forum Night owls come out! (closed and very gay)
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Deleted user

"Alec told me that when Sasha gets angry he's scary and sometimes raises his voice. Alec has had a traumatic experience with that because of his parents. That's why, if I do this Alec won't get hurt. Now just so they aren't suspicious, I have to do this. I'm sorry…" Christ whispered, before he took Jeremiah's chin and kissed his lips.

Alec looked up and blushed. "Th-They're k-kissing! Do you t-think that's w-what C-Christ wanted t-to talk a-about?"

@Anemone eco

Sasha blinked with surprise as Christ pulled Jeremiah into a kiss. "Well, at least they're getting along?" he offered. He shrugged lightly, his head tilted slightly in curiosity.

As Sasha did, Jeremiah also blinked with surprise. He pulled back from the kiss, his jaw hanging open slightly. "W-why did you kiss me?" he asked. "y-you could've hugged me or something." He looked down at his shoelaces, his face flushed red. "U-uhh, that aside. I have a feeling we'll regret this– no, you'll regret it," he warned, "I'll just have been right."

Deleted user

"If I hugged you it would have been awkward. I also, very much wanted to know what your lips feel like. They felt good too. Anyway we should get back." Christ started to walk back to Alec and Sasha.

Alec watched the two start coming back down. "I don't k-know how h-he can just k-kiss l-like that. I-Isn't it s-stealing if you d-don't ask?"

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah's eyebrows shot up at Christ's comment. "What?!" he exclaimed, then becoming a bit quieter "… thanks?" He was highly unsure of how to respond to Christ's words, so he just stopped talking and walked behind Christ, scratching his head lightly.

Sasha laughed a little at Alec's sentiment. "You're cute, milochka," he said to Alec, "and by all technical standards, I suppose you're right." Sasha ran his hand along the smaller male's jaw, smiling and looking into his eyes. He mouthed the words 'I love you' to Alec and then looked back over to Christ and Jeremiah. "It seems like you two are getting along quite nicely!" His face resembled that of a doting mother once again.

Deleted user

Alec finally knew what that meant, but it didn't take his blush down any further instead it rose. Alec giggled at Sasha's motherly comment. "I love you too…" he whispered.

"Oh shush! So what if I like him?" Christ plopped down and started to much on his snacks. "Alec, help me out here."

Alec raised his hands in defeat. "D-Don't look a-at me…" he looked back down to Sasha, forgetting he was there. He would always look down at his hands, but Sasha took that place.

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah stuck his flushed face in his shirt, slightly exposing his mid-section. He began mumbling to himself quietly. "Nope, nope, nope, he's not being serious."

Sasha laughed quietly at the ordeal. "Well, this is all nice," he said, sitting up from Alec's lap. He took a deep breath in of the humid air enveloping them and looked around at the lush green environment. There were birds chirping, a nice breeze, trees swaying lightly. "Why, isn't it just a lovely day?" He smiled brightly, placing his hands against his hips.

Deleted user

Alec frowned. "Now my l-lap it cold. L-Lay back d-down." Alec pouted. He crossed his arms and turned his head. Alec's lap did get cold though. He had gotten used to the warmth That Sasha gave him.

"Oh really?" Christ let his finger slide up Jeremiah's stomach. He licked his lips. "Still think so? I could make out with you if you want." He winked, telling him to play along.

@Anemone eco

He looked back at Alec with a smile. "Oh, okay," he complied, returning to his previous resting position. He rested his eyelids over his large, arctic blue eyes and sighed deeply. He began humming a song, in fact, the one that had played on the radio just the previous night. He swayed slightly, listening to Christ's and Jeremiah's antics.

Jeremiah leaped back, even if he knew it was just an act. "Nonononononononono. Stop messing around," he whined. "You're not being serious and you can't convince me of otherwise. Nothing that you do could." He crossed his arms and looked away pouting for a moment, then his eyes slowly began tracing back to Christ. "A-and are there any more snacks?"

Deleted user

“Oh now you want my attention. You have to kiss me first greedy.” Christ had made that Jeremiah’s nickname. Christ was having fun though. He liked teasing Jeremiah.

Alec raised his eyebrow. “D-Did I s-say something wrong?” Alec placed and hand on Sasha’s chest. Only because he didn’t know where else to put it.

@Anemone eco

Sasha peeked one eye open, quickly closing it again and shaking his head. "No, you're fine," he replied quietly. He reached up to his chest where Alec's hand was and interlocked their hands gently.

