forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Lumi laughed softly ‘but I’m not. I just chose to help you when you needed it.’ She argued gently, captivated by the butterfly in front of her.
’And is that something a lovely angel would do? It’s the small as well as the large things you do that make you an Angel.’”


He leaned into the kiss with a smile “i’m no angel my love.”
lumi broke the gaze with a light laugh and shook her head “one main difference between me and an angel, they can fly. I can’t.’ Her smile faded slightly but she looked away before he could see the sadness in her eyes. Caspian thought for a moment ‘you just haven't found you’re own pair of wings yet.’ He reasoned with a smile as he set the empty bowl aside.


“Thought I was the butterfly?” He teased, nudging Jay’s shoulder affectionately
After Lumi had washed the bowl and finished her adjusting Caspian’s wing she headed towards the door and nodded to the outside ‘Want to join me outside?’


"Does that mean you want me to stop reading my king?" he asked softly, gazing at Jay with a smile. "we could always relax in awkward silence."


"okay," he pressed a light kiss to Jay's pout and continued reading.
"Caspian stood and nodded 'I'd love to.' Lumi gazed up at him, realizing he was much taller than her. She led him out the door to a small patch of grass and shorter flowers. She parted some leaved before them and watched as the navy blue sky illuminated with thousands of fireflies. She sat back with a smile and watched as the living lights floated and danced around them."


"'It's beautiful,' Caspian breathed, his dark eyes shining with the light of the fireflies.
Lumi nodded in agreement and watched the danced, mesmerized. 'it's the closest thing I get to flying.' she said, flinching and offering an apologetic smile 'sorry, that was sad.'


“And you’re adorable.” He murmured with a smile.
’it’s not sad, it’s inspiring.’ He smiled over at her and rested his hand on hers. Lumi blushed and looked away ‘so, Uhm, tell me more about yourself.’”


Raz glanced over and stroked his hair “You don’t want to sleep, do you my love?” He asked softly, having felt him stiffen


“I know,” he said softly, resting his head on top of Jay’s “but you need it. You need sleep.” He kissed his head and sighed heavily, not wanting Jay to have another night terror but also not wanting him to deprive himself of sleep


“Love, I’m not going anywhere. And you’re not going to the psych ward.” He nuzzled his head and pressed kisses to his head “you’re going to be ok.”


He shifted his gaze "I can't promise that love, but I'll try my hardest so that they won't have to take you away." He kissed his head and stroked his hair. "Just focus on getting better, not leaving."


he hummed softly and continued to stroke Jay's hair, toiling a piece on his finger before letting it fall back into place. "did he come yet? Marcus?" he asked, glancing around the room as if just saying the demon's name summoned him