forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"I really did. Thank you my love, for introducing me to a new story." Raz stretched and stood from his spot beside jay before starting to scoop up the remaining books they had around them to take home and read later.


Jay went to go return their finished book, stretching his stiff muscles as he did. He loved moments like this, times when he could just relax with his husband like they used to.


Raz hadn't realized just how late they had stayed in the library until he saw one of the night shift security by the checkout counter, ready to scan his books instead of the regular libranruan. He apologies sheepishly as he explained why they were the only ones left, nodding towards the shelves where Jay had gone off to put their book back. The security guard reassured Raz it was alright and wished him a good night as he handed over the stack of books. Raz thanked him back before wander off to find jay.


Rqz wandered through the shelves, holding himself back from choosing more books he knew he wouldn't be able to read in the next few weeks. "Alright, I'm checked out." He said once he found jay. "This was fun, just the two of us." He hummed walking back the way he came


Jay took Raz's hand, giving it a squeeze. "It was nice. We need to do this more often, just go out and do things on our own again. Like we used to."


Raz nodded in agreement and shifted his stack of books to one hand in order to hold jay's hand with his other. "We will. I'm sure after the wedding they'll be time for us to spent plenty of alone time together. After all I'm sure Logan and Jackson will want some too."


"Maybe that's something that comes with marriage. The need to be alone with your husband and away from your crazy housemates." He chuckled, squeezing Raz's hand.


"that's a constant need, no matter how much I adore Logan and Jackson, I've been looking forawards to our own time alone as a married couple." He chuckled lightly and nudged Jay's shoulder. "Ah I guess we skipped over the part where when you marry your husband you also marry his roomate."


"Apparently we did because we both came as a package deal. You with Logan and me with Jackson. Although I suppose there's worse people to be attached to."


"there are worse but I don't think there's any better. There's no one else I'd rather be stuck with than you, Jackson and Logan." He chuckled lightly and sighed happily.


"darling, I'd be by your side even without the bond." Raz said, giving jay a nudge. "You've been saying that for while now. Do you really think I'd want to be with someone else if we didn't have a bond? Or that's I'd eventually move on if there wasn't a bond keeping us together?" He asked softly, chewing his lip slightly. It had been on his mind for a bit now.


"You know, a bit. If I disappeared, there's something that tells me you would move on. And to be fair, I'd want you too. I never want you to cling to the past and forget to live. Even if it would break my own heart, I'd rather see you happy than be with me."


Raz's eyes widened slightly, a frown set on his lips. He released a controlled breath and gently tugged jay to a stop but never released his hand. "And what of my heart, hm? Do you really think I'd be happier with anyone else but you? Do you have any idea how many times Logan had to convince me not take a plane to find you in the seven years? It doesn't matter if I'm bound to you or not. I'm still your husband and I still love you." He clenched his jaw in stubborn determination.


"I understand that. And believe me, I appreciate that more than you'll ever know. But if something happens, I want you to find happiness elsewhere. Nothing would hurt me more than to see you unhappy and stuck in the past."


Raz sighed softly and pressed a kiss to the back of Jay's hand and then one to his lips. "I would go to hell and find you before I gave into the notion of you being gone from my life." He declared, relaxing only slightly as he tugged them both back into a walk. "But if we ever find ourselves in that situation we'll figure it out. Maybe I'll move on, maybe I won't." He shrugged slightly


"I suppose we will." He hummed as he cuddled into Raz's side. "I hope we never have to but it's certainly a possibility. It just sucks that that even has to be something we think about."


Raz hummed softly and pressed into Jay's form. "No one's going to separate us, love. Not if I die and not if something happens to you." He reassured, either for himself or for Jay, he didn't know.


"both, If I'm being honest." Raz replied softly, "what matters now is that we're both together." He chewed his lip as he fell silent.


“just for the record," Raz said after a few moments of walking. "I would love you regardless of a bond. That's not what made me fall in love with when we met and it won't be why I come back to you when I die." Raz dug his keys out of his pocket and quietly nudged open the door to their little home, trying his best to keep their arrival as quiet as possible, knowing that Logan and Jackson were probably asleep by now.


Raz smiled softly, reassured now. They weren't going anywhere. Not for a good while. Jay was his everything, more than a lover, more than just a demon and a contract, more than husband, though Raz doubted he would soon find a word to describe their relationship that adequately described them. He headed to the kitchen to tidy up a bit before going to their room and promply dropping onto the bed, promising himself he's shower in the morning