forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Jay had been moved everywhere and was currently spending his time in Tokyo, seducing a guy named Connor. He'd been through countless contracts but none compared to Raz. He had kept to his promise, never finding another lover again. His heart still belonged to Raz. He wished he could go back and see him again but he knew he couldn't. Not for a while, at least.


(It’s ok!)
Raz awoke to Logan shaking his shoulder “Razzy wake up!!!”
Raz groaned and looked up to see Logan standing over him “Lo, it’s 7:30, go back to sleep.” Logan pouted and jumped on top of Raz. But Waffles and Whip cream closes at nine!” He whined. Raz sighed softly and ran a hand through his hair “You annoy me some times…”
“I love you too now get up!”


He sighed, getting ready for bed. He missed Raz, he really did. He checked his phone for notifications, texting back a few people when he scrolled down to Raz. He hesitated. He missed him so much. He was still thinking when he clicked the call button. He listened to the ringing, hoping he'd answer.


Raz was getting ready in his bedroom when he felt his phone ring in his pocket. He glanced down with a small smile and answered “hi darling. It’s a bit early to be calling don’t you think?” He teased, sitting down on the bed. He glanced up when Logan came in and silently asked for one more minute. Logan nodded in understanding and waved
“Lo says hi by the way.”


He smiled when he heard his voice. "You say that but I'm still in Tokyo seducing Connor so it's actually quite late. Just calling to check up on you, see how my love is doing."


“Ah right, sorry. Still the same guy? Jeez He’s Hard to get.” His but his lip with a smile “ I’m doing fine, beside being woken up early by Logan to get waffles, everything’s been fine.” He laughed softly as Logan stuck his tongue out and walked away. “How’s Tokyo?”


"Oh it's magical. I spend literal hours in Akihabara, it's such a fun place. I wish you could be here to see it." He gushed slightly. "I miss you, my prince. I really wish I could come home and see you again."


Raz smiled, glad that Jay was enjoying himself. “Me to, darling. I miss you too my king, I’ll see you soon, don’t worry.” He sighed softly and flopped back into the bed.


"Speaking of coming home, I have fantastic news. Sometime within the next month or so, I'm getting relocated again but this time it's to New York City! That's not too far! I'll finally get to see you again!"


“Really?! That’s great! Will Marcus let you?” He asked, worried about the demon. “You know how strict he is.”


(Sorry, the response wouldn’t load so it showed a different one,)
“Alright darling, just be careful, please.” He smiled softly “Logan’s coming by the way, you know he can’t be left alone for five minutes.”
“I HEARD THAT!” Logan yelled from the living room


He rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Don't say that love." He glanced at the clock and sighed. "Well, it's getting late and I have a breakfast to take a certain stubborn man to in the morning. I should go. I love you."


"I love you more, my king. Good luck with this one." he smiled softly and hung u[p the phone. He got up and got dressed, meeting Logan in the living room. "Finally! I'm starving!" he looped his arm with Raz' and led him out the door


Raz found a set by the window for him and Logan and slowly sipped his hot chocolate.
"so we're going to New York to meet your boyfriend? Yay!!! I'm surprised he gets to go anywhere without his boss telling him something." Logan smiled happily, looking like a kid as he sipped his boba tea
Raz nodded with a wistful smile "yeah, me too."


He laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't been in the United States in years. How had it already been seven years since he saw his love? He sighed softly, drifting off. Less than a month and he'd finally see him again.


Once Raz and Logan had finished off their breakfast, Logan dragged Raz around town for a few errands. Raz allowed this and happily advised Logan with any decision he needed to make, whether it was clothing choices or what book they wanted to read next or even the color of sheets they should get.


(Skip to when they see each other again?)
He slept peacefully, dreaming about what he'd do when he got back to the U.S. He was nervous about what Marcus would do if he caught him but disregarded it. He didn't care what happened he wanted to see Raz again.


(Yeah! Should we kill him off?)
“Come on Raz! We’re gonna be late!!!” Logan called as Raz came out, pulling a black a purple hoodie over his head. “I know, I know! I’m bad a timing, sorry!”


(Not before he gets there but eventually we will)
He kept bouncing his leg as he sat, staring out the window. He was sure it was driving the woman next to him insane but he didn't care. He just wanted to see his love again. He sent him a quick text, just to calm his own nerves: Hey, I'll be landing in about 20 minutes, I can't wait to see you again ❤️


Raz glanced down at his phone as Logan drove them to the airport. we’ll be there in about 10 minutes. I can’t wait to see you either 💕 He smiled happily as they saw the airport coming up.