Raz peeked over from gathering the empty plate and used utensils into a neat pile. "And you tease me for covering up too much. But I do like it. You'd look stunning my king." He pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek.
Raz peeked over from gathering the empty plate and used utensils into a neat pile. "And you tease me for covering up too much. But I do like it. You'd look stunning my king." He pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek.
"Hey, you can't blame me for picking something that looks good. Besides, you can't say I don't look good in red." Jay chuckled, leaning into the affection.
"that is true, and yes, you do look very handsome in red." He agreed, reaching a hand up to brush aside Jay's hair and kissing his temple.
"Exactly, that's what I thought. And you look good in any color but I really like you in blue. I don't know why, I just like it a lot."
Raz breathed a small laugh. "So I'll have to find more blue then for my closet then, hm?" He muired, nestling his head into the crook of Jay's neck.
"Yes, please do, you'll look so cute." Jay laughed, cuddling into his husband. "And a flower crown, get a flower crown. You can be my cute little fairy."
"your fairy prince?" Raz laughed, making a show of thinking it over before ultimately giving and nodding. "I'll see what I can do." He said, sliding his card over to the waiter while Jay was distracted.
"What? Don't judge me! You'd make a very cute fairy prince. Like something straight out of a fairytale." He hummed at the thought of it.
Raz gave his husband an adoring look before he peppered him in kisses. "You are very cute, you do know that, right?" He sighed softly and plopped his head against Jay's shoulder. "I'll try and find more fairy aesthetic clothes soon. I'm actually excited about a new wardrobe now."
"Aw, you're cuter though. I've been thinking of going a bit more cottagecore myself, turning a bit softer. Maybe a bit more elvish, that'd be cool."
(had a bit of an idea for whenever Raz moves on from this life onto the next:3)
Raz grinned "a cottage core demon? Can't say I've heard of that before but it sounds adorable my love. You'd be attracting a whole other crowd of people. A demon that's hot and a little fantastical. What more could you ask for?" He pressed a soft kiss to Jay's temple before gently nudging him up. "Shall we go elsewhere or are you ready to go home and rest?"
(Oh?? Do tell!)
Jay just laughed with a shake of his head. "Ah but no one can captivate me like you have, my prince." He stretched luxuriously before standing. "Well, there's a certain library nearby that I've been meaning to visit again."
(Ok! Was thinking after the wedding we do a time skip, maybe a few years where they're living in their dream home and happy, there's an accident where Raz dies. When he goes into the after life he gets to be an angel but isn't allowed in heaven because he married a demon but still gets to keep his wings, sorta going off of something you mentioned in the begining where it's rare for demon and angel to fall in love? Then we keep going from there?)
(I'll answer in a bit)
(That sounds so good!! We could easily work in some angst where Raz realizes he's an angel and won't get to see Jay again and has a bit of a breakdown)
(yes! Definitely some angst!)
"And you are the only one who has captivated my heart, sweetheart." Raz admired Jay for a bit, a soft smile resting in his features. "You truely are a night owl, aren't you dearest? Let's go see if the library is still open so late."
(Oooo, even better, because Raz becomes an angel, his memory gets wiped of all things demonic so he forgets about Jay and Jackson)
"Don't judge me, you married me." He laughed, offering a hand to Raz for him to take. "Come on, we don't have all night. Well, yes we do but I'd rather not spend it waiting."
(maybe not completely of their relationship and marriage but about Jay and Jackson being demons and the bond and contract?)
"Exactly, which makes me all the more qualified to loving judge you." He teased, taking jay's hand once he scooted out if the booth. "And here I thought you were a patient creature." He pressed a kiss to Jay's hand and looped their arms together as they walked.
(Yeah, that'd be better, I just like drama)
"Oh I know you're not about to talk to me about patience, love. I've been more than patient, I think I deserve to be a bit impatient." He chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
(gotta love the drama and angst.)
Raz giggled and pressed a kiss to Jay's jaw. "Yes, you have. But I'm right here. Our family, Logan and Jackson, are all here. There's no need to wait for anything else." He reassured.
"I know, I know. Now come on, let's go." Jay tugged him along, going the familiar path back to the library where everything had started.
Raz laughed as he followed Jay down the street to the library. They had been there countless times since their first date, having always found it as a place of comfort away from home. He glanced up at the building with a fond smile, feeling like he had seven years ago. He loved the way Jay could bring that more playful, giddy feeling out of Raz, even after bing together for so long.
"Looks like we're lucky, my dear. Think we can find a good book to end our night?" Jay hummed as he pulled the door open.
"we've never failed before. What are you in the mood for tonight?" Raz asked, waving to the librarian who hd essentially became a grandmother to Jay and Raz. Her kindness never stopped amazing Raz. She pointed skyward towards the upper levels and gave a wink before going back to her latest brick of a book. Raz laughed softly and focused back on Jay.
"Hm, how about a mystery? We haven't had one of those in a while. We can do our system where we theorize who did it at the end of every chapter." Jay hummed with a smile.
"yeah that does sound fun! Any book in mind? Or do you just want to see what we find? Raz asked, waving to shelves surrounding them. He skimmed a few book spines before pulling a a small book off the shelf. He flipped through, reading few pages before putting it back and moving on.
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