"Ahh! That's not fair!" Jeremiah whined, "I just want snacks." He looked back and forth between the snacks and Christ's lips for a hot second, unsure of if he really wanted the snacks that bad. He finally made a decision, returning to Christ and planting a quick kiss onto the other's lips. "Now give me the snacks, asshole."

Deleted user

“As you wish greedy.” Christ gave him the bag of snacks with a smirk. “You also said nothing I can do could convince you right. I guess I’ll just make out with you then right?” Christ shrugged.

Alec giggled at their argument. “Y-YYou guys are very c-cute. I never knew C-Christ could take interest in s-someone…” Alec looked down at their hands and then back to Sasha. “You’re handsome…” he whispered to Sasha.

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah raised his finger and opened his mouth as if to make some big protest, but nothing came out. Instead, his set-up dropped and he ended up mumbling a quiet response. "N-no," was all that had managed to escape his lips. He looked through the bag of snacks, taking out a caramel chocolate bar. He munched on it quietly, looking away from Christ once again. He mumbled other inaudible things that seemed like they were meant to be protests, though no one could hear him.

Sasha opened his eyes once again, looking deep into Alec's. "Thank you," he whispered back. He pulled Alec down a little and gave him a soft peck against the cheek. He chuckled a little, releasing Alec. "Sorry that your boyfriend's a thief."

Deleted user

Alec touched his cheek. “N-No it’s fine…I-I don’t mind if you s-steak more o-often…” Alec looked away with red creeping onto his cheeks.

Christ sighed. “Okay, okay…I’ll stop. Can you ever forgive me. Wait, do you have a boyfriend?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “If you do then I am very sorry.”

@Anemone eco

Sasha raised a playful eyebrow. "Oh? Encouraging your boyfriend to lead a life of crime, eh?" he teased. "I suppose it's alright… as long as you lead one with me. You'll be Bonnie and I'll be Clyde." As he finished the sentence, he pulled on Alec's cheek in a light, loving manner.

Jeremiah shook his head lightly. "No, I don't," he whispered, looking down and playing with the hem of his shirt. "Thanks for the consideration though…" He took another bite of munch of the candy bar, looking away.

Deleted user

“Then…will you go on a date with me?” Christ only asked as a way for them to meet up for the plan. “I promise I’ll be good~.” He begged.

Alec nodded. That’s not what I meant… he flopped down on the grass reaching to the sky, covering the sun with his hand. Alec took in the scenery as well. That included Sasha. He looked at Sasha up and down before turning to look at the trees. “I think we picked the right spot do this. One the right day too.” Alec didn’t stutter because he wasn’t frightened or embarrassed. For once, he was stable. He liked that.

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah looked at Christ for a good few seconds, blinking and contemplating saying 'no', but decided against it. "F-fine," he complied, responding with a half-empty mouth.

Sasha's eyelids fluttered with surprise at the lack of a stutter in Alec's sentence. "Wow…" he whispered, then spoke up louder. "I think so too," he said. He looked over at Jeremiah and Christ. "Don't you two agree as well? Froggy? Pervert?"

Deleted user

Christ looked over with a glare. "Who are you calling a pervert?!" Christ growled and then looked away. "Is it bad to touch someone because you love them?" Christ pouted and ate his snack.

"Be nice, Christ!" Alec started to laugh. He was having fun. It felt nice to laugh. Of course, he would laugh with Sasha, but not to this extent. "You guys are funny!" Alec held his stomach and tried to stop his laughter. "Today has been so fun…thank you guys." he grinned.

@Anemone eco

Sasha smiled at Alec and the others bright. "Eee!" he squeaked with happiness. "This is so lovely!" At that point, the smile on his face was uncontainable. "I'm so glad you had fun, Alec." He side-eyed Christ and Jeremiah with a smirk on his face. His signature one with slightly narrowed eyes and his lips pulled thin. "I'm not so sure about you two though," he said, chuckling a little.

Jeremiah pouted slightly, a small smile playing on his lips, causing the edges to keep faltering up and down. "I had fun too," he said, finally choosing to smile. "Didn't you, sweetie?" he asked Christ leaning in and practically purring.

Deleted user

Christ didn't expect that, so his blush became visible. "Y-Yeah…" He nodded. Christ looked away with his arms crossed. "Flirt."

Alec nodded and grinned at the two as well. It wasn't a smirk, but it was the next best thing. "Am I being weird?" Alec looked down and moved Sasha's hair out of his eyes. "I wouldn't want to be covering such beautiful eyes."

