"No no, I shouldn't. I'll spill something. I'm still just as clumsy as when I left but now with more expensive clothing. I'll stay here."
"No no, I shouldn't. I'll spill something. I'm still just as clumsy as when I left but now with more expensive clothing. I'll stay here."
Raz looked up at him and shook his head "Love, don't worry about it. If you do end up spilling something, we'll just clean it up." he reassured, resting his head on Logan's shoulder while still keeping his hand intertwined with jay's
"Really, love, I shouldn't. You relax, I'm fine here." That and he kept glancing between him and Logan. He knew he had no reason to suspect anything, he knew that Raz wouldn't do something like that, he knew he had absolutely no reason to be jealous but still he was. "Actually, can I talk to you? In private?"
Raz’ brow creased with worry before slowly getting up. “Sure, everything alright?” He asked, leading him to the hallway that led to their bedrooms. “Is something wrong?”
(Sorry! Had to eat)
He shook his head, running his hands through his hair with a slow exhale. "No no, nothing's wrong it's just…" He sighed heavily, starting to pace back and forth. "I can't stand the sight of you with someone else. I know I have no reason whatsoever to be jealous but I still am. What can I say? Demons get possessive. From what I've seen and heard you say, Logan's a great guy and I know you guys are good friends but it's just…ugh." He stopped in front of him, trying to calm himself. "I sound crazy, I know. But it's in my nature to be possessive over my bonded and since I'm so close with you, I get jealous easily. I'm not saying you should change anything, I don't want you to. But if I start acting weird when it's all three of us together, you now know why."
(It’s ok, I’m sorry I haven’t answered in a while)
Raz pressed both his hands to Jay’s cheek and pulled him into a kiss. “I am yours my love.” He said slowly “my heart belongs to you. Yes I love Logan. I love him very much. He’s basically an adorable little brother to me and I’d do literally anything for him. But you’re the one I want. You’re the one my heart calls out to whenever your not near and wants every single time you’re close.” He pressed another kiss to Jay’s lips before offering a soft smile “He’ll grow on you, don’t worry.”
(It's all good!)
He smiled a little, relieved that he wasn't upset. "I just get jealous easily, especially considering he's had you for the seven years that I haven't." He kissed him, hard. He'd gotten a strong handle on his power but whenever he got jealous, it struggled to get out, to be unleashed. But he kept it locked away.
“I know love, but I’ll be all yours in due time.” He kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Jay’s neck. “Can I ask you a favor?” He asked softly, breaking away slightly and looking up at Jay
"Of course, anything. Say the word and it's done." He had a small inkling of what he'd ask but was prepared for pretty much anything he'd say.
“Don’t let him go down there. I’m fine with him meeting your friend but don’t let him go to hell. He doesn’t deserve that.” He looked up at Jay pleadingly. “I know it’s a lot to ask but please…he doesn’t deserve that.”
He sighed softly. "Well, I don't personally have any control over Jackson but I can tell him to avoid a contract. I'll definitely try my best, love. Don't worry." He pecked his lips softly.
He nodded and sighed in relief “thank my love, thank you.” He kissed him back, pulling him closer to lengthen the kiss. “I love you Jay, I love you so much.” He murmured
"Believe me, darling, I love you so much more." He'd stand here and kiss him all day if Raz let him.
“Impossible.” He laughed and dig his fingers into Jay’s hair “How is possible for you to have gotten this beautiful?” He shook his head and pressed their heads together “where are you sleeping for tonight?” He asked
"Wherever you are, my love. You know I can't sleep well without you. I haven't slept properly since I left."
“Alright my darling, you’re sleeping with me then.” He kissed him softly and smiled “I’ve missed you my love,”
"I've missed you more. One of these days I'll fully claim you as mine." He kissed him softly.
“I’m yours my love, always has been, always will be.” He gently pulled away, stroking his cheek. “Want to go back and watch the movie?”
That's not quite what I meant… "Yeah, let's go. But I'm spending the time cuddling you so I hope you don't mind that." He kissed him softly.
“I’m fine with that, plus I think Lo fell asleep.” He peeked around the corner and smiled softly “yep, poor thing.” He shook his head and laced his hands with Jay’s, pulling him to the living room
He smiled softly, much more relaxed now that he had talked to him. "That's unfortunate. From what I've heard this is a really good movie."
“He’ll probably watch it later. He’s seen it a million times anyways.” He found a blanket and pulled it over Logan’s curled up form. He pressed a kiss to his head and took his coffee cup to kitchen.
He dropped onto the couch, sipping his now only warm hot chocolate, watching the movie. He knew it well but it sounded so strange in English considering he'd learned it in Japanese.
Raz sat next to him and sipped the hot chocolate. He rested his head on Jay’s shoulder and watched the movie “have you seen this before?” He asked softly, setting the cup down
"Yeah but it was in Japanese so it's basically like seeing it for the first time all over again." He wrapped an arm around him.
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