"I get it, you have a dark past that haunts you or whatever.. Do you need a hug?" He kicked himself for saying that. "I found that when my kid siblings were worried or they remembered bad things, a hug would always make them feel better."
Lord what am i doing.. Kill me now.. Im not used to being nice!!
"I'm good" said Arthur, "I just need to figure out a way to accept the power that I used to hurt so many people…"
That wasn't you and you know it..
Yes, it was, I could've stopped him,
He was too strong for you to fight alone!
I still could've fought harder…
"You didn't mean to hurt them, I know you're not that kind of person.." he stared intensely at Arthur, hugging his knees to his chest.
Arthur gave him a weak smile, "True, but it still happened,"
Seron sat in silence, listening to the sounds of nature, leaving the meat untouched.
I need to maintain focus if I want to master my power.. I need food…
He sank back into the shadow of the tree, vanishing from next to Arthur.
Arthur didn't notice that Soren had vanished, instead he was enveloped in the stars. I wonder what might've happened had I never encountered the Sabre. Maybe if I'd obeyed the Mikali elders…
Soren appeared in the darkness of the school's kitchen and instantly set to work on making himself a salad. He didn't need anything much more than that. He scooped up the plate, took a fork from the drawer, and turned to travel back through the shadow.
Hold it! You're outside, with a fire, what are you missing?
He rummaged through the cupboards and eventually found a large packet of marshmallows. Perfect!
He faded back into the shadows, food in hand, and reappeared next to Arthur with a satisfied grin.
Arthur looked up, surprise and confusion on his face. "What?"
"I have marshmallows!" he grinned wider, his eyes maniacal as he waved the packet in front of Arthur. He chucked them down and started attacking his salad. "I brought them because why have a fire in the forest with no marshmallows?"
Arthur raised an eyebrow as he sat up, "Do I even wanna know how you got that?" he asked reaching for one of the cold meat strips, figuring Soren wasn't gonna eat them.
"Shadow travel, to the school kitchen." he shrugged. He looked up at Arthur then glanced at the meat. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should have told you that I don't eat animal meat."
"No worries" said Arthur, "believe it or not I usually avoid it when I can, next time tell me! I could've tracked down some herbs instead" he laughed.
"I didn't want to be an inconvenience." Soren sighed, scooping the salad into his mouth. It had been a good few hours since he had eaten anything, and nothing satisfied him more than tomato juice. He quickly devoured the rest of the food, smiling happily.
"Oh well," said Arthur, "At least now we have my favourite delicacy!" he laughed pulling open the marshmallow bag.
"You actually like them?" Soren asked, completely dumbfounded.
I did something right?
"of course!" said Arthur getting up to find a stick to roast them with. "Marshmallows are one of the few good things about this entire country!"
"You mean you can't find marshmallows in other countries?!" he clutched his chest, feigning hurt. "How terrible!" he started laughing.
"More like you can't make marshmallows in the middle of the woods!" said Arthur as he pulled out a couple of slender branches.
"I'm sure you could if you reeeaaaaaaaally tried. Just think about mashmallows and POOF!" he snapped his fingers. "They appear right in front of you."
They probably do for some people…
"Not if you don't even know that these little jewels," he held up the bag for emphasis, "Are even a thing!"
"You mean people don't know what marshmallows are? What kind of place do they live in where marshmallows aren't a thing??"
"the middle of nowhere, constantly fighting for your life kind"
Yeesh, that took a dark turn…
Soren averted his eyes, ashamed. "I didn't realise… I haven't exactly been out of the country so I don't know what the situation is with the rest of the world."
"My home territory is pretty far away from here…" said Arthur, "So I wouldn't expect you to know." he began putting marshmallows on a stick. "Actually my land isn't even dominated by humans.. and we border the dragon territories.."
"I see… Sounds like you come from a pretty dangerous land, dragons can be so territorial at times." he scowled, remembering when he had a fight with a dragon shifter over a specific table in the food hall. It was by the door, so what..