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"Nah, dragons usually leave us alone," said Arthur, "Besides I said we border their territory, not live in it!"
"Nah, dragons usually leave us alone," said Arthur, "Besides I said we border their territory, not live in it!"
"Yeah, but what if they decide they want to claim a bit of your land as their own?" Soren huffed, crossing his arms. "Just let me have an imagination, please."
"The dragons are pretty vicious," said Arthur, "but the Wolf Packs and Dragon Clans have had a peace treaty for generations."
"There wasn't always a treaty?" Soren scooted next to Arthur, resting his head in his hands like a child listening to a story, hoping that Arthur would tell him a story of the past.
"I think at one point there was a war between the two, Particularly the riders" said Arthur, "But that's ancient history, Unfortunately the history of it all is so ancient they don't teach it anymore…"
"Will you teach me it?" he asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes. "It sounds really interesting, your homeland sounds a lot more interesting than any history you could dig up of this place."
"Unfortunately I don't know the history of it either" said Arthur, "I can probably tell you a little bit about the Riders… and Maybe Cayana Dairo.. but I never really had any tutoring in any of Wolf Territories history… All I know is the common knowledge of the area…"
(As the writer herself didn't previously know that Dragon Riders existed, and that they had a dispute with the Wolf Riders in the first place…)
(I see..)
"I don't mind what you know, I just want to learn more about where you come from." Soren shrugged, smiling weakly. "You're this weird, cool person, with dangerous powers, from a land I've never even heard of! I can't help but be curious."
"Well" said Arthur, "That depends on what you wanna know"
"Anything and everything you know!" he smiled lopsidedly, keeping his eyes on Arthur.
"You gotta give me a place to start!" laughed Arthur.
(Seriously.. minus anciently ancient history I have this world of mine pretty well laid out….)
"Start from the very beginning," he chuckled. "It's a very good place to start. No in all seriousness, just start from as far back as you know."
"Well I guess I'll start with Cayana Dairo then." said Arthur "The golden age of the Riders"
Soren made himself comfortable and prepared to listen to what Arthur had to say. Perhaps I will learn more about who he is from the past of his country..
"Well…" He sighed as he tried to remember the history. "First off I guess is how it was formed. You see it was formed mainly by the Riders, as protection against the Hunters. Cayana Dairo was formed as a defence, a form of protection. You see before Cayana the Riders were forced to fight for their lives, day after day, and always alongside the Wolf Clans."
"The Wolf Clans being what you are part of?"
"No" said Arthur, "Actually the wolf Clans ended up banding together with the Riders to survive the Hunter's relentless Attacks."
"Okay back up a moment," Soren was starting to get confused. "Who were the Riders and what did they do?"
"The Riders are people who bond with wolves, the two then work as a team, sharing power, and doing pretty much everything together." said Arthur, "And the Riders did almost disappear with Cayana Dairo. But not entirely, after all there are small pockets of Riders still out there."
He had a stupid question, but it needed to be asked. "Were you a rider?"
"Nah" said Arthur, "Halfbloods don't become Riders, Mind you some do, and others become Tarulin. But that's pretty rare."
"What's a Tarulin?" he asked, beginning to regret asking for a history lesson.
"A Tarulin is a wolf who is bonded to a Rider." answered Arthur.
"So how did… Is one of your parents a Tarulin and the other is a Rider?"
Why the hell did I ask that??
"Not really as far as I know that's how Halfbloods started to pop up in the first place though." said Arthur, " Actually if I remember correctly my dad was a Rogue Solaris Wolf. And my mom, well.. no one really knows who she was, but we do know she was a human shifter…"
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