forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"I do trust you sweetheart," Logan said, setting the knife down and wrapping Jackson in a hug. "I trust you with my life." He pressed a kiss to Jackson's cheek, watching as he worked for a bit. He was so happy, here with the ones he loved the most. He rested his head against Jackson's shoulder letting himself enjoy the moment.


Jackson worked with what he had, nuzzling back into Logan whenever he could. "You're cute." There was so much to love about Logan and Jackson loved everything.


"Thank you, honeypie." He mumbled, pressing one last kiss to Jackson's temple before going back to the cutting board. "let me know when you need these," he said, waving to his neat little pile of chopped veggies


"I will, I will." Jackson hummed, going back to focusing on the pan in front of him. He took occasional glances back at Logan, smiling to himself as he did.


Logan laughed and put all the veggies he'd chopped into a Small bowl. Setting that bowl next to Jackson he started on the small amount of dishes in the sink, not wanting pile up later.


Logan cleaned and tidied the kitchen as he let Jackson work, occasionally looking over his shoulder and sneaking samples of the food. "It's coming along great," he complimented through a bite of food. He hopped up on the counter and watched from there


"I'm sampling your amazing cooking to make sure it's up to all our picky standards." Logan complained with a pout. He huffed a sigh before starting the little Keurig machine beside him to make his coffee


Logan nodded with a laugh "it's a wonder Raz has made anything he likes." He mused, swinging his legs back and forth as he leaned forwards and peeked into the living room, smiling softly at seeing the two curled up on the couch in each other's embrace, now fast asleep


"It's Raz, Jay would never complain about anything if he knew Raz made it. That man is so down bad for his husband it's not even funny." Jackson snorted with a roll of his eyes.


Logan snickered softly as he took a comforting sip of coffee. "After everything those two have been through, I think it's more than understandable they'd be so close." He reasoned, gently tugging Jackson into an embrace once he was within reach and pressed their brows together. "Don't act as if we're not similar sweetheart." He cooed, pressing a kiss to his fiance's brow.


"I'm not saying we're not but they're much more obvious about it." Jackson pointed out as he pulled away from Logan. "Now quit distracting me, I'm cooking. It's almost done, you can wait."


Logan whined softly when Jackson pulled away. "Mhm sure, darlin." He hopped down from the counter, took another sip of his coffee and put it in the microwave to keep whatever heat it had left. "While you focus on cooking, I'm taking a quick shower." He called over his shoulder,


"Nooo, don't go, I need someone to wake up the married bastards. Plus, I'll be lonely out here without you." Jackson pouted, putting on his best puppy dog eyes.


"ah now look who's being obvious." Logan cooed, reluctantly wandering back into the kitchen and resting against Jackson's shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Fine, I'll stay, bit only if I can hug you. At least when you're not cooking."


"I'm just about done anyway. Just stay with me." Jackson whined as he turned off the burner and moved the pan to a cool one before pulling Logan into his chest.


"Always." Logan mumbled, burying his face against Jackson's chest. He reached up and gently swept aside Jackson's hair from his face. "There's my beautiful angel." He murmured, giving a soft, dreamy smile.


Jackson rolled his eyes, a soft blush staining his cheeks. "Quite the opposite, darling. I couldn't be an angel if I tried. And believe me, I did. For far longer than I should've."


Logan shook his head stubbornly. "That doesn't matter," he murmured, resting his chin against Jackson's chest. "You're my angel. I don't care what everyone else says. If they can't see how loving and kind and beautiful like I or jay and Raz can then they don't have a right to say what you are or aren't."


"do I look like I give a damn about what I deserve? I want you, Jackson, nothing more, nothing less." He gave Jackson a squeeze before turning his face to look at the food. "We should probably wake sleeping beauty 1 and and 2 huh? Food's gonna be ready soon."


Logan laughed "I'll probably have better luck if I wake Raz up first." He pressed one last Kiss to Jackson's cheek before letting go. Walking into the living room, he found the two lovers sprawled out on the couch, still asleep. Logan shook his head adoringly before gently shaking Raz' shoulder. "Rise and shine princess, food is ready." He cooed, trying to shake Jay as well