forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"I'm excited, I barely get to do this with Raz anymore now that we work in the same building. Probably less now that he's also married." He switched from pulling on Jackson's sleeve to lacing their hands together and walking beside him, using him as a kind of guide as they entered to forest. He glanced around, seeing a few places where he could get decent shots but nothing that wasn't standing out to him so much. "Are you cold dear? You can take my jacket for now." He suggested, glancing at Jackson with worry


"No, no, I'm fine." Jackson's eyes landed on a small clearing between a couple of trees and his heart almost stopped. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. Was he about to do this? Right here right now? Yes he was. "Hey, let's try over there, I've actually got a couple ideas of my own we could try out."


Logan looked to where Jackson mentioned and smiled. Logan honestly would have passed it by without a second thought if he were alone, but the more he looked at it, the more he liked the space. It was beautifully simple, especially with the sun peeking through the clouds as the rain let up a bit. "okay! What'd you have in mind, hon?" He asked, excited that Jackson was entertaining an idea of his own for their photo session. He set his bag down and rifled through it to grab his camera and lenses


"You'll see. You just get set up, I know you'll like it." Or at least I hope so. He thought to himself as he quietly summoned the ring into his pocket. He'd let Logan take a few warm up photos before he did it. Jackson just hoped he wouldn't lose his nerve before then.


Logan smiled softly, "alright," he wandered around a bit with his camera, once again adjusting the lenses to better suit the lighting of the place and to get a clearer photo. He gave a soft smile as he took a few photos of the landscape, wanting to keep those for the gallery.


While Logan was capturing the scenery, Jackson took a breath and palmed the box in his hand. While Logan had his back turned, Jackson dropped to one knee and simply waited for him to turn around. It was now or never.


Logan hadn't realized what Jackson had done until he turned around a few moments later. He froze immediately, mouth slightly agape as he tried his best to form any coherent words. It was by shear miracle that he didn't drop his camera


Jackson flashed a shy smile. "Logan, words absolutely cannot describe what you mean to me. From the comfort you provide to the brightness you bring into my life, I didn't know how much I needed you until I had you. And now I never want to let you go. I don't know where life will take me or us but I never want to run the risk of it tearing us apart."
He took a breath, now time for the hard part. "You capture life in a single frame, that's what photography is. So, if you will, capture one more for me." Jackson opened the box, revealing an immaculate and carefully crafted ring. "Capture one more of the moment you become eternally mine. Will you marry me?"


Logan could have, would have cried out in happiness if a son hadn't lodged in his throat. He was forced to kneel as his knees buckled, a wobbly smile on his features as he nodded vigorously, "of course yes!" He finally managed our, setting aside the camera and practically tackling Jackson into a tight hug, peppering his face in kisses.


Jackson laughed as he was tackled, taking Logan's chin in his free hand to keep him still so he could kiss him properly. The relief that flooded through him was unlike any he'd ever felt or would ever feel again. He was actually going to marry the love of his life.


He gladly kissed kiss Jackson back, finally being able to relax enough to properly think straight. After a few moments, Logan gently pulled away to breath in deeply, pressing their heads together. "I love you Jackson, i absolutely adore you. Thank you so much for letting me spend the rest of eternity with you, my love."


"No no no, thank you. Without you here, I never would've stuck around after Jay proposed. And because of that, I now have the completion in my life I never thought I'd get." Jackson chuckled with a smile.


"you didn't need me to fulfill that life, sweetheart. It could have easily been anyone else." He pressed their heads together and gently pressed a kiss to Jackson's lips. "But I'm glad it's me by your side, forever." He laced their hands together. "I'm sure Raz and Jay will be happy to know that you finally proposed," he teased


"Oh shush you, I don't wanna hear it." He huffed playfully, pressing a silencing kiss to his lips. "Although I was serious. I think a picture of me proposing would make a nice addition to our photoshoot."


"better me than them, no?" He laughed, gladly accepting the kiss, cupping Jackson's cheek. "Thanks would be nice, we'll have to use my phone though since the camera is hard to hold backwards." He gently pulled away and ruffled through his bag until he found his phone, opening his more photography app. "So how do we want to do this?" He asked excitedly


"Well, first and foremost, you need your ring." Jackson grabbed the box where he had dropped it after he'd been attacked. "I worked too hard on it for you to not wear it." He pulled the ring out of the box and held out his hand so he could slip it on Logan's finger.


Logan gave Jackson his hand, a soft gasp eascaping him when he saw the beautifully crafted ring. He could recognize Jackson's signature flare from when he had seen Raz's ring but could definitely see distinct differences that set the rings apart in their own way. From the beautifully cut blue gem in the center to the intracate tiny roses and thorns framing the gem. He imagined if done by anyone else it's look tacky, more like costume jewelry than a proper engagement ring but Jackson had managed to capture the delicate nature of a proper ring. "It's stunning darling. When did you get the time to make this?" He asked, finally looking up at his now fiance.


"I'm a demon, sweetheart. I make time." He chuckled, slipping the ring onto Logan's finger before pressing a kiss to his knuckles. "Okay, maybe not make time but clearly I found enough of it to make it so I'm saying it counts."


Logan shook his head incredulously "you're too good to be a demon, darling. Far too good." He murmured, pressing a kiss to Jackson's brow. "It definitely counts." He snapped a photo while his lips still lingered on Jackson's brow and their hands were interlaced.


Jackson leaned into the affection, giggling after the flash. "So, got anything else you want me to do out here or was my dramatics enough to end this session early?"


Logan giggled and shook his head, rubbing their noses together. "No, I think your sweet yet dramatic proposal was enough. Now all I ant to do is cuddle with you for the rest of the day. And of course show Jay and Raz were engaged." He gave Jackson one last peck on the lips before standing and gently tugging him up


(Random hello to any stalkers who use this as a comfort story, don't worry I do too 👋
Also bonus points if you've read/been here for all 144 pages of this madness)

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Plus I desperately need to shower and change, I'm soaked." Jackson chuckled, shivering as his now cold and wet clothing stuck to him like glue.


(hello everyone! It's been two years? More than that? Woo🎉)

Logan laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around Jackson's shoulders in an attempt to keep him warm. "While you shower and warm up, I'll deal with our fellow married couple, hopefully mellow out the excitement and questions they'll have."


"Jay will still be half asleep, there will be no excitement to mellow. Raz on the other hand, he's a different story." Jackson snorted with a roll of his eyes.


Logan nodded in agreement "that's true, poor Jay had been exhausted for the past few days. Is he alright?" He asked, brows turning up in concern. "Their honeymoon must have been trueley something if he's that tired afterwards. I'm surprise Raz isn't as tired." He smiled softly and glanced around for a second to make sure he hadn't missed anything before guiding Jackson back out of the forest