"I love you too." He muttered back, pecking his lips softly. He felt so wonderfully electrified, like he was floating on a cloud of bliss.
"I love you too." He muttered back, pecking his lips softly. He felt so wonderfully electrified, like he was floating on a cloud of bliss.
Raz smiled faintly abd shook his head slightly "THose words have caused too much pain." he whispered, gently stroking Jay's cheek "Promise me you won't be like the other,"
"Of course, my prince. I promise. You're not getting rid of me any time soon." He melted into his touch, sighing happily.
Raz released a softly breath and brought Jay close for a kiss before gently pushing him back so that he could hop down to the ground "counters are not comfortable…" he muttered
"Yeah no shit Sherlock." He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Now come on, there is cuddling to be done."
"you don't get cuddled-out do you?" Raz teased, wrapping the blanket around him and heading back to the living room. He set aside his notebook and curled up at the edge of the couch, waiting for Jay to join him
"Hey I've been cuddle deprived most of my life, I'm going to take full advantage of the cuddles I can get, thank you very much." He sat next to him, pulling him into his arms.
Raz nuzzled into jay's neck comfortably and wrapped the blanket around him as well "then I'll give you all the cuddles that you've missed out on." he said, pressing a kiss to his cheek
He hugged him tight, resting his hands just on his hips to keep him close. "Good cause I'm not letting you go anywhere anytime soon."
Raz nodded happily, his nose brushing against Jay’s jaw “ good cuz I don’t plan on moving anywhere anytime soon.”
He chuckled softly. "If you don't stop doing that, I'm going to kiss you and then it'll be your problem, not mine."
“I’m fine with that.” He murmured, continuing to ryrhmically nuzzle Jay’s jaw, occasionally pressing light kisses to his skin
"That's it, you asked for it." He turned his head and caught Raz's lips on his own. He meant what he said and now he had to follow through.
Raz hummed into the kiss, curling up closer to Jay and nodding his along to the movement oh their lips.
He had a feeling that this was going to be a consistency for them, a way to relax and just be together. Not that he minded at all.
Raz pulled jay closer by the shirt collar, readying his free hand on his shoulder. He liked being with Someone like this, relaxed and secure.
He tightened his grip on him, smiling against his lips. He could feel his heart skip a beat. What had he done to meet a guy like Raz?
Raz pulled away slightly and pressed a kiss to Jay’s nose, cheek, and brow, his lips brushing against his skin. “I love you,” He whispered, pressing into Jay’s hold
"I love you too." He muttered back, gladly pulling him closer. Yep, he had completely fallen for this guy, he could see that clear as crystal now.
Raz nudged into Jay’s neck and shut his eyes contently “how did they decide to send you to Hell?” He asked softly
"No idea. But I'm kind of glad that they did otherwise I would've never met you."
"Yeah, but you don't deserve to be there, at least from what you've told me…" He protested lightly
"Well then you can argue your point when you join me down there."
“Hopefully not soon. I don’t plan on dying anytime in the near future.” He glanced up at him with a pointed look
"Not hopefully, absolutely. I'm not letting you die on me anytime soon. You are mine to care for and protect."
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