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah's face pulled into a smirk. "Aww, looks who's blushing now," he teased, pinching Christ's side lightly. "I didn't know you could do that." When Christ turned away, he sought the opportunity to whisper hot breath against his ear. Kind of as payback for what Christ had done earlier. "It a-dor-a-ble," he said, each syllable releasing a new, hot puff.

Sasha's eyes widened ever-so-slightly as the hair was removed from them. He blushed slightly at the compliment and he didn't even really know why. Perhaps it was the fact that for once when complimenting him, Alec did not stutter. It made him feel kind of weird, to say the least. It was then that Sasha was the one stuttering. "U-uh. T-thanks…" he whispered, looking away. He could hardly bring himself to meet Alec's eyes.

Deleted user

Christ's cheeks grew more red. His eyes fluttered shut. "Ah-d-don't do that…" His ears felt tingly as he reached up and touched them. They were his weak point and he hated that it was exposed. Christ's eyes trail Jeremiah. He was hot, but he had to remember that he was just playing with him.

Alec turned Sasha's head so his eyes would be forced to look at him. "Why can't you look me in the eyes?" Alec's voice was calm. He wasn't shaking nor was he jittery he was just happy to have a moment like this with Sasha. Of course, the other guys helped too, but Sasha was the one that helped him. Alec leaned down and gave Sasha a soft kiss. It wasn't a long one, but it was still a kiss.

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah smirked at Christ's protest. He quickly pounced at the other, wrapping his arms on Christ's waist and squeezing gently. "Aww, don't be that way~" he purred, his head rested against the shoulder of the other, his hot breaths hitting Christ's neck. He drummed his fingers against the other's stomach gently. "You're just too cute, love." Jeremiah liked to be the one messing around, it was actually more fun than he'd anticipated. He saw why Christ had insisted on doing it to him.

Sasha's face reddened slightly at the kiss, his eyes wandering around for a moment before reluctantly landing back on Alec. A small, shy smile was sewn onto his lips, a pretty unusual look for Sasha. "I love you more than you'll ever know," he whispered, his heart practically punching the inside of his chest.

Deleted user

Alec blushed and looked away. "I love you too…" He mumbled. It was Alec's turn to blush. He didn't realize what he was doing until he pulled away. "I'm sorry for stealing a kiss, but you said that we could be partners in crime. So…I just thought it would be okay…" Alec spoke silently.

Christ covered his neck. "S-Stop it!" He wined. Christ now knew why he didn't like it. Jeremiah was hitting all his weak spots on the first try. It make him realize how vulnerable he really is. Then again he was stronger than Jeremiah. He can pretty much do what he wanted. "That's it, I'm making out with you." Christ pinned Jeremiah to the ground. "You've teased me for long enough."

@Anemone eco

Jeremiah smirked at the other male, his harvest gold eyes practically sparkling. He raised an eyebrow and quickly stuck his tongue out at Christ. "I see, not even asking for consent first," he said, reaching his hands up and placing them on the lower back of the other, tapping his fingers down in waves. "I'll let it slide this time. Next time I'm taking your ass to court," he joked, his smile suddenly turning to a more serious look. "Do it. I dare you."

Sasha chuckled slightly. "Of course it's alright, Bonnie," he joked. He decided to try and ignore what was happening between Christ and Jeremiah, though he knew he'd find himself watching if things escalated. He sat up quickly and pulled Alec into a tight hug, letting the smaller male breathe in the scent of him. He swayed gently, rubbing Alec's back and resting his chin atop the other's head. He had no more words for the other, only feelings. Ones that he just couldn't open his mouth to describe. Feelings that made his heart beat faster and his brain go wild. Feelings that he could only express by making the other feel the same.

Deleted user

Christ smirked. "Well, I can't refuse a dare now can I?" Christ licked his lips before leaning down, pressing his lips against Jeremiah's. "It's only a make-out session if you kiss back~" he hummed. Christ was enjoying this dare. Wondering if Jeremiah thought that he wouldn't do it. He would do it. He did it. Only because Christ loves to tease people and kiss them. It's all fun and games to him.

Alec slowly moved his hands around Sasha. Capturing him in a hug as well. His face was red. Blood red, almost back to the state he was before. Alec's heart was beating out of his chest, but he could also feel Sasha's heartbeat. It was pounding against his, giving him the warmest feeling ever. Almost in sink the heartbeats were, but not quite. Alec's was beating faster, one second faster. Alec felt embarrassed knowing he could feel Sash's heartbeat. "You're such a flirt." he mumbled.