forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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“I’m not going anywhere, just to eat some breakfast in the kitchen, you can come too.” He smiled and started to scoot off the bed


Raz squeaked and leaned into Jay’s “looovveee, we need to eaaaatttt.” He argued, but not leaving jay’s hold


“You’re so stubborn,” Raz teased, poking Jay’s chest. He turned in the others hold so he could look at him, now On top of Jay “What if we eat and then go back to cuddling for a while?” He reasoned, pressing a whisper of a kiss to Jay’s lips


“I’ve made way too many promises to you my love,” He murmured, slowly shifting off of Jay “why can’t you just trust me to keep my word?” He tilted his head with a smile, pressing a kiss to his head before standing


Raz sighed softly “yes, yes you do. Now come on, I’m hungry.” He nodded his head towards the kitchen and walked out of the bedroom


“No, I think it’s really cute, I’m just impatient when it comes to food.” He replied, glancing up at him over his shoulder


Raz turned fully towards him and took his hand, gently tugging Jay to him. “You promise?” He asked quietly, gazing up into his eyes


He frowned softly and hugged Jay close. “I love you,” he murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. He gently pulled away and went back to making breakfast


He opened his mouth to respond but no words came out. He needed to get out, to have a minute to himself. "I'm…gonna go for a walk real quick. If I'm not back by the time breakfast is ready, just eat without me." He grabbed his keys off the table before heading out the door.


“O-okay,” He squeaked, saddening when Jay had he cooked he felt as if he had done something wrong. He hadn’t meant to, he would have never wanted to hurt Jay.


He started his walk away from the complex. He didn't know where he was going, he just didn't want to be at home. He'd also left his phone at home so that it'd just be him and the world.


After Raz had finished eating breakfast, he set aside food for when Jay came back. Still feeling guilty he curled up in Jay’s closet with the thick blankets from the bed, needing something of his to comfort himself “I’m sorry…” he whispered, starting to silently cry


He started getting worried, what if something had happened? What if he had gotten hurt? Raz got up from his spot and glanced around for his phone, curling silently when he found Jay’s as well. “Where are you?” He whispered, sliding to the floor and sitting in the dark across from the door in case Jay wanted to come back


Time ticked on but he still didn't come back. Jay was just following where his feet led him, not having a real destination in mind. He just kept walking, squinting into the now rising sun. Had it really been that long?