and called Alec's number, his face flushing red. He looked down to the ground, absolutely refusing to look at Alec at all.

Deleted user

Alec heard his phone buzz and raised an eyebrow. “It must be my mom…” Alec whispered. He reached down and picked it up from off the floor. He didn’t have many contacts actually he only had three. His mom’s, the guy he just flirted with and Sasha. The name that was shown was Sasha. He dropped the phone and covered his mouth. eyes flicked from the phone and back to Sasha. “Y-You….but…..a-at the….I-I….” he choked on his words, praying this wasn’t a dream. “Y-You’re not j-joking about t-this a-are you?”

@Anemone eco

Sasha smiled small. "Huh? Am I that hard to believe that you think my love is a joke twice in one night?" He ended the call with a tap of the thumb and let out a loud sigh. "Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes I wish I was joking." He set the phone down next to him on the bed and looked Alec in the eye. "But that is beside the point. A dare is a dare, is it not?" The look in Sasha's eyes changed ever-so-slightly. Froma look of joking to almost a look of determination. "I'll say this, I'm going to kiss you, but I'll give you a choice. Today or tomorrow?"

Deleted user

Alec backed to the wall. “I-I-I don’t k-know I-I’ve never b-been k-kissed. T-Today?” Alec said with uncertainty. Alec’s face was a new kind of red he didn’t even know was real. He felt paralyzed. This is actually happening! I can’t believe it…how will it feel? What will he do? I’m so scared. Don’t screw this up! He’s coming closer…oh god… Alec looked into Sasha’s eyes with his mouth slightly open. Alec bit his lip, wishing he wasn’t so scared.

@Anemone eco

As he leaned forward, Sasha placed his hand on Alec's chin and smiled. Their faces were mere inches apart and that point. He took a deep breath and quickly exhaled it. He closed the space between them, pressing their lips together gently. He kept one hand on Alec's face and one firmly planted into the bed to keep him from completely falling on top of the younger male.

Deleted user

“Mph.” Alec’s eyes closed, but his hands clenched the sheets under him. He didn’t know what to do so he just let the older one kiss him. It felt nice and intense. His legs wouldn’t stop moving and then they soon calmed down. Alec reaches his hand up to Sasha’s shoulder signaling him to stop because he was out of breath.

@Anemone eco

Sasha pulled back, his eyes immediately shooting away from Alec. At that point, he was too embarrassed to even look at him. He hid his face with his hands and began mumbling. "Uhhh, I-I'm sorry?" he said, though it was more of a question. He wasn't what he was apologizing for really. He didn't know if he was apologizing about the fact that Alec had to kiss him or the fact that he was in love with Alec. But he really didn't care much to figure it out, he just apologized.

Deleted user

Alec head went back as he covered his face. “N-No, no it’s okay. I-I was the o-one who m-made you d-do it.” Alec moved his fingers apart to look at Sasha. “I-I don’t m-mind if we d-do it a-again. I mean I j-just th-thought that I-I d-didn’t do a good job. S-So, I would l-like to try it a-again if you’re o-okay with that.” Alec’s shaking hands reached up to Sasha’s shoulder. “It felt….good…”

@Anemone eco

He uncovered his face and looked at Alec, eyes widened slightly in surprise. The blush in his face intensified, spreading up to his ears. He began to speak quietly. "Really?" he inquired rhetorically, quite shocked at Alec's reaction. "Uhh, y-you can if you want to… not that I have any objections"

Deleted user

Alec slowly moved his hand to the back of Sasha’s head. He pulled it down slowly. “S-So, h-how exactly d-do I-I do this?” He asked quietly, looking ashamed of not knowing. Their faces were centimeters apart. His eyes grew soft as the more he looked at Sasha. “C-Can you h-help me?” He asked swallowing the lump in his throat.