forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz told the doctor everything he knew, from the attack to how they had stayed in the library until the pain had subsided. He left out what jay was of course and told the doctor that they were romantic partners, finding it hard to say boyfriend


The nurses asked him the same questions and he answered just as honestly, only leaving out a few key details like his actual name and what he was although he had no problems saying that he had come with his boyfriend.


THe doctor told them both each other's answers just to make sure everything lined up and allowed for everyone to do their job. Raz stayed curled up in the waiting room until he was allowed to see Jay


“Mr Thompson?” Raz jerked awake and stood, clutching the book to his chest.
“You can see him now.” He followed the doctor and nodded in thanks when he left him alone with Jay


“Hi my king,” Raz smiled softly, eyeing the machines he was hooked up to. Raz sat at the edge of Jay’s bed “how are you feeling?” He asked softly, taking Jay’s hand


Raz sighed softly and traced circles on the back of Jay’s hand. He carefully curled up next to Jay and nuzzled his neck “should I keep reading or do you want to sleep for now?”


“Okay,” he blushed slightly and opened the book to where he had ended.
he had awoke a few days later, eyes fluttering open and carefully looking around.
‘Morning sleepy head.’ She smiles kindly and stood.
‘angel…’ he whispered


"She blushed, visible on her pearly white coloring. 'uh uhm no, I'm not an angel.' she looked away from his beautifully deep purple eyes and focused back on her homespun blankets. 'what's your name?' she asked after gaining her composure.
'Caspien,' he responded softly, voice like the silk in her hand, something proper yet tenderly soft at the same time.


Raz laughed and shook his head with a smile "that's you 100% you," He pressed a kiss to Jay's nose and continued reading.
"'and you are? if not an angel,' Caspien asked, slowly sitting up.
She went to help him, adjusting the pillows and making sure his wing wasn't pulled. 'my name is Lumi.' she responded, light blush on her cheeks 'It's nice to meet you, I wish it were under better circumstances.'


“Mm mm, you’re my butterfly. My mysterious yet maddeningly attractive butterfly.”
’no, I think these are perfect circumstances.’ Caspien smiled softly and looked around the cozy home before focusing on Lumi. ‘It’s nice to meet you Lumi, thank you again for everything.’


“No you’re right, you’re more attractive than that. But until people come up with a word for that, maddening will have to do.” Raz laughed and nuzzled Jay’s hair
’Uh Uhm, Of course. Are you hungry?’ Lumi asked, wanting to get vermin’s off of the gorgeous butterfly beforehand her.
Caspien nodded sheepishly ‘have any Milkweed flowers?


Raz frowned slightly “Someone did try, it didn’t work out.”
lumi nodded and scuttled to the kitchen. She brought a bowl of Milkweed salads with a few more leaves and flowers. ‘Will this do or do you want something else?’
Caspien shook his head ‘this is perfect, thank you.’


“I love you too, my king.” His frown was replaced by a small smile and he kissed Jay’s lips
lumi had no idea what to do except sit and continue her weaving. After a few moments of awkward silence she spoke.’so,if you don’t mind me asking, what happened?’
Caspian grinned and looked up from his food ‘bold of you to assume something bad happened.’
‘I never said something bad had to happen, just something.’ She countered gently
The butterfly regarded her with thoughtfulness ‘had a little run in with a praying mantis, they didn’t take to my intrusion and tore up my wing. I managed to get away but lost so much energy fighting them off.’