forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz continued reading, not really noticing Jay’s yawn.
“*lumi nodded and glanced down at her silk blanket. ‘It shouldn’t have happened,’ she said, nodding towards the wing ‘whatever you did, I’m sure it didn’t warrent that kind of violence.’
‘How do you know?’ He asked, setting the bowl down


Raz looked over and smiled softly “look who’s tired. Sleep my king.” He murmured, closing the book and turning on his side so that he was pressed up against Jay


“I’ll never leave you my king.” He murmured “don’t worry, if the doctors come I’ll wake you up.” He pressed a kiss to his skin and nudged into his chest


Raz started to hum softly, trailing his hand along Jay's jawline and neck. He kept humming until he fell asleep in Jay's arms.


raz's eyes fluttered open as bright light's came in from the window. He sat up and stretched, glancing down at Jay with a small smile. He propped himself up on his elbow and gently stroked his hair


Raz frowned slightly, "my poor king," he murmured, kissing his temple. He used the back of his hand to brush aside his hair that had fallen as well as to trace the curve of his lips


He cradled Jay's head close to his chest and hummed softly. "you're safe my king, " he whispered softly, kissing his head multiple times


He glanced around, knowing most of the doctors and nurses weren’t close by. He shook jay harder, trying to wake him up “Jay please, it’s just a dream.”


“Love please, it’s just me, Raz. I’m not going to hurt you.” He hadn’t realized he was crying up he felt something yet his his hand. “You need to wake up it’s just a bad dream!” He shook jay harder can, hoping to wake him


"P-Please! I'm s-sorry! I-I didn't mean it! Don't h-hurt me!" At this point, alarms were starting to go off on the machines he was attached to. He about to have a heart attack.


Raz was freaking out as well, glancing over his shoulder as nurses and doctors came in. Raz let them have their space and stood off to the side silently crying. They tried shaking Jay awake