forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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he’s fine, don’t worry about him. Last time you did this they just got more annoyed at you to the point of…. Raz shot straight up, not allowing the thought to finish as he groggily got up from his position on the floor. Raz whimpered softly,still not finding the other anywhere. He stood up and headed out the door to the library, hoping to find comfort there. He left a note for Jay in case he came back as to where he was


He had decided to head back to the library, wanting to find a little bit of written comfort. However, on his way there, he got into a pretty nasty fight. He walked into the library with a slight limp, bruises covering him, and a couple of nasty looking cuts including one slashed right across his cheek. He collapsed into the spot he'd found Raz the first time they'd come here, sighing heavily.


Raz had been wandering around the library, not really paying attention to much. he’d hurt Jay. Somehow, some way… he glanced up when he sat a figure collapse near his usual spot to read in. He quickly went over and knelt beside him. “Jay?” He gently nudged him on his side “oh my god what happened?!” He quickly glanced around in case there were others around him before cradling jay’s head in his lap


He was starting to fade in and out of consciousness but managed to stay conscious enough to look up at him. He managed a weak smile. "Oh hey there. When'd you get here?"


“I’ve been here for a while now, what happened to you?” He wiped away tears and pulled off the jacket he had grabbed before leaving to press against Jay’s wounds


"I wouldn't consider this a couple scratches." he pressed the jacket to the scratch on his cheek "why didn't you go to the hospital? he whispered, pulling Jay close and sighing, Where were you? I was worried sick and then you show up out of nowhere?! he wanted to yell at Jay but knowing it wouldn't help.


"Then why did you leave for so long?" he asked softly, shifting so that his head was comfortably resting in his lap "rest a bit, then we'll go home." he glanced away from Jay to dry some tears that escaped before looking around the library


"Because I just needed some time to think and then I got lost and had to find my way back. I would've called you but I left my phone at home." He frowned slightly. "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to worry you."


Raz shook his head "it's okay…" Why did he always do this? why couldn't he just let thing be? "…I just got paranoid…did the people who attack you follow you back here?" he asked with a slight hiccup


He shook his head slowly, instantly regretting it but he said nothing about it. "No, no they didn't. And I really am sorry, I can tell you were worried. I didn't mean to hurt you…"


"No! no, no, no, don't worry about it, you didn't hurt me." he shook his head and stroked Jay's cheek. He took a calming breath "Let's just relax a bit and then we can go home, okay?"


"You might have to carry me, the room's already spinning." He closed his eyes, feeling sick to his stomach from the spinning. "…I had to do something…they started insulting you…no one talks about you like that…" He mumbled, only half conscious.


Raz paled "no…" he breathed, now truely worried "damn it" he shut his eyes to keep angry tears from falling "think you can stand a bit?" he asked, looping his arms under Jay's shoulder and holding him at the waist


Raz fell with him, not being able to support all of Jay’s weight. “I don’t think I can carry you,” he sat besides jay and placed his head on his lap “get some rest for a bit,”


“It’s okay, we’ll go to the hospital once you feel a bit better.” He pressed a kiss to Jay’s head and stroked his hair


"I won't but thats going to be the least of our worries since they probably have your blood samples. We can't go to Marcus for help?" he asked, not liking the risk the hospital posed


“But it woulda be better than the hospital, right?” He glanced down at Jay and pressed a gentle kiss to his head “did you see who attached you?”


Raz nodded, chewing on his lip in nervousness. He fell into silence and shut his eyes, leaning his head against the bookshelf behind him