forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

people_alt 79 followers


(ok! Cool! I'll see if I can send it later cuz is's not working on my phone)
Raz rolled his eyes playfully "wait! It's almost done," he stirred it once mores and raised the heat slightly


"whaaattttttt?" Razdcalled back with a laugh, glancing up at Jay and raising an eyebrow as he stirred the darkening chocolate


Raz smiled "I love you too, but that won't get you hot cocoa any faster." He hopped down from the counter and shut the stove off. He brought the two cup over to the counter and carefully poured the chocolate into the cups. He found ground ginger and the chocolate from before and shaved it onto the top of the drink


Raz brought the two cups over and sat beside Jay, pulling his legs up to sit crossed legged on the couch. He passed Jay a cup and took a sip of his own with a smile


"good things take time," he nudged his head against Jay's shoulder with a slight blush. He held the cup in his hands and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders


(Aw that's cute)
Raz' blush only grew. He tried to hide it from Jay by tilting his head away "maybe, you tell me."


He shrugged, not meeting his gaze "and you could've controlled my mind and made me do unspeakable things, but you didn't. Thank you for that."


"How could I possibly make this cute face do demonic things?" He squished the other's cheeks with a giggle. "That'd just make me feel worse than usual for controlling someone."


Raz smiled softly and leaned into Jay's hand "unless you were verbally manipulating me, in which you wouldn't need your demonic abilities to screw me over." He glanced up and blushed "sorry…i over think things…..unless I'm right…."


"Well… technically? Verbal manipulation is finicky and doesn't always work. The person already has to be mentally unstable or weak for it to even have an effect but even then, they can still resist it so that's out of the question. And besides, I don't want to manipulate you. I want us to be happy, to be normal. Not something forced or fake."


Raz nodded slowly, desperatly wanting to believe Jay. Most of him really did but there was this nagging veice in the back of his head saying he was still a demon. He sighed and burried his head into Jay's shoulder "normal is out of the question." He muttered. "But I do want us to be happy."


Raz laughed softly, finding the notion a demon being heartbroken a bit funny "I wouldn't do that to you, I dont think I'm capable of carrying out the action of breaking anyone's heart. I thought no I'm more of the recipient of broken hearts."