forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Jay is just drained from emotional stress. Once he hears that this has happened, he'll relax. Plus they were in the Bahamas for a week, I'd be pretty sleepy too if I had to come back here after that."


"There is such thing as needing a vacation from a vacation." Logan laugh. "We'll cook today, give them a bit more of a break." He decided. "At least for today.”


"I'll have you know I haven't burned anything in the kitchen in the last two months, mostly because of you, Raz, and jay cooking or going out of eat, but still, that's the longest it's been since a disaster happened! Besides you'll be right there to help me, right?" He rested his head against Jackson's shoulder and gave him his best puppy eyes. "please babe?"


"Of course my cooking challenged fiancé. I would never dream of leaving you alone with something like that." Jackson pressed a kiss to his forehead as the house finally came into view. "Hallelujah, it's freezing out here."


(Logan and Jackson are totally the couple who the most creative nicknames for each other like "toast" or "hoenypie" progressively getting weirder as goes on XD)

Logan trilled happily and nudged Jackson's head affectionately. "Thank you sweetheart." He glanced up when their little home came into view, rummaging through his bag for the keys. "While I see what we have in the kitchen to make a decent meal, you shower." He paused by the door and gently tugged Jackson into one more kiss before nudging open the door.


(They would!! Omg, that would be so funny XD)

Jay glanced up from where he was scrolling on his phone on the couch. "I can sense the hypothermia. It's not a fun process to go through so go warm up." "Yeah yeah, thanks Dad." Jackson waved him off as he started down the hall. "Cold shower, no hot water! Make your body bring blood to the skin!" Jay called after him before sighing.


Logan breathed a laugh as he watched Jackson head off to the bathroom. "I think I have to take the bone for that." He chuckled and shut the door behind him. Raz peeked into the living from the kitchen where Logan could smell something being baked.
"Looks like dessert is taken care of." Logan greeted, fidgeting with his hands slightly. Raz nodded, tilting his head slightly at his friend. "Something up." He muttered, waving his hand at Logan. "Spill, what happened?" He demanded as he leaned against the wall and pinned Logan with a worried look


"Calm down honey, it's nothing bad. Jackson's still being sarcastic and he's horrible at hiding his emotions so I could tell he was happy about something." A smile slowly spread across Jay's face as he put it together. "Holy shit, did he finally do it?"


Raz released a sigh of relief, but still looked Logan over skeptically. He looked between Jay and Logan, brows furrowed in confusion for a moment until it all clicked.
Logan couldn't help but smile as he nodded and showed the ring on his hand. "Yep! We're officially engaged now." Logan barely had enough time to catch himself as Raz fling himself into Logan's arms, squealing and congradulating him.


"Well, good for you two. Took him long enough." Jay sat back with a smile and a roll of his eyes. "Did he make you get a picture? He's sappy like that, I bet he did."


Logan laughed "sappy but perfect, considering I'm a photographer by trade." Logan followed Raz over to the couch as sat down next to him while he sat next Jay. Up close he could really see just how tired both looked. "To celebrate we thought we'd cook for you two as a thank 6ou sticking by us for so long and just for your support." He said, gently squeezing raz's hand and looking up at jay.


Jay raised a concerned eyebrow at Logan. "I don't know how exactly I feel about you two in the kitchen. Didn't the last time we left you two alone in there almost end up in the house burning down?"


"we won't burn anything, promise." Logan pleased, looking between the two. Raz huffed a small sigh, "we have left them alone for our honeymoon and nothing happened," Raz reminded, glancing over at Jay. "I think one night of letting to newly engaged couple cook can't hurt."


"Yeah, don't you trust me?" Jackson huffed as he stepped out into the living room, a towel around his neck to catch the water from his still dripping hair. "I trust you plenty. But I think it is plenty reasonable for me to have my doubts."


"it won't be anything elaborate, we can make something simple, like pasta!" Logan suggested, glancing up at Jackson and smiling. "Besides, you both will be here this time. If anything starts going wrong that neither of us can handle, we'll call you."
Raz nodded and rested his head against his husband's shoulder, "they'll be alright, my king."


Jay sighed heavily and leaned against Raz. "I know, I know. That doesn't make me any less nervous though." Jackson rolled his eyes and pulled Logan into the kitchen to start on dinner.


"they'll be alright." He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to Jay's temple. "Relax sweetheart, if things don't work out, we'll get takeout." He murmured, gently coming through Jay's hair.
Logan smiled softly before following Jackson into the kitchen. He took the towel from around Jackson's neck and used it to dry his hair as he looked over his shoulder. "So what are we doin, hon?"


Jay just leaned into the affection with a smile. "Well, it's your kitchen on the line here not mine so feel how you want."
Jackson shook his now slightly dry hair out of his face with a smile. "Now that you've stopped massaging my head I can actually think about it."


"hey, you're married to me, now it's your kitchen, and consequently if these two burn it down, your problem too." He laughed softly, tilting his head back to look at his beloved. "You feeling okay, sweetheart?" He murmured

Logan pouted before lightly hit him with the towel and setting it aside. He looked through the cabinets and fridge. Finding vegetables as well as some raw chicken.


"Yes my beloved, I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit tired." Jay pressed a kiss to Raz's forehead and brought him in as close as he could.

Jackson just laughed and watched Logan dig around in the fridge. "Hmm, what about a stir fry? That's simple, right?"


Raz looked at Jay skeptically for a few moments before shifting around on the couch and hugging Jay back, "rest, dear. I'll wake you up when the foods ready." He murmured softly.

"Stir fry sounds great. I've seen Raz make it a few times so it can't be that hard." He said, grabbing the chicken and some of the vegetables. "I think the condiments used are in the cabinet above your head."


(Tired dad, sweetheart mom, and their rebellious sons)

"So long as you don't move." Jay mumbled into Raz's hair as he closed his eyes to fall asleep. "I love you, my prince."

"Yeah, what's the worst that could happen." Jackson snorted as he opened the cabinet to see what seasonings were inside.


(The straightest gay family out there, it's perfect)

A laugh bubbles up in his chest. "I'm not going anywhere." He replied, nudging Jau's head affectionately before pulling a blanket down from the back of the couch over them both. "I love you more my king." He smiled at Jay and kissed his brow.

Logan found a knife and cutting board to begin the tedious prices if chopping all the vegetables. "Hey, as long as I'm not the one near the flames, it should hypothetically be alright."