forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz shook his head, nose grazinalonhis husband's neck. "Nah, i don't think it is. I'm surprised neither have called yet." He breathed a laugh and impulsively checked his phone. "We'll call them soon, just to make sure they're alright." He reassured


"That'll be nice. Jackson's going to be so jealous when he finds out where we are. I didn't tell a soul about what I was planning, I didn't want anyone to spoil the surprise for you."


Raz nodded in agreement, "I'm surprised you didn't even tell him." He mused softly, "but I'm glad it was kept a surprise." He tilted his head up towards the sky, mouth agape in awe.


"ah then it makes sense." He chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek. "It's a wonderful surprise." He pulled over his sketchbook and started drawing out a rough outline of what he could see above him


Raz fell into his usual rhythm of drawing, a soft smile falling to his lips as he relaxed. The scratching of his pencils and the surrounding sounds of the area all very peaceful to him. He'd occassionally glance up at the sky for reference or at Jay to kiss him


After a while of drawing, Raz set aside his things, satisfied with what he had accomplished for the hour and settled against Jay's chest. "I think this is what I'm gonna miss the most when we leave." He murmured with a smile. "Oh and the bed…and defiantly the chocolate."


"What, the view? I have to admit, it's pretty enchanting. Enough to make one want to stay forever. But unfortunately, we can't. We have people waiting for us."


"mhm, it really is like nothing back home." Raz replied with a bob of his head. "Hopefully we can come back with Jackson and Logan so they can see it too." He tilted his head up and pressed a kiss to Jay's Jay line. "Then we'll enjoy this place for however long we have here alone."


(sure, I've been trying to think.of something they could do but nothing's coming to mind so yeah let's skip.)


Raz laughed softly as he tugged at his luggage back. "It's not too late to go back, love, I hear there's another flight leaving in few hours." He suggested, stretching out his arms as they stopped for a moment to scan the main lobby area for their roomates.


It only took another minute for Jay to find Jackson sprinting to come meet them and he laughed. "On the contrary, I think it is. And I'm about to get tackled." And with that, Jackson literally leapt onto his friend, taking them both to the floor with enormous force.


Raz jumped back as Jackson tackled Jay, letting out a laugh before finding himself in a tight embrace a moment later. "Ah and you thought you'd escape unscayhed?" Logan squeezed Raz tight, shaking them back and forth. Raz laughed again and hugged his friend back, breathing his vanilla coffee scent.


When Jackson finally let Jay get off the floor, he was coughing and rubbing the back of his head. "Did you have to full send it? My head hurts and I can't breathe." "That sounds like your problem."


Logan finally loosened Raz slightly, still keeping his arms looped around Raz's shoulders as they turned to Jay and Jackson. "The moment you get home, you both are telling us everything about the honeymoon." He said, taking a sip of his coffee that Raz only noticed he had now.


Jackson pulled Jay off the floor and clung to his arm. "Well, at least you're alive. Now come on! I want to hear everything, where did you even end up going? You wouldn't tell me a word!"


"yeah we saw the photos you sent but you never told us where you actually went." Logan chimed in, giving the two a pout. Raz leaned into Logan and shook his head "at home, hey lag is getting to me."
Logan rolled his eyes and rattled the coffee in front of him. "Coffee darling, drink. You're not going to sleep until you at least give us some details about the honeymoon."
Raz groaned and still a sip. "When did leant how to threaten while negotiate?"


"Jackson has taught him well, so it would appear." Jay raised an eyebrow at his friend who simply smiled innocently. "Aren't you the one who told me that you don't have to be frightening to be a threat?"


"ah he's got you there darling, that does sound like you." Raz said, reaching for Logan's coffee with a whine. "More caffeine."
Logan laughed softly and shook his head "uh uh, you don't get anymore coffee…wait a minute." He looked at Raz and then up at Jay then down at Raz. He smirked and let him have the cup. "You had alcohol, didn't you?" Raz blushed "maybe a little in the begining…and on the plane."


"Don't skimp on the details, love. You know he'll only ask for them. Raz ordered a bottle of rose the first night. I don't drink so I just let him have it. Then he insisted on one of those little bottles of whiskey that they sell in the airport. I swear, if I wasn't there to stop him, he would've gotten six." Jay chuckled with a shake of his head.