"Then let's hope you keep that up and save mine from being shattered like glass." He chuckled as he kissed his cheek. "I love you."
"Then let's hope you keep that up and save mine from being shattered like glass." He chuckled as he kissed his cheek. "I love you."
"what? Not being able to hurt you or continuing to break my own heart for the sake of others?" He leaned into the kiss "I love you too Jay,"
"Not being able to hurt me. I would say that I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me but I wouldn't be able to hurt you anyway."
"I doubt that, but it'll hopefully never come to that. I would never hurt you Jay." He nuzzled into the other's neck and rested his head on his shoulder
He scooped the other up, placing him in his lap. "There, now you're not so far away." He cuddled him close. "I'd never hurt you either."
Arms wrapped around the other's neck, Raz rested his head on the others chest. He tugged the blanket over both of them and snuggled close "you're comfy," he glanced up at Jay and smiled softly
"Thanks?" He chuckled. "I didn't know I was suddenly a teddy bear."
Raz nodded "yep! A devilishly handsome teddy bear," he laughed and reached for his notebook, wanting to draw some more
He rolled his eyes with a smile as he grabbed his notebook and handed it to him. "I'm not handsome but thanks."
"thanks, and yes, yes you are." He flipped to a new page "maybe not a proper handsome but more of a rougish badass kinda handsome."
"That is way too big of a compliment for someone like me. I'm more Hunchback of Notre Dame than Christian Grey."
"Christian grey?" Raz asked in confusion, tilting his head curiously "sounds familiar but I have no clue who that is. I don't think you're the hunchback of Nitre Dame though."
(Doing chores outside is bleh)
"50 Shades of Grey's main character. Smoking hot. Like holy shit. Or at least, I think so."
(aw 😆)
Raz nodded slowly "ok….you have some strange man-crushes." He teased, starting to sketch in a light depiction of a person
"Hey, says you. You chose me, of all people. Why? Why would you do that to yourself?"
He glanced up at Jay in surprise "uhm…because I thought.." he took a breath and set his notebook down. "Out of all the other people in my miserable life, a complete stranger seemed the closest to understanding me." He shrugged and glanced down "it's dumb I know.."
"Aww, you think so?" He chuckled softly. "It's not dumb, love. I think it's sweet." He kissed the top of his head lightly. "I love you."
He smiled softly and nudged into Jay "I love you too Jay," He sighed softly and started to fill in the picture with more detail "Hey, can I ask a dumb question?"
"Fire away." He rested his head on the other's shoulder, just watching him draw.
"How come you're cold? I get the whole being dead thing but wouldn't you get warm again when you become a demon? wouldn't that help sell the idea of being normal for your missions than staying cold?" He glanced up, tilting his head back to look at Jay
(I will not quote Beetlejuice I will not quote Beetlejuice I will not quote it)
"Well that's the thing. It's not that demons are cold, it's that the Earth is a lot colder than hell. We're used to such high temperatures that it feels like it's freezing up here. But in an attempt to not freeze to death, a demon's body basically reverts to a zombie like state. A walking corpse. The body temperature is always cold but it's better than being extremely hot in a cold world."
Raz nodded in slight understanding "so does central heating and blankets help or is just always really cold to you?" he continued, feeling very aware of how many questions he as asking jay
(How could I not?? It's my job as a theater kid!)
"It does help but I will always be cold to some extent. The best I can be is lukewarm. Not cold, not hot, just kind of somewhere in the middle."
"My friend's theater kid and she forced me to watch it. I'm a tim burton fan so i was happy to watch it. I'm glad you got the reference! XDXD)
"ah then you live the best life. People are always too cold or too warm, never a happy medium. " he laughed softly continued to draw, drawing some inspiration from their conversation
"Well, luckily, you chose someone who's not exactly normal. I can bend the laws of physics how I please. It's actually quite fun."
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