forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"it's not your fault, I should've known he'd come sooner or later.I'm just glad he didn't find you before his friends." he stroked Jay's hair, not sure if it was to help Jay calm down or himself


(Sorry I'm so inconsistent, I'm at play practice)
"No one talks about my prince like that…" He muttered, slightly defensive. "I couldn't let him talk about you like that."


(nah it's okay! good luck!!!)
"Thank you my king, but that won't keep him away, those were just his stupid little friends." He glanced towards the door before focussing on trailing Jay's feature with a delicate touch


A small smile flitted across Raz's features "no one would have missed them anyways." he murmured "but thank you anyways for not risking something like that." he pressed a kiss to jay's head.


He trailed down to Jay's lips and pressed a feather light kiss to them "I am forever grateful to you for that. but please never do that again. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt on my account."


(I can see this so clearly in my head and it's adorable)
He reached up and stroked his cheek. "Whatever you say, my prince. I'm at your mercy just as much as you're at mine."


(it truly is! btw sorry if the responses are short or take a while, i'm bouncing around with homework as well as responding)
Raz leaned into jay's hand, his hair falling into his face and lightly brushing against the other's hand "How merciful are we?" he asked with a smile, pressing a kiss to Jay's palm "How do you know my level of mercifulness?"


(It's alright, take your time!)
"How merciful? I don't know, I can be pretty stubborn as you can tell. As for you, I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to find out." He smiled up at him with a wink.


(thank you!!!)
"yeah, I figured that much," he laughed and rolled his eyes playfully "even when injured you still have time to flirt, don't you." he shook his head reached behind himself to pull out a book from the bookshelf. "since we'll be staying here until you decide to get up, we might as well read…" he glanced at the title "Butterfly With a Wing and A Spider child? alright…"


"I'll always find time to flirt with you." He chuckled, reading the back cover of the book. "Oh, I've heard of this one! Never actually read it but I heard that it was good despite the title."


Raz nodded, still skeptical but willing to give the book a chance "okay." he opened the book, scanned the pages a bit before starting to read aloud "She had always wanted to fly as they did. Be free from her potted plant of peonies and glide through the air."
(btw story^ based off of an animatic off of youtube, very cute!)


"that is…until he came.
She had always been creative, sometimes too creative. She was well known by the other spiders fr her meticulous weaving and silk creations. She was also known for her adventurous spirit. One day, she decided to craft wings for herself, no longer relying on hopes and dreams to help her fly.
" Raz glanced down at Jay when he snuggled into his lap and smiled "don't fall asleep on me,"


His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. "Never, my prince. Just listening to you read. I find it easier to focus without the external stimuli of sight, if that makes any kind of sense."


Raz tilted his head "kind of, yeah." he smiled thoughtfully before returning back to the book
"Again and again the spider launched herself from the hanging pot in the garden to the long blades of grass bellow, failing more times than she cared to admit. After a while she just stayed on the ground,watching the other butterflies flutter about, somehow taunting her for being different."


"Suddenly, from the corner of her field of vision, she saw something haphazardly drop into the potted plant she lived in. She stood and tilted her head in curiosity. That curiosity soon turned to horror as her mind raced to possibilities. 'maybe it's hurt…' SHe scurried along the ground as fast as her eight little legs could carry her. He made her way up to the plant, using pole that held the hanging plant up. He nudged herself through the flowers, begging pardons and excusing herself from the other residents of the pot before making her way to her own private section of the pot."


Raz gently started to stroke Jay's hair as he read.
"She gasped softly and slowly walked over to the limp body of a regal-looking butterfly lying still close to her home. She carefully walked around him to get a better look at him, ignoring the butterflies who had come to see the newcomer but were too scared to go near her, all believing the lore that spiders ate butterflies. The butterfly stirred slightly and opened his eyes, reaching out an arm towards her before letting it fall limp in exhaustion."
(would you like to continue with the story or skip until Jay is well enough to stand?)


(So sorry, had to eat!)
(I say continue, I've got a plan for him.)
He faded into a daydream, seeing himself as the scorned spider and the damaged yet beautiful butterfly as Raz. He felt himself falling in love all over again.


she place a thin ‘hand’ over her mouth in shock as she stared at the state of the wing, all broken and bleeding. His blood… she bit down a cry for help and knelt down beside the butterfly. ‘I’m going to help you, just stay still.’ She instructed softly, starting to weave around the butterfly a bed of silk so she’s found pull him inside her hut made of leaves and small flowers. She glanced up when the other butterflies started whispering. She could only imagine what they were saying.