He flinched away from everyone, sobbing and begging them to not hurt him, that he was sorry, that it didn't mean anything.
He flinched away from everyone, sobbing and begging them to not hurt him, that he was sorry, that it didn't mean anything.
Raz came over and cupped both sides of his cheek. He pressed a kiss to his head and shut his eyes "Please, my king, wake up. I can't lose you." he was gently pulled away from Jay by the doctors " If he doesn't wake up soon we'll have to fully sedate him."
He shot straight up with a scream, finally awake but not in good shape. He sobbed into his hands, still caught up in his own head.
The doctors jumped back in surprise, the perfect opportunity for Raz to rush to his side. “Jay? Jay you’re safe. Love, you’re okay. Just breath.” He pressed their heads together and took his hands
He instantly pulled away from him, curling up into a ball and sobbing into his knees. He was trembling and still had a worryingly fast heart rate.
Raz flinched and backed away to a corner. He let the doctors calm Jay down until they ordered him and a few others out of the room
They tried to calm him but it just wasn't working. He was too worked up and there were too many people. They tried for a few more minutes until they eventually had to sedate him so that he could stop being at risk for a heart attack.
Raz stayed in the waiting room for most of the day, curled up in the corner with his head in his arms. The doctors told him to go home and get some rest or something to eat but he wouldn’t leave. All he was worried about was for Jay. He wanted to se him but at the same time knew he needed his space…again
Night terrors had plauged Jay since the night he died. Sometimes they were a bit more anxious and sometimes they were more violent and terrifying like this one. He woke from the sedative at lunch but he refused to eat. He curled up on his side, ignoring everything and everyone. He just wanted Raz back by his side. He wanted to talk to him, to explain what happened, and to just hold him and fall apart.
“Me Thompson, you can go see him again.” The doctor said, gently shaking his shoulder so he’d wake up. Raz glanced up, eyes red and face blotchy. He stood and wobbled slightly as he walked back to Jay’s room. He stood by the door and watched Jay for a bit before moving to a chair and curling up in it.
He was pale with a tinge of deathly blue. He glanced up when he heard the door open, his dull gold eyes following him. He reached out for him when he sat, wanting to know that he wasn't just a sedated illusion.
Raz looked up at him and stood. He took his hand gently and pressed a kiss to his hand “hi my king.”
"You're real." His voice was thin and small, almost broken. "You're not an illusion, right? They said the sedative could cause hallucinations."
“No love, I’m real.” He sat beside him and started to stroke his hair “i’m here my king.”
He looked like he was laying on his deathbed. From the tinge of blue in his skin to the dull color of his eyes, it didn't look like he was going to make it.
Raz wiped away tears and pressed a kiss to Jay’s head “you’re going to be okay,” he whispered.
"I hope so." He mumbled, giving his hand a weak squeeze.
“Are you Okay now or are you still…seeing things.” He asked, curling up next to him, never releasing his hand as he moved
"Well, you tell me, is there actually a small crown of butterflies on your head?" Yep, he was still hallucinating.
Raz chuckled softly and shook his head "no, sadly there isn't." he scooted up so that Jay's head was resting on his chest. "want me to read again or are you still loopy?"
"Nooo, please keep reading, it'll make me feel better." He whined softly.
Raz laughed softly and nodded "okay, okay, I'll read." Raz looked around the room for the book and stood to get it where it rested on the window sill. He settled back next to Jay and opened the book
"Lumi gaped at him 'i-I don't.' She looked away from him, suddenly feeling stupid. what if he did deserve it?
Caspian saw that she was worried and frowned softly 'I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm not trying to scare you.' he reached over and rested his hand on top of hers 'i'm not dangerous or anything, i wouldn't hurt the one who literally saved my life.'"
"I could say that about you." He mumbled. "You saved my life." He snuggled into his side, already feeling better.
“And in return you saved mine.” He dropped a kiss to Jay’s head.
“Lumi glanced down at their hands and blushed ‘thank you…’ she whispered, not sure how else to respond. She shook herself slightly and brought his gaze up to meet Caspian’s ‘You’re wrong,’ He said with a charming grin, leaning back on the seat. ‘Bout what?’ she said with a small laugh ‘About not being an Angel.’”
He smiled a little, the blue tinge already starting to fade from his skin. Just being with the one he loved made him feel better.
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