Jay was changed and already laying under the covers, relaxing with his eyes closed as he started to fall asleep.
Jay was changed and already laying under the covers, relaxing with his eyes closed as he started to fall asleep.
Raz eventually pulled himself off the bed to change into something more comfortable. Which happened to be one of Jay's shirts and a pair of shorts. He yanked back the covers and, half asleep, curled up beside his husband, only managing to press one last kiss to his cheek before giving into sleep.
Jay cuddled him with a chuckle, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head before settling into sleep himself.
Raz slept peacefully that night, that is until a light knock came to the door, stirring him from his dream. He groaned softly and slowly detangled himself from Jay. He groggily went to the and peeked outside, finding Logan practically bouncing about.
"Sorry about waking you but you honestly shouldn't have expected any less when you bring home donuts without telling us." Logan greeted, handing Raz a tray of food. "We tried to make breakfast as a thanks. Well, Jackson made most of his and I plated."
Raz smiled softly and ruffled Logans hair. "Thank you." He set the tray aside and stepped into the hall, stretching satisfyingly.
"So how was the date?" Logan asked with a smirk as he grabbed his oversized mug of coffee.
Jackson popped into the hall at Logan's side, hugging him from behind and burying his face in his shoulder as he was still have asleep but peeked up at Raz to show he was listening.
Logan smiled up at Jackson, reaching up a hand to comb through his hair as he lead them to the living room.
Now more awake, Raz recalled the night's activities and smiled fondly. "Nothing too extravagant but it was really nice. We went to the donut shop down the street. It's where we got the cinnamon rolls. Then we wandered about and ended up at the library to read and get some books."
"How boringly sweet." Jackson mumbled, crinkling his nose at the sickening romanticism of it. "Oh don't act all high and mighty like you wouldn't do the same thing." Jay's voice came from behind him as he padded out to the living room and wrapped his arms around Raz.
Raz hmed softly and oressef a kiss to Jay's jaw. "Good morning sweetheart." He murmured, looking over as Logan began to giggle. "Oh he definitely would." Logan agreed, waving to the living. "Let's have breakfast here now that we're all out of bed." He suggested, tugging Jackson backnintot he kitchen to gather more plates and their own breakfast
Jackson just followed Logan quietly, never once letting go of him as Jay pulled Raz into the kitchen. "What food poisoning is on the menu today?"
Raz glared at Jay "darling, be nice." He scolded lightly, letting Jay go so he could grab the tray he had left in their room. He shortly came back with the remainder of the food before helping Logan with the extra plates. "You didn't have to make extra food, ya know. The cinnamon rolls would have been enough." Raz said, nodding as Logan passed him some tea. "Yeah but you both seemed tired so we decided to preoccupy ourselves by cooking…well, attempting to cook." Logan replied as he settled crosslegged on the floor.
Jay kept his mouth shut as he gathered a plate and bit into it. Jackson stayed attached to Logan, placing his chin on his shoulder and leaning forward for a bite.
Logan gently swatted at Jackson before relictantly giving in and letting his fiance have a bite of the cinnamon roll. Raz laughed, turning to Jay for a moment before frowning slightly. He gently rested his hand on Jay's leg and tilted his head. "Everything alright, my king?" Raz ask silently, having forgotten they could speak through their minds instead of out loud.
Jay flashed a small smile and nuzzled closer to him. Perfectly fine my prince. Just sleepy. He pressed a kiss to Raz's temple as he watched Jackson slowly chew on his bite of cinnamon roll with a sleepy hum of appreciation.
It seems we all are, save for Logan. Though I assume the enormous cup of coffee beside him helps. He leaned into his husband, seeping off the warmth and familiar feel of Jay's form against his own, almost tempted to fall back asleep. "We'll have to buy more of those cinnamon rolls soon, huh?" He laughed softly and tore one apart, splitting it with Jay before taking some bacon and portion of oatmeal for himself
(Okay, idea. I think it's about time we have our second wedding, don't you?)
(heck yeah, let's do it! Starting at the beginning or would like to start somewhere in the middle?)
(We started at the beginning last time, I say we start at the venue this time)
(okay! So start of the ceremony? Or do you mean the after part venue?)
(Start of the ceremony)
Raz gave a wobbly smile as he led Logan to the alter, trying his best not to break down in tears until he was able to sit down. He glanced over at Logan, dressed in a lovely icy blue blouse and white dress pants, a few blue flowers scattered in his blonde hair, reminiscent of the flower Jackson had given him on their first date. Once at the alter, Raz gave Logan a tight squeeze and pressed a kiss to his hair. "I love you." He whispered softly, letting silent tears fall as he officially handed Logan off to Jackson, composing himself long enough to give Jackson a hug as well before going to the front row of seats and sitting hmbeside Jay.
Jay wrapped his arm around Raz's shoulders, pressing a kiss to his temple to comfort him with a smile.
Jackson squeezed Logan's hand gently, hoping he wouldn't notice his own shaking. He was in a yellow blouse and matching white pants, a daisy chain threaded in his hair to bring out their flower motif. "You look beautiful, bean." He whispered, blinking away tears.
Raz gratefully leaned in his husband's embrace. "This looks familiar, doesn't it?" He whispered with a smile as the officiator started the ceremony.
"Nothing compared to you, sweetheart." Logan replied, reaching up and gently brushing away Jackson's tears, even as he started to cry. Logan looked over at the officator, barely even registering much if what he said, too distracted by the fact that he was marry the love of his life.
"Nah, not in the slightest." Jay chuckled, nuzzling into Raz as he turned his attention to the ceremony..
Jackson leaned into Logan's touch, kissing his palm. It wasn't until there was a soft tap on his shoulder that he realized it was time for vows. Jackson smiled at Logan, nudging his hand. "You go first. I need a minute."
Raz giggled lightly and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek while squeezing his hand gently, thumb brushing over the wedding band.
Logan almost melted in place but managed to stay upright as he took in a deep breath and smiled. "I can't remember the last time I let myself love so openly before I met you. And to think I had almost screwed that on our first date." He laughed and pressed a kiss to Jackson's hand. "But somehow you stuck by this mess of a human for whatever reason. And for that I will eternally grateful, my dear. Grateful for the love and care you offer me. I only hope I can do the same and return all the love you so very much deserve. All I can say is I love you Jackson, from the bottom of my heart and the from the deepest parts of my soul, I love you. I only hope I get eternity to show you."
By the time Logan finished, Jackson was biting back tears. But he took a breath to steady himself and started in. "Never in my wildest dreams did I see myself getting married. I always hid myself and who I loved because I was scared of the reaction I might get. But then you walked into my life. And my heart woke itself up for the first time in years. Now I'm here, so in love with you it hurts and ready to claim you as mine for the rest of time. I want to make you happy, as happy as you make me. That's my main goal. To see you smile and remind you every day how loved you are. It's a daunting task but I've got eternity to see it through. I love you, more than the words will ever say, and I can't wait to call you mine."
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