forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Heaughed softly "what? Seeing you cry, I've seen people cry Jay, it's nothing uncommon." He pulled away slightly to look at him. He gently cupped his cheek and stroked his face with his thumb


Raz's eyes softened "you're not the only one who feels guilty." he said softly, brushing aside strands of hair that had fallen into Jay's face.


Raz held his gaze steadily and traced the sharp curve of his jawline "Your right, but it's also not a one-sided relationship. we both should have handled that better than we did. you don't have to take this all on your shoulders."


"I know that but it feels better to know that you're free of guilt or pain than it does to know that you're suffering and I'm fine. I want to protect you, to make sure you're okay. It's what we agreed to."


"I'll never be free of guilt or pain. My past relationship made sure of it. But that's part of being human." He took Jays hands in his and pressed them to his cheeks. "I promise you I'm ok. If that ever changes, I'll be sure to tell you." He pressed a kiss to Jay's wrist


Raz yelped in surprise when he realized what the other was doing but instead of trying to pull away, Raz slowly wrapped his arms around the Jays neck to pull him closer. He burried one hand into his hair while the other cupped his cheek


He calmed down slowly, the sparks that flowed through him forcing his tense muscles to relax. He didn't have to think when he was locked with Raz, he could let pure feeling lead him.


Raz gently pulled away to breath. He painted slightly and smiled "feeling better now?" He joked, stroking his hair. He pressed their heads together and sighed "fine. I'm yours. But remember, your mine too."


He smiled, relieved. "That's all I wanted to hear." He wanted to know that someone wanted him, that someone cared about him. Like, actually cared about him, not that they had to care about him like Marcus.


Raz pressed a light kiss to Jay's lips. He shut his eyes and traced the curves of his face. He was Jay's. He wasn't the world's anymore, he was owned and under the protection of a demon. He didn't like being owned by anyone but if it was better than the life he wasiving before, he'd take it.


"I know you don't like being under someone else's control but trust me, it could be a lot worse. I've seen some people make contracts and then basically be tortured for the rest of their lives. But I'd never do that to you. I could never bring myself to hurt you."


Raz just nodded, unsure if he should trust the other's words. "Have you done that before?" he asked softly "Have you tortured others before?" He thought back to what he had considered torture at the time before he had met Jay and wondered if it was similar. What he did to you was child play compared to what demons could do to a human's feeble mind. He reminded himself, flinching a bit


"What? No! I've been in training, I never got the chance to torture people. Nor do I want to. I could've chosen to be a torturer but I decided to be a contractor. Hurts less people."


Raz tilted his head "you're an odd demon, aren't ya? I've never ever heard of a demon who doesn't take pleasure in a human being's torture." he leaned on Jay's shoulder comfortably "I'm glad you decided to become a contractor."


He laughed along with Jay "is that possible? For an angel and a demon to be together?" He asked, suddenly curious about the topic


"Like, two separate people to be dating, one an angel and one a demon? Absolutely! Is it possible for a demon and angel to be melded into one person? That's a bit more questionable."


He nodded "niphilim, right? An angel child. I wonder what both are called." He snuggled into Jay and rested his head on his chest


He wrapped a gentle arm around him, holding him tight. "Not sure. But a lot of people ask me if I'm both. And while I can't tell you exactly what happened at the pearly gates, I can tell you that I'm not completely evil."