forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He n nodded and relaxed "well, I'll care about you for the both of us." he kissed his head and lightly traced the length of Jay's spine


"I love you more my king." he murmured, brushing his lips against Jay's nose "how can demon be so freaking cute?" he asked, biting his lip and smiling


"I love you, my beautiful prince." He nuzzled into his side and fell asleep, much more relaxed than before. About ten minutes later, a figure stepped in the door. That figure was Marcus, grumbling under his breath about how he didn't get paid enough to deal with this. Marcus was hot, that was obvious. Boy looks like Brendon Urie with the face of Andy Biersack. He is straight sexy. He glanced up at Raz and raised an eyebrow at him. "And who exactly are you?"


(Screw Jay if Marcus looks anything like Brendon Urie XD)
Raz glanced up arthritic man who entered and flushed slightly. God damn it, why did demons have to be so beautiful. “I-i’m his partner.” He stuttered, nodding his head to where Jay was comfortably sleeping beside him. He focused on Jay and smiled softly, brushing aside some stray hairs.


(Pffff I can't blame you for that XD)
He raised an eyebrow at him, fixing his suit jacket. "Really now? If that's all you are then I must speak with him. It's an urgent matter."


(Empowers new clothes plays in background….)
Raz tilted his head and showed Marcus the tattoo like marking on his wrist. “You say it as if it’s a frivolous thing.” He looked away from Marcus “you can try but he’s pretty tired.”


"Ah, so you're his new contract. Good. Makes my job a lot easier." He cleared his throat. "And yes I'm aware that he's tired. I'm also aware that the idiot managed to get himself beat up so I say we're even here."


“He did it because of me, shouldn’t that count for something?” He asked, getting angry that Marcus was brushing the attack off as if it was nothing. “Your best contractor got hurt. Doesn’t that count as workers compensation at least?”


"Best?!" He cracked up laughing. "Darling please, don't flatter him. He's nothing more than a rookie. And considering he fell for the first person he saw, I don't think he'll ever be the best."


“Well I’d call that a win, regardless if he’s a rookie.” He pulled the covers over himself and Jay and tucked him sadly close to his chest. “So if it wasn’t to help, why did you come?” He asked over his shoulder


"Darling, it's because I have to. I'm his manager so whenever he screws up, it goes back to me. So now I have to deal with it." He marched over to his side and snapped. A bright red glow shot through him and he bolted upright. He yawned, rubbing his eyes. "What is it Marcus?" "We need to talk. Now."


Jay opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Marcus. "He doesn't get a choice. Either you leave or I do." Jay frowned. "Then the door's behind you, Marcus. I won't let you take him from me." Marcus raised an eyebrow at him, a slight smirk pulling at his lips. "Is that so? You really think you could fend off a professional contractor by yourself? You? A rookie? I don't think so. Maybe I should take him, just to prove I can. Besides, he's kinda cute." He flashed a grin and a wink and Jay growled. To say he could get protective was an understatement. "I said leave him alone."


Raz curled up on the bed, pressing himself against the headboard “I- I can go. It’s really no problem. I can wait outside. I won’t go far.” He reassured, resting his hand on Jay’s. He glared at Marcus and flinched at the flirtatious remark “save that charm for someone else,”


His attention turned from Marcus to Raz and his entire attitude switched. He softened, looking more worried and scared than angry. "No no no, please don't leave, I'll never make it without you." "Already dependent, are we?" "Shut it, I didn't ask for your opinion." He snapped back at Marcus.


Raz nodded and laced their hands together. He pressed a kiss to his fingertip. “He doesn’t want you here.” Raz said, trying to make his voice a little stronger


"Well that's a damn shame because I need to talk to him whether he's wants me to or not. Your opinion doesn't matter, you're a client." "Don't say that! His opinion means a lot!" "Yeah, to you. Because he's your bonded and I suppose your boyfriend. You've made someone unimportant incredibly important in no one's eyes but your own."


“Says the one who just threatened me and keeps looking at like a piece of meat.” Raz piped up quietly, shifting out of bed and stretching “while you two hash it out, imma find food. If you hurt him, I’m calling security, I don’t care if you’re a demon.” He said, pointing a Marcus.


Jay frowned slightly, fidgeting with the blankets. He could barely deal with Marcus's "chats" on his own, now that he had something to fight for, he knew it was going to be worse.


Jay sighed and say back, ready for anything. "Right, you got what you wanted, now what?" "Well, you got your first contract, where's the second?" "Marcus, give me a little time-" "We don't have time, Jay! You being hung up on him is bad for business."