"I love you." He mumbled quietly, looking around at everyone that surrounded them.
"I love you." He mumbled quietly, looking around at everyone that surrounded them.
"I love you more, my king." He replied, nuzzling Jay's shoulder. He tapped his foot to the music and nodded his head to the music. "Want to join?" He asked, nodding his head to the people surrounding then that had started to dance to the music
"Of course, I'd love nothing more." Jay pulled them both to their feet, swaying along to the music and falling into the rhythm of those around them.
Raz smiled softly and lightly rested in his husband's arms as he let Jay lead. "It still amazes me that you know how to dance so well."
"Like I said, I've had a few years and a lot of reasons to learn. You just added onto those reasons." He shrugged with a laugh.
Raz shook his head "and here I thought that the mystery would dissipate with marriage. I'm pleasently surprised it still.is." he murmured softly with a smile. "I'm glad I gave you more a reason to learn to dance."
"Oh my prince, there is so much you don't know about me. The amount of stories Jackson could tell you about places I've been and things I've done are ridiculous."
"And I hope to uncover most of those mysteries in the life we'll have together." Raz replied softly with a soft smile, lightly running his hands through his husband's hair.
"His favorite story is the time a nearly pushed someone off Mt. Everest. It was a total accident but Jackson won't let me live it down."
He laughed and arched an eyebrow. "My love, how do you accidently almost push someone off one of the highest mountains in the world? Was it a one-man-for-himself kinda situation?" He joked, tilting his head with a smile
"I was standing at the top, someone was next to me and I sneezed! Of course I jolt and end up pretty much punch the guy in the stomach which sends him tumbling back and if I hadn't been on it to catch him, he would've stepped too far back and just dropped off the mountain."
Raz tried his bed to hide his laugh, waving his hand and trying to breath in to control his burst of laughter. "I see why Jackson thinks you tried to kill them, it must have looked like an attempted murder to everyone." He said through gasps of breath. "Dear, you get yourself into the oddest of problems."
"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. You married this disaster." Jay rolled his eyes with a smile, flicking Raz in the forehead. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to!"
"yes I did, and I'd do it again." Chuckling at the flicking. "So mean. First you almost kill a man on Mt Everest then you flick your husband." He shook his head and laced their hands together, bouncing around as the music changed.
"Almost accidentally kill a man on Mt Everest. There's a difference. It's not mean if it's an accident." Jay corrected with a chuckle, bouncing along with him to the music.
"does the man you almost accidentally killed know that?" Raz asked with grin. "I can't wait to hear more of these stories from.jackson, love." He teased, spinning in Jay's arms before going back to what he called dancing.
"Please, don't encourage him. He'll never shut up if you do." Jay rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "I already get reminded of my idiocy enough."
Raz anced softly and shook his head. "Alright, I won't. Only because I want to save your sanity. We don't need you almost accidently killing Jackson over this." He slowed so a slow away as the music came to a stop, clapping and cheering along with the crowd as the musicians bowed
Jay applauded the musicians before turning back to Raz. "Thank you, your generosity has not gone unnoticed."
"I wouldn't thank me just yet, sweetheart. Now you've given a very interesting line of defense for whenever we get in one of those petty little arguments couples seem to get into 5 months into a seemingly perfect marriage for whatever reason." He teased with a sly grin.
"What's a good relationship without a little bit of spice." Jay laughed. "A petty fight here and there is good. At least, that's what I think."
"ah that is true." Raz smiled at his husband, lightly resting his head against his shoulder. "Two days into our marriage and we've already done so much. I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives hold together"
"Well, that life is going to be a lot of love and care because you absolutely deserve it and I will not take no for an answer." Jay kissed the top of his head with a smile.
"my dear, I would never object to any amount of love and affection from you, no matter what may be going on." He nuzzled Jay's neck and gently pressed a kiss to his collarbone.
"I wonder how Jackson and Logan are doing. I mean, they were fine when we were away for Christmas but I can't help but wonder."
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