forum Night owls come out! (closed and very gay)
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Deleted user

Alec nodded. Alec crawled on the bed and sat at the edge. “D-Do you h-have any extra clothes?” He asked quietly. Alec looked down at his swinging legs. Alec still felt uneasy a little scared that he was going to yell again.

@Anemone eco

Sasha picked up his phone from the nightstand, responding to Alec as he shot a quick text to Jeremiah. "Do I have extra clothes? Yes, yes I do," he replied, "Do I have any clothes that'll fit you. I don't know, go look."

Deleted user

“They-They don’t have to fit me. I-I wouldn’t want t-to look through y-your stuff like that. C-Can you?” Alec felt like he would be intruding and he never liked being a burden to people. That’s why he would separate himself from others. I guess his main problem was learning how to be more social with people. Then again that's the reason he has social anxiety. To make the problem worse he was always embarrassed and sensitive because he's always with Sasha. So many problems for only one person.

@Anemone eco

(Sorry it took so long! I had a total lapse of memory.)

Sasha spoke to Alec in a tone that practically yelled indifference, not even looking up from his phone to look at the other male. "Huh? You're fine. It's not like I've got any skeletons in my closet," he said, "besides, I'd totally hate to choose something for you." This sentence in real-time equated to: I'm too lazy, go do it yourself. Though Sasha was far too nice to actually say something like that.

Deleted user

(No worries!)
Alec’s hands started to shake. He did want to be scared but he was. Even on his worst days he never spoke like this to him. Maybe he was asking to much. “A-Are you okay? R-Really, d-did I say s-something w-wrong?” Of all things Alec hated being yelled at. If made him feel small and insignificant. Sasha always told him nice things so he never felt like that until now. “I’m s-s if I-I did something. I-I didn’t m-mean to…” Alec’s voice was soft. Just like him.

@Anemone eco

Sasha looked up from his phone at Alec, his eyebrows furrowed and his slightly downturned at the left side, head cocked slightly. "Oh, I've done it again, huh?" he sighed. Something that he was finding himself doing a lot more often. "No, you said nothing wrong, Alec." He walked over to the smaller male and gave him a light kiss on the forehead. "There's nothing to apologize for." He placed his phone in his back pocket and walked over to the closet, pulling something out for Alec. "Here," he said.

Deleted user

Alec took the clothes with shaking hands. “A-Am I annoying y-you?” He was afraid to stand up knowing Sasha was going to be bigger than him. “I-If I am I c-can be b-better…” Alec looked down at the clothes in his hands. For once in his life, he felt like he wasn’t trying enough. That’s something he never had to do when he with Sasha because it was soothing. He played with the collar of the shirt. "I know I'm not t-the best b-boyfriend, but I j-just want to m-make you happy…I'm s-sorry if I'm m-making you angry."

@Anemone eco

"Alec," Sasha said, "no, you're not annoying me." He leaned forward and tucked some hair behind Alec's ear, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "You need to change nothing about yourself. There's nothing more I could ask for from you." He intertwined his hands with the other males and locked eyes with him. "Now, let's hurry up and get ready so that the guys aren't waiting, 'kay?" He smiled at Alec sweetly.

Deleted user

Alec nodded and headed to the bathroom. He pulled on the clothing that Sasha gave him. It was very baggy. The sleeves went over his hand and the bottom of the shirt went over his hips. The pants weren't too bad though. He pushed up his glasses and gave an encouraging look. I can do this! He walked out of the bathroom and clothes the door. "So? I-Is it okay?" he played with the end of his shirt. "I-If you d-don't like i-it I can get s-something else…" Alec liked Sasha's opinion because it was the only only one that mattered.

@Anemone eco

"You look perfect, milochka," Sasha purred at the sight of Alec. He walked over to Alec and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. "So, we ready to go?" he asked, "Jeremiah said he's already on his way there and he doesn't live too far from the park. So, it's best to get going so he's not waiting too long."

