@The-Magician group
"Uhm………. Okay?" he nodded slowly.
That didn't sound promising. I can't exactly turn around and be like 'I'm allergic to animals so please do not be yourself when you're around me'. That just wouldn't be right….
"Uhm………. Okay?" he nodded slowly.
That didn't sound promising. I can't exactly turn around and be like 'I'm allergic to animals so please do not be yourself when you're around me'. That just wouldn't be right….
Arthur suddenly shifted, "I'll be right back ok?" he said before running off into the trees.
"O-okay.." he mumbled, holding back a sneeze as a hair floated past his nose. "Lord this is going to be hard.."
Arthur padded back into the clearing about half an hour later with a large rabbit in his jaws. Dropping it he shifted back, "I'm back!" he said.
"You're back.." Soren breathed quietly, half lost in thought. His gaze shifted to the rabbit then slowly back up to Arthur. "Feel better after that?"
"Actually I'm kinda annoyed with myself," said Arthur as he pulled out a dagger and skinned the animal slicing up the meat.
"Why what's the matter?" Soren kept his eyes on the rabbit even as it was being butchered. "Did you find a deer or something and it ran away and all you could catch was a rabbit?"
"Nah," said Arthur, "Why take down a deer anyway? it's only two of us," he finished skinning the rabbit and began laying out the strips in the grass and the checking his pockets. "I'm mad cause it took me half an hour to catch it." he said, "Should've taken ten minutes, tops!"
"I thought a deer might have done more to satiate a wolf's hunger." he shrugged, turning his attention back to the sky. "Why did it take half and hour?"
"Had a hard time actually sneaking up on stuff" said Arthur as he used his chaos aura to make some small trees grow. then used the flint pack he had located in his pockets to light it. "and I'm only half wolf, and even a full blood wolf doesn't need to eat a whole deer, maybe if it were more than 4 of them, but usually not if the group is more than 6 or 7 will anyone try hunting a deer."
"I see.. don't expect me to know anything about wolves," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I never socialised with animals."
"Eh" said Arthur, striking a flame and helping it grow, "Can't expect anyone to know anything"
"What do you mean by that?" he narrowed his eyes.
"Just that" said Arthur sitting back to watch the flames grow. "We all come from different places, I can't expect you to know anything about me, and you can't expect me to know anything about you. And no one can really expect anyone else to know anything about them."
Soren sighed loudly, a smirk forming on his lips. He slowly made his way next to Arthur, sitting down beside him. "Seriously pal, why do you have to sprout intelligence at a time like this?"
"Always had it" said Arthur
After a moment, Soren closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of the burning wood. The smoke combined with the overall scent of the forest was soothing, and eased Soren's mind. "I wouldn't mind living out in a place like this, no walls to keep you confined, an open sky filled with wonder.."
What the hell am I saying? I'm turning into a freaking snowflake, I don't say sentimental things like this..
"That's exactly how I feel" said Arthur, carefully placing strips of meat in the flame, not even flinching when he reached to the coals to place them in.
"Then why don't we run away together and live as free beings?" Soren shrugged, half joking. He watched the smoke spiral into the sky, knowing instantly that someone from the school had also seen the smoke and was aware they were still out in the forest.
I could travel to my room right now if I wanted and leave Arthur out here by himself..
Arthur reached out into the flames and flipped the meat. "Yeah," he said, "I wish we could, but We both know the military would catch us first."
"Not if we travel by shadow.." Soren was actually considering running away. The option was there, and he was prepared to face the consequences.
"Are you insane?" asked Arthur, "You can barely control your powers, how do you expect to be able to get us out of the country?"
"It's risky, but I could do it if I allowed my shadow into my body." he stared into the flames. "If I allow it into my body before sunset then it will stay there until sunrise.."
"No way!" said Arthur, putting a hand on Soren's arm. "I saw what that did to you last time, I won't let you do it again."
Soren tucked his fringe behind his ear, slowly turning to make eye contact with Arthur. "You don't want to be here, I'm willing to do it for you if it means you're not stuck here."
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