forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan nodded, throwing glance over his shoulder to look at Raz and Jay, Raz wrapping his arms around Jay's wait and resting his head against his back. "Mhm. It took him a few years to tell me but I already had a guess as to why he was acting the way he was. He hadn't told me about the demon part until this past year."


"yeah, almost every night they'd talk for hours. There were some low periods where Raz wouldn't get a call for a few days, but those usually passed withing a week or two." Logan said, smiling fondly. "Honestly I was jealous at first, knowing Raz had some closer than me when I was basically alone. I was never interested in a relationship with him but it had finally felt as if I had someone." He laugh embarrassingly "I guess I was as jealous of Jay as he was of me when he came back home, except my jelousy had began years before I ever got to meet him."


Logan chuckled softly. "You'll probably have to ask him yourself just to make sure but I don't think either of us were willing to share immediately share raz."


Logan shrugged with a laugh. "I don't think he liked the idea of another person being with raz for the seven years he couldn't. But they're together now so I don't think that matters much anymore."


"yeah, same here." He laughed softly and Stood again, tilting Jackson's chin. "Know that if you ever leave even for just a year, I don't care what demon spawn from hell I'll have to fight, I'm coming with you." He pressed a kiss to his nose before breaking away. "Alright, now I'm showering."


Logan shook his head with a playful glare before disappearing into their bedroom to find a change of clothes.
Raz came back into the dining room, towel thrown over his shoulder. "Keep talking shit about us," he teased, taking the last of the mugs used. "I can't promise we won't throw cake at you at your wedding."


Raz snickered "mhm, it did seem you had some input though." He nudged Jackson's shoulder playfully. "He is right though. We weren't too great those first couple years." His smile faded slightly but he quickly recovered, taking a deep breath. "But we're better now. Even if something like that were to happen again ti either of us, we'd be alright."


"Would you go with him? I mean, I know Logan said he would and I have no doubt he means that but if Jay had to up and leave again, would you try to go with him?"


Raz paused for a moment to look back into the kitchen at Jay. His smile softened. "There wouldn't be anything in heaven, hell, or earth that would keep me from him. I thought I'd be strong enough to get through those seven years but I was very wrong." He breathed a laugh. "I don't even think he could tell me not to go with him."


Raz smirked "but I doubt he'd dare do it again." He glanced back over at Jackson. "What's more to tell? Surely he's told you everything by now?"


"I suppose I'm just fishing for details now but I still don't feel like I actually know him. I know certain things about him but I'm missing things. I don't know about his family or much of his childhood but I know his coffee order from memory. I don't know his favorite color but I've defended him from one of his exes."


"I think you know him pretty well." Raz said, tilting his head slightly. "Would you have proposed if you hadn't known him this well? You'll figure out all the small details later on. After all you have the rest of eternity together. As for his family and chdhood, that may take a bit longer to get him to open up about but I'm sure he'd be willing to talk about it if you'd ask."


"Yeah, yeah you're right." He sighed softly, leaning into his hand. "I suppose I'm just a bit jealous of how close you and Jay are. It seems like you know everything about each other and you're so happy because of it. Maybe it's just me."


Raz shook his head with a laugh. "I definitely don't know everything about Jay. And there are things he doesn't know about me. We're comfortable with that though, at least I am. I don't think you have to know every single little detail about the person you love just to have a good relationship with them. "We'll learn more and more about each other as time goes on. As for you and Lo, you'll figure each other out soon enough. You're marrying the love of your life."


Raz squeezed Jackson's shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. We've all thrown ourselves down the rabbit hole of overthinking at one point in our lives. If there's something that's really bothering you, don't hesitate to ask any of us."


"your welcome my adopted son," Raz laughed, playfully ruffling Jackson's hair. "It's me who should be thanking you though, for making Logan so happy." He gave a soft smile of his own. "We all will, wherever we may end up."