It was raz’ turn to blush. He glanced down with an embarrassed laugh and shook his head “I don’t deserve that my love, far from it.”
It was raz’ turn to blush. He glanced down with an embarrassed laugh and shook his head “I don’t deserve that my love, far from it.”
"Well guess what? You're wrong. You deserve so much. A lot more than I could ever provide."
He smiled softly at the other “you’ve given me so much already, what you can’t provide, no else can. All I need is you, nothing or no one else.”
"Really? I feel like I've only given you problems…" He couldn't make eye contact, his smile fading.
“Well, besides in the beginning, no you don’t give me problems.” He gently tilted Jay’s head up and pressed a kiss to his lips
He tried to relax, letting his mind be washed away by the feeling of his lips. But he still felt guilty.
He gently pulled away and frowned softly “what’s wrong?” He asked softly, stroking his cheek
"I just…I don't know. I still feel so guilty about what happened. I thought I was over it but…I guess not."
“My king, don’t feel guilty. I know you didn’t mean to say any of that.” He reassured, scooting closer to Jay
"I just don't want to hurt you. What happens if I lose control again? Then I'll be putting you at risk." He chewed on his lip in worry.
Raz’ looked trouble, having not really considered Jay losing control again “I-I don’t know.” He whispered hugging his knees to himself and resting his head on his knees
"I've been trying, I hope you can see that but I just don't know. We're both so new to this that I don't know what to expect."
“I know, I know you’ve been trying.” He smiled softly in reassurance “what do you expect? From what you know about relationships, what do you think is supposed to happen?”
"In a relationship? I-I don't know…from what I've seen, one gets mad at the other for so much as daring to bring the topic up and breaking the other down until they're terrified into silence."
Raz laughed softly, a harsh smile on his face “yeah, add in a few moments of physical abuse and manipulation and there’s your “perfect” couple.” He shook his head and glanced away from Jay, trying to hide his pain. “There not all like that.” He muttered
"I hope they're not cause I desperately want that to be you. I want you to be the one that's different."
Raz glanced up “I’d rather die than hurt Someone the way I’ve been hurt.” He said softly, “I hope I’m different.”
"Promise, my prince?" He looked at him, his eyes hopefully.
“No. I don’t.” He said, gazing at Jay “I don’t know who I’m going to be tomorrow, maybe I’m worse than him, maybe I’m better. I just know I don’t want to be him today. I’m not going to promise you anything that I’m not sure about.”
"Well, can you promise today? At least?" He just needed something to hold onto.
He thought for a moment before nodded “I can promise for today that I’m like him.” He pressed his head against jay’s and shut his eyes
(I'm going to assume that's supposed to say not like him?)
"That I can live with." He kissed him softly with a smile.
(Yeah it is, sorry bout that)
Raz hummed softly and leaned into the kiss “good.” He murmured, pressing their lips back together
He finally relaxed, glad that they could sort this out. He knew it'd come up again but at least it was resolved for today.
“We should probably eat breakfast.” He murmured, pulling away slightly to look at Jay
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