forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz bobbed his head and pulled over a blanket from the back of the couch, nearly disappearing under it as he curled up against his husband.


Jay watched the door, waiting for Jackson to come back through it. And about 20 minutes later, he did. Although he still looked troubled and concerned. "It's about time you came back. I was starting to get worried." Jay commented, making Jackson jump.


Raz stirred beside Jay but didn't wake up, still too drink to really process anything. He pulled the blanket completely over his head and went back to sleep.
Logan had eventually fallen asleep after worrying so much in his own room, not even bothering with changing or showering.


Logan was tangled up in the sheets, uncomfortable but he really couldn't be bothered to change that, not when he had exhausted himself with his thoughts. His coffee had been discarded on the night stand, half drank. Probably not a great thing to have drunk right before his fitful nap considering his worry was only growing. Had he scared Jackson off? Logan knew he hadn't really wanted marriage but ever since he had met Jackson, he had started to entertain that idea. Of settling down with some one undeniably loved and living a peaceful life.


Jackson sat carefully on the edge of the bed, watching Logan while chewing on his lip. He wanted this. He wanted this so bad. So why was it suddenly so hard to face the reality that he could actually do it?


Logan awoke with a groan when he felt the weight of the bed shift. His eyes fluttered open, rimmed with red as he rubbed away the sleep. Finally able to get his vision to focus, he found Jackson sitting on the bed. He silently scooted over to his side and rested his head against his shoulder, "how was the walk?" He asked softly, stifling a yawn as he toyed with Jackson's hand


Logan shook his head "wasn't sleeping, just uh..resting, can't really sleep with that much coffee in my system anyways." he gave a small smile and wrapped Jackson in one of the many blankets strewn across the bed.


Logan shifted around so that Jackson laying on top of him, cradling his body close. "I'd be happy to wake up to you beside every single day of my life, hon." He murmured, running his fingers through Jackson's hair


Logan glanced down at him and offered a soft smile. "Both. I really do want to have a life with you in it Jackson." He replied, nuzzling back. "I'm sorry about before, I didn't expect that to be brought up." He huffed a sigh. "I never really wanted marriage with any of my previous partners. It wasn't something we talked about or really shared an interest in so I never gave it much thought. But with you, it's different. I can see myself actually happy with you, living a life that makes me happy."


"I have no reason to lie to you, sweetheart. Nor would I ever about something this important." He pressed a kiss to Jackson's brow "and yes, I really would."


"it's alright, hon. I know I didn't react the greatest way possible. It probably looked like I never wanted to marry." He tested his head again Jackson's shoulder


"Yeah, it kind of did and I panicked a little. I've never had a good example of marriage and to think that the only person I've ever considered diving into that unknown with didn't want to, I kind of shut down."


Logan's eyes softened as he pulled Jackson closer, gathering all the blankets around them. "I never meant to make you doubt a future together, love." He murmured, pressing a kiss to Jackson's hair. "Marriage was always kind of scary to me, especially when I considered the people I kept around. Having such a tight bond with somone like that at the time, instilled a kind of fear I hated for a long time." He looked down at him and smiled softly "until now."


"me too." He murmured, rubbing Jackson's back. "So Tokyo huh?" He said after a while with a laugh, tilting his head curiously at his beloved.


"He was kidding. He really doesn't know and even then he was wrong." Jackson rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "But that's all you're getting. I'm not saying anything more."


"wait so we're not going to Tokyo for out honeymoon?" He pouted and buried his face into Jackson's neck. "But baaabe, you know how much I hate being left in the dark, especially about something that important…please, at least just the place?" He pleaded, nuzzling Jackson's cheek and pressing small kisses to his face