forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan couldn't seem to stop crying, a soft sob escaping him as he listened to Jaxkson complete his vows. He didn't even wait for the officiator to finish off the speech before pulling Jackson close and kissing. First on the lips, then anywhere else he could reach, nose, brow, and cheeks. "You make me happy beyond belief." He whispered softly as the people around them erupted into cheers and clapping. "I'm yours." He murmured softly, giving Jackson a longer kiss.


Jackson just laughed and accepted it, returning as many kisses as he could. "And I'm yours, bean. I adore you." He pulled Logan into a kiss of his own, his tears finally falling after holding them back for so long.


Logan cupped Jackson's face in his hands, glad to give him all his love for the rest of his life and more. If he could stay right here in this moment, he would, but he knew he'd have many more wonderful moments with his husband and family. "Let's begin our forever, my angel." He whispered softly, pulling back slightly and looking at the crowd with a happy smile


Before he could even turn, an arm was thrown unceremoniously around his shoulders. "Ah, look at you. Following in my footsteps and getting married." Jay laughed, ruffling Jackson's hair.


Raz laughed as he followed by jay towards the couple and hugged Logan. "Welcome to the happily married club." He teased, pressing a kiss to Logan's hair and following the group towards the venue's reception room


Jackson nudged Jay's hand off with a smile and a roll of his eyes. "Hey, watch the hair. You'll mess up my daisy crown." "Aw, how adorable. You want to keep your motif intact. Just precious." "Oh shush. You did too."


Raz shook his head adoringly, followed a laugh from Logan. "Our poor angels, what are we, poor little humans going to do?" Logan sighed with a smile, looking out through a window in the venue hall. Raz shrugged and rested his head against Logan's shoulder. "I honestly have no idea."


"We can always get married in the afterlife and leave these two to their own devices." Logan suggested with a smirk, "of course under our supervision."
Raz let out a laugh both at Logan and at being huged by Jay. "As tempting as that is, I don't think either of us would be able to leave them for long." He giggled, shaking his head and kissing Jay's cheek. "Play nice, my king. I don't remember Jackson doing anything at our wedding, which means you can't at his."


"I am being nice!" Jay pouted dramatically, nuzzling into Raz's shoulder. "It's not my fault they're so teasable." "I don't think that's a word." Jackson chuckled as he took Logan's hand and giving it a squeeze. "Plus, you know you couldn't live without me." Jackson nudged Logan with a smirk.


Raz rolled his eyes playfully and toussled Jay's hair. "Both of you behave." Raz laughed, kissing Jay one last time before taking Jay's hand and tugging him towards the reception room. "We'll see you two soon."

Logan sighed softly "yes dear, I most likely wouldn't." He nuzzled into Jackson's shoulder, already feeling tired, extremely happy but tired. "I love you too much to let you go anywhere, sweetheart."


Jackson peppered Logan's face in kisses. "I know bean, I wouldn't let you go either. Are you tired? We can take a little break before we go into the reception. Honestly, I could use some air myself but I didn't just want to duck out without you."


"can we please? I need a little break from all the excitement." Logan replied, already heaving towards the doors that were just next to the reception room. "It'll give a chance the guests to get settled too." Logan reasoned, already tugged Jackson towards the outside.


Jackson chuckled and let Logan drag him outside, sighing as the warm weather and fresh air surrounded him. "This is already so much better."


Logan nodded as he let the outside air wash over him. He immediately felt calmer out here. "We should have done an outside wedding, though the venue is beautiful." He said, settling on the porch swing.


"We could've but I think I would've burned to a crisp by the reception." Jackson chuckled, sitting next to Logan and snuggling into his side.


"It is very warm." Logan agreed, wrapping his arm around Jackson and pressing a kiss to his hair. "Now I can add ''my husband' to the list of nicknames." He laughed, looking out as the sun started to set


"The infinite list ever grows." Jackson laughed, looking out to watch the sunset with him. "I'm glad we took this break. Now we get to watch this together."


"us and everyone else." Logan whispered, peaking up at the window beside them, showing the reception room inside where most of the guests were already mingling about. Some even were by the window, gazing up at the sunset, including Raz who held up Logan's camera, smiling proudly.


Jackson took a sparing glance at the window, posing dramatically for Raz with the camera, much to his delight when Jay glared at him and he giggled. "Think we should head inside soon? After all, the party is for us."


Logan burst into a fit of giggles before nodding and standing, dusting off his pants before offering his hand to his husband. "That is very true, besides, I'm ready to dive into the wedding cake." Logan had taken the liberty of choosing the cake. Wanting at least something about the wedding to be a surprise for Jackson. After countless tastings, Logan had decided on a classic. Coffee cake with chocolate nibs and a fudgy center with a vanilla frosting. He had been worried the darker filling would bleed into the white but the head baker had assured him they'd make a beautiful cake. Logan sighed softly and pressed a kiss to Jckson's temple. "I'm sure we'll see those later." Logan said as he walked back inside, referring to Raz and Jay's photos


"Yes yes, I'm sure. I need to see the kind of cake you picked considering you wouldn't let me know." He pouted, elbowing Logan's side lightly as they headed back inside towards the rest of the reception.


"you will soon enough." Logan reassured with a laugh, smiling as they stepped through the reception room doors and were met with applause and congratulations, and of course, more flashes of a camera.


Jackson buried his face in Logan's shoulder, blushing and hiding in embarrassment. "I hate being stared at, why did we think this was a good idea." He whined, squeezing Logan's hand.


"a small sacrifice for getting married, sweetheart." Logan reasoned, gently nuzzling Jackson's head when it was just Raz and Jay.
"you two are beautiful." Raz said, waving to their table as the cake was rolled out. "Now let's eat!"