forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Ah, so that's why you really keep me around. Good to know." Jackson snorted with a smile and a roll of his eyes.

"That was different and you know it." Jay whined, nudging Raz with his elbow. "I just like having my time with you."


Logan chuckled and shook his head, peppering Jackson with kisses "no my dear. That is but one of the millions of reasons why I love you. Definitely not the most important." He reassured

Raz lightly swatted Jay's arm, bursting out in laughter as the all jab but he never strayed far from Jay's side. "I do too, my love." He rested his head against Jay's shoulder and sighed happily. "Is that why you've been quiet most of week?" He asked softly, looking up with slight concern. "Your missing your alone time?"


"Millions? Wow, didn't know there was that much to love. Even my mother couldn't find that many things to love about me. Then again, she did focus on the one thing she hated and here we are."

Jay sighed quietly with a nod. "A bit, yeah. I love our roommates, don't get me wrong, but I loved the time where it was just you and me, y'know? Where it was just us in our own home, quietly enjoying each other."


Logan's eyes grew soft as he huddled up against Jackson. "I don't care what your mom or anyone else thinks of you. I know you. Raz and Jay know you. Anyone who takes a few moments to get to know you even just a bit they'll find something to adore about you." He pressed a kiss to Jackson's nose. "Starting off with how cute you are."

Raz breathed a light laugh, nuzzling against Jay. "Marriage has made you selfish huh my love? But I do get it. We've all been talking about moving out. Maybe it's about time we actually start looking for a place of our own."


Jackson's nose twitched as he giggled. "I was always told I had a button nose. I suppose that's a reason why you never stop messing with it."

"Hey, you're literally my husband that I swore to cherish. I'm allowed to be selfish." Jay snorted with a roll of his eyes. "But I think finding a place of our own would be a good idea."


"like I said, very adorable." Logan murmured, resting his head against the pillow and lightpy tracing Jackson's cheek. "What can I say, I can't get enough of you."

"that is true." Raz agreed with a smile. "Is there any place in particular you'd like to live? I know you mentioned liking warmer weather. And we really liked the beaches in the Bahamas."


Jackson leaned into Logan's touch, smiling softly. "And I can't get enough of you. Looks like we're both far too into each other."

"Yeah, we did. It was lovely down there. But if I'm being honest, I'd still prefer somewhere that experiences the seasons. Having warm weather all the time will me time stop existing and for an immortal creature, that can make life blur together very quickly."


"I wouldn't have it any other way." He murmured, sweeping aside Jackson's hair and pressing a soft kiss to his brow. "Get some rest, sweet angel."

Raz thought for a moment before nodding "yeah, I'm sure perpetual heat and sun can get tiresome fast. Maybe close to here then. Where we get a good mix of snow and summer weather year round."


"Only if you do first." Jackson murmured, stifling a yawn as he watched Logan with a smile.

"I know Jackson will advocate for the Carolinas until the day he dies and it absolutely beautiful down there. Warm but not always."


Logan grinned back and shook his head slightly. "I doubt you'll want to stay up another hour or two, dear. Im still jittery from the coffee so it'll take a bit for me to settle down for sleep. I'll be right here." He promised, hugging Jackson close.

"I've never been. If you're interested we can always take a small trip down there and check some areas wed like to consider living in. It'd be a nice trip for all of us after Lo's and Jackson's honeymoon."


Jackson frowned a bit, biting his lip. "No, I can stay awake. I…I don't think it'll be easy for me to sleep tonight." He shifted a little in discomfort.

"Yeah, it will be. Maybe we can find two open houses and fulfill our eternal neighbor dreams."


Logan tipped his head, smilefading and he gently cupped Jackson's cheek. "Are you alright dear?" He asked softly, brushing aside Jackson's hair and pressing the back of his hand to his brow.

"that'd be the absolute dream." Raz agreed with a giggle, a happy smile falling to his lips at the thought of staying with the ones he lived so dearly. "It'd probably be easier to pay off the morgage too."


"Yeah I'm fine it's just…I remembered that today is kind of…unique." Jackson mumbled, chewing on his lip and kind of hoping Logan wouldn't ask any further questions.

"Definitely. Besides, how much better can it get than living next door to your best friends for the rest of your existence?"


