forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"oh really?" Logan laughed and shook his head "well, you both clearly had a great honeymoon huh?" He nudged Raz, causing him to groan in discomfort. "Staap I don't feel good!" He whined, cheeks flushed.
Logan shook his head, "no more alcohol for you."
"M'okay, I'm fine with that." Raz muttered


"Oh it was lovely. I'm sure Raz will be gushing about it once he's recovered from his hangover. He's alright with wine but apparently the hard stuff completely K.O.s him." Jay laughed, grabbing their bags and starting for the exit. "Come on, let's get him home."


"hooome, yay~!" Raz trilled, nearly done with Logan's coffee. "Alright, no more sugar either." He said with a grin, plucking the cup from his friend's hands. "Now tell me about the trip." He encouraged, following Jay and Jackson to the car.
"Hm, warm, pretty," Raz mumbled, fighting to stay awake now. "Oh yeah I saw from the pictures. It looked pretty nice. You were at a beach, right?"
"Hm, looks good shirtless." Raz added with a giggle.
"Hey! I wasn't talking about your honey, I meant the honeymoon." Logan shook his head in defeat as he guided Raz into the backseat of the car.


"We went to the Bahamas. It was beautiful, the weather was absolutely wonderful." Jay answered for his half conscious husband. Jackson gasped in mock offense. "You went to the Bahamas and didn't think to tell me?! I thought we were friends!"


Logan's have dropped as he looked between Jay and A half conscu Raz. "The Bahamas?! And yeah, he's right! How were we not invited?! You're both married to us as much as you are to each other, it's basically the same thing!"Logan argued, settling into the driver's side of the car. "That's so selfish, going on your honeymoon without us." He teased with a shake of his head


"Oh boo hoo, cry me a river." Jay chuckled with a roll of his eyes as he climbed in the back seat, leaving the passengers seat open for Jackson. "You'll be able to rub it in our faces when Jackson takes you to Tokyo after he gets off his ass and proposes." Jackson's face flushed red as he buried his face in his hands.


Logan turned a bright shade of red as he stole a glance over at Jackson. "H-Hey, no spoiling the fun, we never said anything about your honeymoon, mostly cuz we didn't know but still!" He managed out, trying to hide his flush by pulling on some shades


"I know. That's because he won't tell me either! I just took a random stab at it." Jay sat back with a self satisfied smirk as he watched the front seat couple blush numerous shades of red.


"gee I wonder why, and you complain about us." Logan muttered with an embarrassed laugh. "We'll take our trip when we're both ready." He took a deep breath and quietly laced his hand with Jackson's, squeezing it gently in reassurance before he pulled out if the airport parking lot and towards their home. By now Raz had fallen asleep on top of Jay, or as much as he could wile in a seatbelt


Jackson returned the smile weakly before turning to stare out the window. He had originally come up to New York to kick Jay's ass into gear with proposing to Raz so why was he suddenly so hesitant when he was in the same position?


Occasionally Logan would glance at him but couldn't muster up anything to say. How could he when this was the first instance he had actually considered getting married. Logan had never thought as hinsefl as a married individual, even if he did evidently find someone to love.


He wanted to propose, he really did. He had finished the ring during Jay and Raz's honeymoon. But he was just scared. Logan was so independent and such a free spirit, it got into his head that maybe he never wanted to marry. So if Jackson proposed when marriage wasn't what Logan wanted, then wouldn't he say no? Jackson knew he wouldn't be able to handle that.


Logan took a deep breath as they finally reached home. "Still in one piece. You two worry too much." He called over his shoulder as he turned the car off and pressed a kiss to Jackson's hand before stepping out. Raz whined in the back seat from being woken up but eventually managed to get up and out of the car, still a bit wobbly from the drinks he had consumed.


Jay helped Raz inside although Jackson lagged behind a little, eventually moving to Logan's side. "Hey, I'm just gonna take a quick walk. Get some fresh air. I'll be back in a bit." He patted Logan's shoulder with a weak smile before turning back and starting on a path away from the house, rethinking everything.


Logan glanced up and nodded slightly, quickly pressing a kiss to his lips before letting him go. He followed Jay and Logan to the house.
Raz looked up at Logan and tilted his head to the side. "Need coffee? Don't know how good I can make it while drink but eh, how bad can it be." He shrugged and sagged against Jay's side. Logan shook his head with a laugh "no, I'll be okay. You need rest."


Jay frowned slightly when only Logan came in, sitting on the couch with Raz at his side. That's not good… "Where's Jackson?"
Meanwhile Jackson was wandering through the city, rolling over every possible situation in his head. Could he really live with pinning down the freest spirit he'd ever met just because that's what he wanted?


Raz snuggled up in the corner with a blanket as he glanced between Jay and Logan.
Logan nodded to the door "said he was going for a bit if a walk." He replied, tossing the keys and his sunglasses to the side table.


Okay that's really not good. Jackson, please don't be thinking something stupid again… "Alright then. Why don't you head to bed. I'll keep watch over Raz. Besides, I've got a bit of jetlag to work through myself."


Logan bit his lip and glanced towards the door before slowly nodding. He offered a small smile to the couple "I still can't believe you two went to the Bahamas without us." He laughed softly "you two deserve it. I'm glad you both had a great time." He waved as he headed to his bedroom, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
Raz pouted softly and gently tugged at Jay's arm once Logan had gone to his room. "Will Jackson be okay?"


Jay sighed heavily. "Physically? Yes, he'll be just fine. Mentally? Questionable. If my hunch is right, he's rethinking proposing to Logan. And I know exactly why. He sees Logan as a free bird, a free spirit. And now he's not sure that he's willing to admit to being the reason that bird is forced to land."


Raz nodded slightly, nuzzling against Jay's shoulder. "M'not sure if logan would mind much, if at all. He loves Jackson, a lot. Maybe he'd like to be married to him." He huffed a sighed, a violent shiver going down his spine. "Gas Jackson ever considered marriage with anyone other than Lo?"


"Nope. Never. Which is why I think it's kind of weirding him out. His parents were divorced so he's never had a stable idea of marriage. You can't exactly blame him for being cautious."


Abrose practically purred at being pettered, gladly dropping his head back against Jay's shoulder. "M'okay. I'll try and talk to Logan once my head clears up."