@The-Magician group
"I see… This is all rather confusing.." he put his hand to his head, rubbing it like he was coming down with a migraine. "So what's the latest news with your homeland then, is it at peace? And if not then why."
"I see… This is all rather confusing.." he put his hand to his head, rubbing it like he was coming down with a migraine. "So what's the latest news with your homeland then, is it at peace? And if not then why."
"Last I checked it was pretty peaceful" said Arthur, Especially after I was outta the picture….
"That's good then, right?" It sounded like there was a catch to what Arthur was saying, Soren could see it in the depths of his eyes.
"Yeah…" said Arthur, "The only problem is that I was the cause of the last bout of war…"
I knew it! I knew he had done something!
He had to stop himself from smiling. "Was it you or was it the dark entity creature whatever thing that started the whole thing with Discordion?"
Arthur stared at him for a moment. "It wasn't Discordion…" he said, "it was Shadowfang.." he couldn't help but shudder at the name…
"It sounds like a name that's you'd give to your pet dog." Soren snickered quietly. He cleared his throat, trying to be serious, becoming lost in thought. "This 'Shadowfang'.. he's the being that 'gave' you your Chaosae powers or whatever they are, right? Though you can't just give someone powers, so he would have had to enter your body, evidently controlling you and then doing.. something.. That just doesn't seem right now that I think about it.."
"Buddy.. as much as I see where you're coming from… Shadowfang was not a laughing matter.." said Arthur dead serious. "And to be exact Shadowfang was a dark spirit. He didnt give me my powers. He lured me to take the sabre. Then he took over my mind and used me as a host. If it weren't for Discordion, I wouldnt exist right now."
"I did say that you can't just be given powers, I also said that he controlled you and did something." he shrugged, letting it slide. "Why can't you just give it to someone else, or better yet, give it back?"
"Because once taken," Arthur held up the Sabre from before, "You cannot get rid of it…"
"Shadowfang may have lured Arthur to the Sabre," said Discordion, "But he never gave him his powers. Arthur is what's known as a Chaosae Guardian, Shadowfang possessed him and was able to use the powers Arthur possessed. But the power itself was always Arthur's, and while he may never have had to take it up, once he did.."
"Now I'm stuck with it" said Arthur, "Until the day I die, this Sabre will be a reminder of what I did to my brother… and the rest of my family…"
He paused for a moment, raising an eyebrow. "You haven't killed them, have you?"
"Almost.." said Arthur, "I was forced to try to murder my own twin brother and sister, not to mention my niece and nephew, not to mention the rest of my family…" he hunched over trying to push away the memories. Discordion sighed, vanishing.
"I'm sorry I brought it up, it must have been very difficult on you. It still is difficult on you from the looks of it… I'm so sorry that you had to endure that." Soren wanted to comfort Arthur, but he didn't know how.
"I just have to figure out how to leave it behind me…" said Arthur sadly, "Figure out how to face them…"
"What happened wasn't your fault, I'm sure they know that too. Even if you might not think so, I see no reason why they would hold anything against you. You are family after all, family stick together. The day you are able to look past everything and pluck up the courage to see them, you'll see that they don't harbor any negative feelings towards you. I'm sure of it."
"yeah.. but every time I see their faces.." Arthur sighed, "They always see Shadowfang first…."
Soren didn't know what to say. He had never met anyone with a complicated situation such as Arthur's, and didn't know to respond at the best of times. He sat there in silence, half blaming himself for bringing up bad memories for Arthur.
Arthur eventually picked up the branches he'd loaded with marshmallows. "Want to help me roast 'em?" he asked Soren. holding one out to him with a weak smile.
He took the branch, a bright, goofy grin forming on his lips. "I thought you'd never ask."
Arthur tried to smile, and ignore the rest of the painful memories..
Soren ended up holding the marshmallow over the flame for too long and it burned. He stared at it with round eyes, which soon turned into a scowl as he tried to figure out how he had burned a marshmallow. "Wow, I'm special.. this shouldn't even be allowed to happen."
Arthur couldn't help but laugh. "But the burnt ones are the best!"
Soren held the stick towards Arthur. "Be my guest, I can't stomach burnt things." he started pulling up some of the grass to his side, it was soft beneath his hands. He let out a short, breathy chuckle. "We should probably get some sleep, we're up early tomorrow right?"
Arthur ate it, munching happily. "Probably" he said thoughtfully. Lying back as the stars came clear.
"Arthur.." Soren turned to look down at him. "I'm sure I've asked this before, but how much do you really want to leave here?"
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