"However late I want to be. There's been times where I've gone three or four days without sleep and been perfectly fine."
"However late I want to be. There's been times where I've gone three or four days without sleep and been perfectly fine."
“Wow, four days without sleep?” He shook his head “I don’t anyone would be fine after two, let alone four.”
"Well, I'm not just anyone. And 4 energy drinks in 15 minutes every 2 hours also helps."
Raz’s eyes widened “uhm yeah that would help a lot! What could you be doing that requires you not to sleep for For so long?”
"Better question, what doesn't? Marcus loves to run me ragged with work."
“Yeesh, and I thought I had a busy schedule…” he sat cross legged on the couch, scooting close to Jay. “So is all just contracts for you or do you do something else on the side besides writing?”
"It's mostly stuff on the side. Little errands for me to run. Sounds easy but it adds up fast. Plus, he's been trying to convince me to get a…certain job for a while now that I keep refusing."
“Certain job? Like a normal job or a demon job?” He asked curiously
"Little bit of both, actually. Essentially, my God this is embarrassing, he wants me to become an escort. He wants me to turn into a sex slave because human nature never changes and it's the easiest way to get people to make bad choices and make contracts but I refuse to sink myself that low."
Raz choked on air when he heard the job offer Jay was given “hold on, first of all that’s awful! Why-in what right mind would that work?!” He shook his head in disgust before looking back up at Jay “hey, how come you can say God when you’re a demon?”
"First of all, I have no idea why it works but apparently it does. I've seen a lot of contractors that are escorts. And second, just because I say it, doesn't mean I'm religious. Cause I'm not. Mostly because I'm not allowed to be."
“Would he had forced you to become an escort if you didn’t make as many contracts?” He tilted his head in slight confusion but shrugged. “true,”
"Well… actually, he gave me a time limit. If I didn't have my first contract within a week, he would've forced me to become an escort. But, lucky me, I found you. So now I don't have to become an escort, yay!"
Jay sighed in relief and laughed “that’s good.” He stood up and stretched, taking the blanket with him to the kitchen as he rummaged around for food
He pouted slightly when he left, getting up to follow him so his warmth wouldn't leave him. He wrapped his arms around him, resting his head on his shoulder so he could search with him. "Why'd you leave me? Now I'm cold." He muttered.
“Hm? Sorry, I’m hungry.” He presssd a kiss to Jays hair and reaches for a box of cereal. “You have milk right?” He asked turning in Jays hold and leaning against the counter
"I mean I should. Unless I drank it all with my coffee. Who knows. Oh yeah, fun fact, don't mix coffee, energy drinks, and whiskey together. Sure, it's a lot of energy but it's a bad day."
He shook his head and laughed “when did you do that smart one?” He asked, gently pulling out of Jay’s grasp to go to the fridge for milk.
"About a week and a half ago. I swear, it's the closest I'll ever get to being high on LSD without actually taking LSD."
Raz rolled his eyes playfully and poured out the milk after the cereal. “Want some?” He asked, holding out the box And milk
"Nah, I'm good. I'm not that hungry." He shrugged, watching him with a soft smile.
Raz nodded and put the milk and box of cereal back. He hopped up on the counter and ate the bowl of cereal with a content smile
"What is with you and constantly jumping on my counters? Like, what's so special about it?" He laughed.
He shrugged “they’re comfortable, plus I like feeling taller.” He laughed a munched on his food
"I'm like 5'8" I'm not that tall, come on love how much taller do you need to be?" He rolled his eyes with a smile.
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