forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"I was thinking of leaving. I wanted to to." He glanced over at Jay "there's good in you. I saw it in the library and when we got here. That's what's keeping me here I guess." He offered a small smile before he comfortably leaned against Jay


Raz glanced up and stole a small corner of the waffle when he saw that Jay was distracted. "You okay?" He asked while munching on the waffle


Raz nodded and pulled up his notebook. "I finished the drawing," he said softly, turning to the page with Jay on it. All of it was inked in black and shaded except for his eyes which were a range of deep gold's and greens.


He ldughed shyly and shrugged "i-i'm not cpletly sure. I juse have a reference and copy it while adding my own touch."


"you're not that bad, you just need practice." He pulled out the picture Jay had been working on before and showed it to him "it's pretty good."


Raz blushed a deep red and buried his head into jay's shoulder "that's usually the hardest thing to draw, another person." he said softly, peeking a glance at the picture and indeed seeing that it was actually pretty accurate, even for being Jay's first time drawing.


Raz shook his head "that's okay, it makes the picture your own instead of a direct copy. It's not thaticible anyways."


He frowned softly, the joy in his eyes fading. "No, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. I got carried away and let myself slip." He buried his face in his hands, sighing. "I've never had to really deal with lapses in power so I didn't recognize it and you got hurt."


Raz watched hat for a bit as he talked and shook his head. He pulled Jay to him and wrapped him in a hug like when they first met. "Hey, you didn't hurt me. Words were said, that's all." He rested his head on Jays shoulder and gently stroked his hair in an effort to calm the other "we both could've handled that a bit better."


He clamped his mouth shut in an attempt to keep his guilty sobs inside. He hated how this demonic power made him feel and what it made him do but he hated how weak he was to it even more. He instantly returned the hug, gripping him tightly.


Raz relaxed a bit into Jay as they held each other. He leaned his head on Jay's shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss to his head "it's alright," he whispered, continuing to stroke his hair.


He forced his tears down, compacting them into the ball of lead in the pit of his stomach with all of his other guilty thoughts and emotions although he didn't let go of Raz. Not for a second.


Raz glanced up after a while and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek "It's okay to cry you know, I'm not gonna judge." he offered with a small smile. "you've seen me cry before, it's okay if you cry, I promise."


"you're not." He whispered softly, pressing his cheek to Jays in an effort to comfort him. "Well if you want to, know that you can."