forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan smiled against his neck "I'd love that, hon. I don't even think I have any proper photos of you." He pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek and leaned into the nuzzling. "Eh I'm being over dramatic, it'll rain eventually again." He replied, humming softly and nuzzling back


Logan chuckled lightly but reluctantly sat up. "Alright, we'll go out for a bit. Oh this also gives me a chance to dress you!" He clapped his hands excitedly getting out of bed again and heading over to the closet to both change out of his PJs and to find Jackson and outfit


Jackson sat up in bed, running his hands through his hair to tame it as he watched Logan sort through his closet. "I'm sure you'll pick something lovely, bean."


"oh always, especially for photoshoot." He replied, pulling a fancy white button down along with some trousers, something Logan barely wore, even on fancy occasions. "I was thinking of doing a few shots with the umbrell, something innocent and cutetsy, and then without the umbrella to look more romantic or something like that." He explained, handing the clothes to Jackson


"Ah yes, a white button down in the rain that will immediately go see through which is the opposite reason for wearing a shirt in the first place. I love the feeling of useless wet fabric against my skin." Jackson commented with a roll of his eyes and a chuckle.


"ah I see your catching on to my technique, dear." Logan grinned as he picked up his camera from a nearby shelf and started adjusting the setting on it to get the right lense and lighting effects. Once that was done, he went back to the closet to change out of his PJs.


Jackson pulled himself out of bed and changed, tugging at the collar of the white shirt which was a tad bit too tight but not enough for him to really complain. Besides, it made his body look great.


A few minutes later, Logan emerged in a brown, swearer-like croptop, a stripped cardigan, black skinny jeans and sunglasses. He glanced up and smiled softly "now don't you look nice." He gently adjusted Jackson's collar, unbuttoning a few buttons and straightening out a few wrinkles the best he could.


Logan giggled at Jackson's impatience and quickly grabbed his bag containing extra lenses and filters that Logan could possibly wish to add. He waved to Raz as they passed the kitchen and living room. Raz waved back, arching an eyebrow in silent question at the pair's appearance but nodded once he saw the camera.
"We'll be back soon!" Logan called as he pulled open the door


"Don't get electrocuted!" Jay called after them sleepily, sipping heavily from his cup.

Jacksom simply rolled his eyes and stepped outside, shuddering at the drop in temperature from the warm inside to the cold outside. "Let's get to it."


Logan chuckled lightly as he followed Jackson outside, wrapping the cardigan he had thrown on around himself a bit tighter to keep out the cold. "We'll maybe a take two hours since its colder than I thought, you okay with that or do you maybe wanna shoot for an hour?" He asked as they turned down the sidewalk. Logan began scanning around, trying to find a place that's be good for taking photos


"that is true. Alright then, we'll see what we can get in two hours then." He mused, wandering over to a path that lead to a bridge. "This is usually a good spot for photos, evecially in the wintertime. I've never tried when it's raining though." He set the camera bag down and started taking photos, just wanting to get a feel for backgrounds and angles.


Jackson just leaned against the rail on the bridge, staring out over the landscape and listening to the rain around them. In the few minutes Logan was setting up, he lost himself to the world, completely relaxed and calm as he just stared without any thoughts.


Logan glanced up from his camera, having noticed Jackson move and smiled softly, raising his camera up to eye level and snapping a few photos. He examined the results and nodded slightly. "You're a natural model, sweetheart." He said, stepping up to Jackson and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I think the camera's all set, ready to start?" He asked


Jackson jumped at Logan's voice, startled out of his thoughts. "Ah, sorry. Got a bit lost in thought. But yeah, let's get started. It's way too cold out here."


"it's alright, dearest. It makes the photos look more natural." He smiled softly and gently pulled Jackson around to the bridge. "Let's try sending over hanging photos, sort of where you're leaning over the edge of the bridge." He suggested, taking a few steps back.


Logan nodded with a small smile as he raised the camera and took a few shots. He hopped up on the edge of the bridge, carefully balancing beside where Jackson had positioned himself for a more interesting angle. He sat down and decided to take a selfie, lightly running his hand through Jackson's hair. "You're a natural model, hon." He cooed, hopping down from the ledge and bunching his lips to the side in thought, wonder where he could position by Jackson next


Jackson straightened up, shaking his now damp hair out of his face. "Why thank you, I do try. Maybe I should've been a model instead of a jeweler. But nevermind that, what shall your puppet do next?" He chuckled.


(it does! I'm so sorry for the long wait!)
Logan gave a playful glare as and pressed a kiss to Jackson’s cheek. “Let’s try some shots in the forest.” He suggested, setting his camera back info his bag and tugged Jackson In the direction of some trees off titbhe side of the bridge