forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Jas and Logan waited in the waiting area of the airport, reading together and eating snacks. Jas was both nervous random very excited, what if Jay changed? What if he’d changed? What if Marcus showed up? he bit his lip and looked around.
“Calm down Raz, we’re early, he’s coming don’t worry.”


When he was finally let off, he practically ran to where Raz said he would he waiting. He kept scanning the crowd, looking for him. The more he looked, the more he worried that he wasn't actually there.


Raz stood up when they heard the announcement that Jay’s plane had landed. “You think we can get to the gate?” He asked anxiously
“Raz I don’t think they’ll let us in, we have to wait here.”
Raz groaned and sat back down “what I’d we’re at Thebes wrong airport?”
“We’re not, I triple checked. Just be patient.”


Logan glanced as he saw a knew wave of people enter the airport. He tugged on Raz’s sweatshirt and pointed. “Is that him?” He asked, gesturing to a man with glasses and dark hair with fair skin. Raz stood slowly and started towards him “jay?”


Raz ran to him, hoodie flying behind him and tears in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Jay's neck and buried his face in his shoulder "I've missed you more my king." He laughed through his sob and looked up at him


He nodded and shut his eyes, taking in the presence of Jay. “I can’t believe you’re actually here,” he pulled away gently but kept him at arms length “How was the flight?” He asked, not know where to start.


What, no hello kiss? It's been seven years since I've been able to give you any kind of affection and that's the first thing you do? Come on love, you're better than this." He teased with a chuckle.


He laughed and pulled him close. “Forgive me my love for making sure you were comfortable on the plane ride.” He pressed their lips hungrily together and shut his eyes with a hum


He cupped his cheek softly, pulling him close and kissing him hard. He'd missed this feeling so much. The feeling of just being whole, being complete. His missing puzzle piece was back.


He pressed closer to him and tilted his head with a small moan “I’ve waited far too long for you my dear, far too long.”


Raz smiled and traced the curves of Jay's face. "7 years did nothing to you, huh?" he shook his head and pressed another kiss to his lips. "Don't be sorry dear, I'm just glad you're back now."


"And, extra special surprise, I'm actually staying! Like, for good! At least for the next few years. Marcus is giving me a break from contracts since I've gotten quite a few in the years I've been gone so now you're stuck with me."


Raz' eyes brightened "really? that's great! we're gonna have to make room at the apartment but I think it'll accommodate three people," he rambled, getting excited and bouncing in place. "oh! speaking of rooming, come on! I want you to meet Logan!" he pulled him by the arm to where they had been sitting


"Sorry, I'm just excited." he nuzzled Jay's shoulder before gently breaking away to get Logan who was sipping a Starbucks Latte near a performer who was playing the drums. Raz gently pulled him away and gestured towards jay "Lo, this is jay, the one I've been telling you about." Logan beamed and stuck out his hand "so you're the one who this one won't shut up about? you've cost me endless nights of sleep, thanks!" he joked "but seriously, It's nice to finally meet the person Raz has so much love and affection for."


He shook his hand with a slight smile. "Thanks, it's nice to meet you too. Believe it or not, Raz talks about you a lot so I have high expectations." He laughed.


raz and Logan blushed
"R-really? he talks about me? jazzy you promised not to embarrass me in front of him!!"
Raz laughed softly "Sorry Lo but how could I not tell him about you?"


"Don't worry about it, I've heard only good things about you and your sleep schedule." He wrapped his arm around Raz, pulling him to his side and kissing his cheek softly.


Logan breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his Latte "alright, that's good. Did he also mention that I'm available? if any of your coworkers want to come down here, I'm always looking for a friend~" he winked and walked ahead of them, letting the two have their alone time
raz shook his head "Poor thing has been trying to find a companion for a while now." he leaned into jay and glanced up at him "Got any single demon's looking for a caffinated ball of fluff and all things cute?"


"Is it bad to say I do? I think him and Jackson would get along quite well. Who knows, maybe they'd fall for each other. I know Jackson would." He smiled a little. "He's currently I think down in Virginia still but I'm sure he could pop up for a quick visit."