forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Most likly raiding the pantry and making a mess if the place." He joked, pulling his phone out from his pocket and checking for any messages. "We did promise pictures and videos." He mused, holding up the phone and turning in a slow circle, finally landing on Jay


Raz laughed aloud and waved at the camera "what he said and we love you see you soon!" He stopped the video and sent it to Logan and Jackson, texting below it "as promised, some honeymoon vedieos. Stay outta trouble."


Jackson answered almost immediately "Ahhh, so cute! We're being good boys, I promise!" Jay rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "That was fast, has Logan been starving him for attention or something?"


Raz laughed "that or doing something where Jackson can't reach him, like showering or making coffee." He texted back "good! More will come soon. We'll be back home soon, see you both then." He texted Logan desperately to check if he was okay before putting his phone back in his pocket "wanna go back to the hotel or keep going?" He asked, nodding to the now near empty boardwalk


"Let's keep walking. I'm sure we'll be able to find an empty spot for some stargazing. With how few people live here, we'll be able to see the stars perfectly."


Raz nodded enthusiastically "can we still go to the hotel quickly? I wanna grab my notebook before we go see them. This'll be beautiful to recreate." He said excitedly, bouncing in place


Raz giggled lightly "don't worry my love, that goes both ways." He pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek and followed him back to the hotel.


a blush rose to Raz's cheeks as he leaned into his husband's shoulder. "Is there anything you want to pick up at the hotel before we go back out?"


Raz bobbed his head In a nodded as he let Jay go and raced to the entrance of the hotel. "I'll be right back!" He called, dissapearing into the building. When he made it to their room, Raz quickly found his sketchbook and pencils and threw them in a backpack along with a few snacks and drinks. He shouldered the pack and headed for the door, gathering a blanket for warmth last minute before going back down the stairs if the hotel to meet Jay outside


Jay was just leaning against the wall, staring up at the sky lost in thought. He barely even noticed when Raz came back out, too lost in his own head to really notice.


Raz burst through the doors with his blanket in his arms. "Alright, ready!" He called, slowing to walk until he stood in front of Jay. "What's on your mind, dearest?"


Raz tilted his head in worry before following Jay to their star gazing spot. He occassionally glanced up at the sky as it began to darkened and small specks of light appeared. It wasn't like anything he had seen in the near 10 years he had lived in New York. He honestly couldn't believe how clear the sky was, and surprisingly colorful the stars were instead of their muted, city reflecting blue and white. He was also surprise to find that he could see more constellations and galaxies, clear as if he were in space himself.


Raz breathed a laugh as he watched Jay fall to the grass, happy to see him relaxed and so carefree. He settled beside Jay and spread the blanket on his lap, leaving a large chunk for Jay in case he wanted some of it as well. He swung the backpack to his front and rifled through his things, pulling out the notebook and few pencils and setting them to the side, wanting to enjoy the view for a bit before he got to work.


"mhm, it really is different from home. Even when me and Logan went camping, the stars were never this clear or this colorful." He rested his head against Jay's chest and tilted his head up, pressing a kiss to Jay's chin. "This whole trip has been amazing."


"I would hope so. But honestly, I'm a little homesick. I guess that now that I actually have a place to call home, my body is trying to make up for lost time."


Raz shifted around so that he could see Jay's features, beautifully framed by the stars behind him. He gently pressed a hand to Jay's cheek and offered a smile. "So you bring us out here, plan this out for God knows how long, and now you want to back home after two days?" Raz laughed and pressed a kiss to Jay's lips. "The moment you want to go home, tell me and we'll go. We can go tonight if you want. We'll pack and find a flight back."


Jay rolled his eyes with a smile. "No, I fully intend on staying here with you for the full week. I just…I don't know, I guess I'm still getting used to the fact that I actually have someone on my side for once."


Raz gently laced their hands together and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. "You have at least three people, and no matter what happens, we'll stay exactly by your side." He tugged the blanket snuggly around them and pressed into Jay's neck. "One more week of our honeymoon, then we can go back to our coffee addicted, chocolate loving roommates."