Jackson started setting the food on the table, watching Logan attempt to wake up their dead asleep roommates with an amused smile.
Jackson started setting the food on the table, watching Logan attempt to wake up their dead asleep roommates with an amused smile.
Logan huffed indignantly, crossinggis arms over his chest. "Fine, I guess we're doing this the fun way." He strode to the kitchen and grabbed a pot and a spoon. He stepped close to the couple before clanging the utensils together while yelling "wake up!"
Raz jolted awake, covering his ears. "Alright, alright! We're awake!" He yelled over the noise. He nudged Jay to get him off as he death glared his friend. "I'm getting you back."
Jay was barely even fazed by the racket, attempting to roll over with Raz still on top of him, mumbling something unintelligible. "See? I told you. Sleeps like the literal dead. The only thing that'll wake him is Raz, which is beyond my comprehension." Jackson poked his head out into the living room to comment.
Logan backed away towards the safety of the kitchen while he let Raz and Jay wake up. "That's just concerning, honestly." Logan laughed, setting aside the pan and spoon.
Raz sighed tiredly and gently brushed a hand along Jay's cheek, tempted to let him sleep a little longer. "My king, we need to eat." He cooed softly, giving Jay another gentle nudge. "Jackson and Lo worked hard to feed us."
Jackson wrapped an arm around Logan's waist and swept his lover into the kitchen, grabbing his hand to twirl him before planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Hey gorgeous."
Jay's eyes flickered open with a sleepy whine. "Do we really have to? I'm not even alive, let me sleep. Food isn't actually necessary."
Logan nearly stubbled into the twirl, but caught himself in Jackson's embrace, giggling and gladly kissing back. "Hello darling," he replied, humming softly as they swayed in place.
"Yes sweetheart, we do. I doubt you'll want to miss out of their wonderful cooking. we can go right back to sleeping once we eat and shower." He promised, peppering jay in kisses.
"Weren't expecting to be twirled like a princess now were you? Gotta keep you on your toes." Jackson teased with a laugh.
Jay groaned and sat up. "Fine fine. But only because you're so cute. I can't say no to those eyes even if I wanted to."
"no, I wasn't, but I'm always glad to dance with you, babe," Logan reached over towards the counter to grab his abandoned coffee cup to take a quick swig
"I'm glad I'm the reason you decide to get up." Raz mumbled tiredly, pressing a sleepy kiss to Jay's cheek. He yawned but reluctantly stood, immediately shivering with cold as he shuffled to the kitchen to help with serving dinner
Jackson led Logan to the table and sat comfortably as Jay sleepily followed Raz in. "You two look worn out." "Shut your face, I don't wanna hear it." Jay grouched with a half asleep pout.
Raz settled beside Jay, gently resting his head on his shoulder. "Baby, be nice. They just got engaged and made us dinner." He pressed a soft kiss to Jay's cheek before picking up a fork and digging in.
"Yeah but I don't need to take any of his sass." Jay yawned as he dug in. Jackson just rolled his eyes with a smile. "Love you too buddy."
Raz rolled his eyes "the sass is a given, sweetheart. You should know this by now." Raz grinned and nodded his head to Logan and Jackson. "This is great, I'm honestly surprised nothing burned." Raz teased, earning him a light smack on the arm from Logan
Jay just ate quietly, biting his tongue to avoid being nitpicky like he always was. He was too tired and the other two did not need that right now.
"I'll have you know, Jackson was the actual chef here. I just did some prep work." Logan stuck out his tongue as he ate dinner.
Raz laughed softly "well it came out great. Thank you both for this. It honestly feels weird. Aren't we the ones who should be cooking for you? You got engaged after all!"
Logan shrugged slightly "you both needed a break. It seems that you still need one." He said, flicking his gaze to Jay
Jay just looked at him, munching quietly before looking back down at his plate. "Ah, don't mind him. He just needs some time to wake up and since he doesn't drink caffeine, it takes him a bit." Jackson waved Jay off with a smile.
"there's always coffee in the coffee pot if you ever wanna a pick me up." Logan offered, pointing with his fork to the coffee maker in the corner. Raz have a tired but happy smile, gently squeezing his husband's hand.
"Nah, Jay doesn't do caffeine. Never has, makes him jittery. Trust me, you don't wanna see Jay bouncing off the walls. It's not pretty." Jackson snorted, making Jay glare tiredly at him.
"that is true, I guess. I've never seen you drink coffee, or much caffeine at all." Raz chimed in, looking over at Jay and shaking his head with a breathy laugh. He pressed a gentle kiss to Jay's knuckles before standing and taking his empty plates and cups to the sink. "I'm assuming because you two cooked, we get the joy of cleaning?"
"If you please, my good man. I've done enough today, I'm calling it a wrap." Jackson sighed, dropping back in his chair heavily.
Raz laughed before coming back and taking the rest of the empty plates and cups from the table. "Dinner was very good, thank you both." He said as he dissapeared intot he kitchen, humming softly as he started to tidy up for the night
Jay nodded in agreement, downing the rest of his cup before wandering into the kitchen to help his husband.
Jackson just chuckled with a shake of his head. "The separation anxiety they're going to get the longer they're like this is going to be insane."
"they were apart for seven years before they got married, I think they get a pass for being sobattatched to each other." Logan laughed softly, glancing behind them "it wasn't easy for Raz at least. Neither of us were doing all that great when I first started living with him. Raz couldn't be with the one he loved and I was a mess." Logan sighed softly before finishing his cup of coffee and standing. "Surely if you're poking fun at those two, you won't have a problem with me going off to take a shower." He teased, pressing a kiss to Jackson's hair
Jackson raised an eyebrow in concern. "What was going on when you moved in with him?" He grabbed Logan's wrist softly. "Hang on, you don't get to just drop that kind of vague thing and then leave."
Logan's gaze softened "there's not much to tell sweetheart." He sat back down and reassuringly squeezed Jackson's hand. "When I first met Raz, he had gone to college as a distraction and to get a degree in art and I was a photography major in my second year. We got along quickly so it wasn't really surprising when I moved in with him. It was nice having someone safe to come home to. I had just gotten out of pretty bad relationship and unfortunately was slipping into another. Raz was mostly quiet and very reserved at first but he was one of the only people I could be myself around." He traced a swirl against the table as he told Jackson about the seven Raz and him had spent together
"What wore him down? Did he tell you about his relationship? I mean, I assume yes since you knew about Jay before he got here but, you know what I mean."
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