Raz curled himself tightly against Jay and burried his face in his shoulder " I know you're not," he said, his voice muffled against the fabric of the other's shirt.
Raz curled himself tightly against Jay and burried his face in his shoulder " I know you're not," he said, his voice muffled against the fabric of the other's shirt.
"You'd think I'd know if I was part angel but Mr. L and Dr. G refuse to say anything. Something about timing? I don't know, it's weird."
"Mr L and Dr G?" He just nodded in confusion, trying to piece together how angelic and demonic relationships worked. He shook his head, not understanding a thing. "Very weird," he agreed
"God and Lucifer. We're not really allowed to call them that in front of humans so we were told to call them by code names." He shrugged. "I don't know how exactly it works, the science is complicated."
"I never knew their was a science behind primordial beings…" Raz muttered with a laugh. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm gonna go home and run some errands. Do you want me to come back here or do want a few days to yourself? I get it if you want to have your home back for a bit,"
"Please come back. I overthink things when I'm by myself for too long…" He chewed on his lower lip but tried to relax.
Raz nodded "okay, i'll be back in a few hours," he said standing "don't overthink things while i'm gone." he smiled softly and headed to the door with his notebook
"What, no hug goodbye?" He chuckled softly.
Raz turned with a laugh "But this isn't goodbye," he argued, walking back to him and hugging him "I'll be back soon." he pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek and pulled away
"Hey, ya never know! Better safe than sorry. And besides, I'll miss you." He pouted slightly. "Don't judge me."
Raz smiled as he headed out the door "I'll see you in an hour, i'll call if anything comes up or something." He reasured before shutting the door behind him and walking back to his own apartment
Jay sighed when the door closed, flopping back onto the couch. This hour was going to seem like days. It always did when he was bored and alone.
Raz headed home to shower and change into his own clothes. He still kept the hoodie on though since it was comfortable and warm. He fixed his hair and put on one of his favorite flower crowns, a blue one with fake gold foliage. He went out to by a few things for the apartment before returning to Jays house after a few hours "alright, sorry that took so long, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find dark hot chocolate!"
Jay was still on the couch but he now had a laptop sitting with him and he was typing quickly. He waved him off once he entered. "Shh, you'll ruin my train of thought. I've been having writer's block with this story for two weeks."
Raz laughed softly and raised his hands in innocence "sorry, sorry, Imma make some hot coco while you write." He snuck away to the kitchen and started to boil a small pot of milk with cinnamon
(I feel like everyone in the world makes hot cocoa with milk except me 😂😂)
"Mugs are in the cabinet over the sink." He called, never looking away from his screen. He continued to write, his typing only getting faster.
(what do you make it with?😆)
Raz found the mugs where Jay said they were and set them aside for later. He pulled out some dark chocolate and started shaving off pieces with a knife. When he got a small amount, he scooped it up and put it in with the warmed milk
(Water like a normal person!)
He hummed as he worked, letting himself get lost in his story and his characters.
(welp apparently I'm not normal😂)
Raz let the chocolate melt in with the milk a bit before turning down the heat Stirling constantly. He sat up on the counter next to the stove and looked through the spices Jay had. He smiled when he found ceyanne and added a pinch of it into the chocolate.
"Are you looking through my spice rack? Be very careful with that, it's extremely easy to knock over." He chuckled, leaning back to give his eyes and back a break.
"ok, it didn't fall yet so I think I'm ok!" He called from the kitchen. Raz stirred the bottom on the pot to get the excess chocolate unstuck.
"I smell chocolate. Hurry up before I eat the rest of it." He laughed.
(is it ok if I said you picture of my friend asking others on their opinion on the hot chocolate thing?)
Raz laughed "patience, this takes a while to melt." He hid the chocolate in case Jay was serious about eating the rest of it
(Yeah, fine by me!)
"Patience is one of the few things I don't have. I want my hot cocoa!"
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