"well I'd certainly say so. You proposed." He offered a small smile and pressed a kiss to Jackson's brow. He lightly stroked through Jackson's hair, still getting the feeling that something was off. "You don't have to tell me now if you don't want." He murmured softly, affectionately nudging his fiance's head. "But you are safe, love. Surrounded by people that adore you. No one here is going to let anything bad happen to you." He promised, stifling a yawn into the pillow.

Well, we do have living directly with them, which is our current situation. But you seem to want to put some distance between that." Raz teased, pulling the hood over his head as a wind chill picked up.


Jackson stayed quiet for a minute. "Tonight was the night. The night it happened." He muttered under his breath. "I had forgotten about it because I was so nervous about today but now I remember."

Jay nudged Raz with his elbow. "Oh shush, you know you need the space too." He snorted with a roll of his eyes.


Logan paused for a few moments, restraining hself from saying what Jackson had remembered. He swallowed a lump in his throat before nodding slightly and resuming his petting. "At least you have something to look forward to instead of that." He chewed his lip "Unless you'd rather not associate that with what happened." He added on quickly, not really sure how he was supposed to handle the situation.

"Oh definitely," Raz laughed with a nod. "But I love both Lo and Jackson far too much to be far away from them for long."


"No…it'd be better to give this day a good connotation. I'd much prefer to remember it as the day I proposed to you rather than the day that…that happened." He nudged his head into Logan's hand, encouraging his petting.

"Exactly. We saw that on our honeymoon. We love those dorks too much to be too far away from them." Jay sighed softly. "I wonder if he's told him yet."


Logan nodded slightly and slowly started to resume his petting. "That reminds me," he murmured softly after a bit of silence. "We can print out those photos we took today. I was thinking of making them into invitations or something for the wedding." He mused, a small smile returning to his features.

"We really do." Raz agreed, glancing up at his husband with slight concern. "Told him what, dear?" He asked, lightly brushing his thumb against Jay's hand.


"That'd be nice. Can I see those? I know we had a plan that went off the rails but I still want to see what we got."

Jay twisted his mouth in contemplation for a minute before speaking. "Tonight is…special for Jackson. And not in a good way. He's been distracted because of the proposal but he'll remember eventually. But I'm wondering if he'll tell Logan."


"hey, I think that plan went wonderfully." Logan argued with a laugh, letting Jackson go of Jackson for a moment to grab his phone on the nightstand. He quickly snuggled back up to his fiance and flicked through his phone until he found the photos of them after the proposal. "It went perfectly, sweetheart. I promise you it was great."

Raz let out a small as he nodded slightly. "Well, if there's anyone who can at least comfort him, then it's Logan. At least now he'll have something to look forwards to."


Jackson just laughed, looking through the pictures. "I meant in general. For the photo shoot. I'm aware that the proposal itself went at least somewhat okay."

"That's very true. And I'm sure he appreciates it more than he'll ever let Logan know. But we know. And I think he knows that."


"darling, I don't think you could could have done any better. The proposal was beautiful." Logan kissed Jackson on the cheek before continuing to look through his photos. Most of them were photos of him with Raz and jay or secret photos he had taken of jackson.

"I hope he knows how happy he makes Jackson. How he makes all of us happy. Even if you were jealous of him." He glanced up with a grin.


"Wait, hold on, when did you even take half of these? You little sneak!" Jackson attacked Logan with tickles, a mischievous grin on his face.

Jay rolled his eyes with a grin. "Of course you would bring that up. I just didn't like him being so close to you when I couldn't be, okay? That's reasonable."


"when you weren't looking. Otherwise you wouldn't look as beautifully unaware if you knew what I was doing!" Logan squealed, trying to squirm away from Jackson and hide in the covers.

Raz chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to Jay's hand. "Darling, have you so little faith in me? I could never cheat on you. Certainly not with Logan. I consider him more like my brother than a romantic interest. Besides, were making up for seven years apart with an eternity together."


"Doesn't change the fact that you're a sneak! How could you, I trusted you!" Jackson continued to tickle him, laughing to himself.

"Of course not! I'd never think you to do such a thing. But you can't blame me for being protective when you were the first person to mean something to me after everything happened."