Raz nodded slightly, wiping away the tears that wouldn’t stop. “I-I love you Jay. No matter what happens. I’ll always love you. Okay?”
Raz nodded slightly, wiping away the tears that wouldn’t stop. “I-I love you Jay. No matter what happens. I’ll always love you. Okay?”
"I know, Raz. I love you too. I always have and always will." He tilted his face up and pecked his lips softly.
He hummed softly and sighed softly “my beautiful king,” he murmured, stroking his face. “I’m yours.” He whispered, reached back and trailing his fingertips along the marking on the back of Jay’s neck, making sure not to touch it with the marking on his wrist
He smiled a little, tracing his features with a light fingertip. "My gorgeous prince." He traced the outline of his lips softly. "I'm yours too."
Raz pressed their heads together pressed a kiss to Jay’s fingertips “always and forever my love.” He promised, stroking his hair and pressed kisses to his wrist
"I seriously don't deserve someone like you." He felt himself fall in love with him all over again.
“And I don’t deserve you my love.” He murmured against Jay’s skin, pressing a final kiss to his wrist before lacing their hands together and glancing up at him. “When are you being discharged?”
"Tomorrow? Or two days, I don't remember. Either way, it's too soon and I don't want to leave here if leaving here means risking leaving you."
“Neither do I but I don’t want you to get hurt if you stay. We’ll see each other again, you’ll see” he reassured, kissing Jay’s cheek
"No, I'm staying with you. I'll do whatever I have to so I can stay with you."
“And if he hurts you for doing that? No love, you need to cooperate until you’re strong enough to leave him.” He reasoned, stroking his hair
"But what if I never am? Then you'll be left behind and the next time I see you will be when you're standing by my side in hell."
“I’ll wait until then my love.” He promised pressing kisses to his palm. “I’ll see you in Hell my darling.”
He rolled his eyes. "You'll fall in love long before you see me again. You'll forget about me in a month. Don't get my hopes up."
“I won’t my king,” he looked away, slightly worried. What If He did end up falling for someone else in the next few years. Would he still love Jay as much? Would he still wait to be reunited with him?
He sighed softly. "Even if you fall in love again, I never will. I'll always belong to you, no one else gets to have that."
“But that’s unfair to you. Waiting for me when I’ve moved on? No, I won’t don’t want to do that to you dear.” He looked up at Jay and shook his head “I’m yours, just as much as you are mine.”
"This is what I mean. I don't deserve you." He pecked his lips with a smile.
He laughed softly “I don’t deserve you my king.” He tugged him close by the shirt collar and kissed him harder
(I really just want to skip forward like 40 years when Raz dies and meets his love from when he was like 20 (we never did determine their ages) and in my head it's really cute)
He melted into him, kissing him back just as hard.
(Yeah lets do it! In my head Raz is in his mid 20s)
Raz only pulled away when he needed to breath, pressings kisses to any exposed skin so they weren’t without contact.
(Eee! Okay, has Raz met a new lover or has he kept to his promise?)
He loved him so much, waiting for him would always be worth it.
(I was thinking of having a roommate for him, not a lover but more of a brother?they can be partners but more ina brotherly way not romantic.)
(That works! We can do that!)
Raz glanced down at Logan on his lap and smiled. He stroked his hair and watched some tv. It has years after Jay was forced to leave and Raz still stayed in Thebes sane apartment. He had put up a flyer for roommates, not wanting to be alone At the time and had immediately gotten a response from Logan. They had become close over the first few years they’d roomed together. Raz has told him about husband life both before and after Jay, wanting Logan to understand why he didn’t choose to have a romantic relationship with anyone. He had left out the part where Jay was a demon from hell but kept the rest the same. Logan understood but still wanted to be close with Raz. In another life, Raz would have been open to a romantic relationship with Logan, but in this case, they had both settled for a brotherly bond with each other. Raz still loved Logan immensely And would be devastated when their time came. He pressed a gentle kiss to Logan’s head and carried him to his own room before settling into his own bed and slowly falling asleep
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