Deleted user

Alec nodded. He hesitated before taking Sasha's hand. Alec slowly intertwined their fingers. He looked to the ground with a smile. Alec's heart was racing. "A-As your b-boyfriend you h-have to tell me w-what that m-means." Alec demanded. "Y-You also have to h-hold my hand l-like this…" Alec's voice was as soft as ever.

@Anemone eco

"Fine," he complied, sticking out his tongue, "it means 'darling'." He squeezed Alec's hand lightly as he dragged him along carefully. "You happy?" he asked with a smile. He walked down the stairs hand-in-hand with Alec and walked out to the car, unlocking it. "So, you wanna drive or do you want me to?"

Deleted user

"Y-You've been c-calling m-me darling his w-whole time!?" Alec's face turned red. "Are y-you s-serious?" he whispered to himself. "Y-You can d-drive…" Alec squeezed Sasha's hand. "I can d-do this r-right. I haven't m-met Jeremiah y-yet. Will h-he like me? I-I'm going t-to a-annoy him right?"

@Anemone eco

"You'll be fine," he said, releasing Alec's hand and walking over to the driver's side of the car. "I'm pretty sure his opinion won't change after seeing you in person. And you two seem to be in good footing."

Deleted user

Alec walked to the passenger side of the car and got in. Though Alec struggled with the seat belt he soon clicked it in. "I forgot, y-you made m-me flirt w-with him!" Alec watched Sasha get in the car. "B-Before we can you….c-can you k-kiss me?" Alec intertwined his hands together, then pulling them apart and repeating that action. Alec was shy, he didn't know how to want a kiss from someone without asking. He thought that if you didn't ask for something it was stealing.

@Anemone eco

"Mhm," Sasha complied. He turned Alec's head to him, leaning in and pressing his lips against Alec's gently. After a few quick seconds, he pulled back from Alec and smiled. "I love you," he whispered, turning his attention to the steering wheel. He started up the car and pulled off, deciding not to drive the Sasha Way™.

Deleted user

Alec opened his mouth the say it back, but something stopped him. "I….I…lo-" Alec hid his face in his hands. "I'm sorry….my word a-are not c-coming out correctly. But m-me too!" Alec said with determination. He hoped Sasha knew what he meant. Although he couldn't say it yet, he tried his best to say the closest thing to it. Alec looked out the window, to embarrassed to look Sasha in the eye.

@Anemone eco

He laughed a little at Alec's words. "You'll get there one day," he chuckled, "but for now, thank you."

Soon they had arrived at the park where Jeremiah was already waiting. Sasha greeted Jeremiah, a boy with messy blonde hair, politely– scratch that, like a friend. "Yo, Jerry! What's shakin', Froggy?" Froggy had become a nickname of Jeremiah's from Sasha, though most people didn't actually know why.

Deleted user

Alec's phone vibrated and it was a text from Christ. Alec poked Sasha's back. "C-Christ said h-he'd be here soon…" Alec put his phone away and look at Jeremiah. "I-I'm A-Alec…." His voice was soft only taking small glances at Sasha's friend. "I-I'm sorry a-about m-my stutter!" Alec held Sasha's arm afraid of what he was going to say.

@Anemone eco

"Sweet," Sasha said, smiling. He enjoyed the idea of their friends meeting each other. It sounded like a lovely experience. Or maybe Sasha was just in doting mom mode again.

Jeremiah, once again, began fawning over Alec. "Awww! You're just as cute as you were over the phone~" he cooed, earning a small growl from Sasha.

Deleted user

Alec giggled. "Thank you…" He looked up to Sasha and kissed his cheek. Alec intertwined their finger to show him that it was okay. "It's n-nice to formally m-meet you Jeremiah." Alec smiled. On the inside he was slightly freaking out. He didn't want to show it, but he was a nervous breakdown. Running different possibilities through his head.

@Anemone eco

Sasha rolled his eyes at the kiss on the cheek, but his face showing a completely different emotion. He was grinning like an idiot and couldn't help it.

Jeremiah smiled brightly and nodded his head. "Mhm! Nice to meet you too!" he replied back sweetly. "So, whaddaya say we get to know each other while we're here, hmm?" he offered, raising a golden blonde eyebrow in question.